# frozen_string_literal: true require File.expand_path("base.rb", __dir__) def local_build? File.exist?(ext_path("appsignal-agent")) && File.exist?(ext_path("libappsignal.a")) && File.exist?(ext_path("appsignal.h")) end def install fail_install_on_purpose_in_test! library_type = "static" report["language"]["implementation"] = "ruby" report["build"]["library_type"] = library_type return unless check_architecture if local_build? report["build"]["source"] = "local" else archive = download_archive(library_type) return unless archive return unless verify_archive(archive, library_type) unarchive(archive) end is_linux_system = [ Appsignal::System::LINUX_TARGET, Appsignal::System::MUSL_TARGET ].include?(AGENT_PLATFORM) require "mkmf" link_libraries if is_linux_system if !have_library("appsignal", "appsignal_start", "appsignal.h") abort_installation("Library libappsignal.a or appsignal.h not found") elsif !find_executable("appsignal-agent", EXT_PATH) abort_installation("File appsignal-agent not found") else if is_linux_system # Statically link libgcc and libgcc_s libraries. # Dependencies of the libappsignal extension library. # If the gem is installed on a host with build tools installed, but is # run on one that isn't the missing libraries will cause the extension # to fail on start. $LDFLAGS += " -static-libgcc" # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars report["build"]["flags"]["LDFLAGS"] = $LDFLAGS # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars end create_makefile "appsignal_extension" successful_installation end rescue => error fail_installation_with_error(error) ensure create_dummy_makefile unless installation_succeeded? write_report end # Ruby 2.6 requires us to statically link more libraries we use in our # extension library than previous versions. Needed for normal Linux libc # and musl builds. def link_libraries if RbConfig::CONFIG["THREAD_MODEL"] == "pthread" # Link gem extension against pthread library have_library "pthread" have_required_function "pthread", "pthread_create" end # Links gem extension against the `dl` library. This is needed when Ruby is # not linked against `dl` itself, so link it on the gem extension. have_library "dl" # Check if functions are available now from the linked library %w[dlopen dlclose dlsym].each do |func| have_required_function "dl", func end end def have_required_function(library, func) # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName if have_func(func) report["build"]["dependencies"][library] = "linked" return end report["build"]["dependencies"][library] = "not linked" abort_installation("Missing function '#{func}'") # Exit with true/0/success because the AppSignal installation should never # break a build exit end install