# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "spout/helpers/csv_reader" require "spout/helpers/semantic" require "spout/models/subject" require "spout/models/empty" module Spout module Helpers class SubjectLoader attr_accessor :subjects attr_reader :all_methods, :all_domains, :csv_files, :csv_directory def initialize(variable_files, valid_ids, standard_version, number_of_rows, visit) @subjects = [] @variable_files = variable_files @valid_ids = valid_ids @standard_version = standard_version @number_of_rows = number_of_rows @visit = visit @all_methods = {} @all_domains = [] @csv_files = [] @csv_directory = "" end def load_subjects_from_csvs! load_subjects_from_csvs_part_one! load_subjects_from_csvs_part_two! end def load_subjects_from_csvs_part_one! @subjects = [] available_folders = (Dir.exist?("csvs") ? Dir.entries("csvs").select { |e| File.directory? File.join("csvs", e) }.reject { |e| [".", ".."].include?(e) }.sort : []) @semantic = Spout::Helpers::Semantic.new(@standard_version, available_folders) @csv_directory = @semantic.selected_folder csv_root = File.join("csvs", @csv_directory) @csv_files = Dir.glob("#{csv_root}/**/*.csv").sort if @csv_directory != @standard_version puts "\n#{@csv_files.size == 0 ? 'No CSVs found' : 'Parsing files' } in " + "#{csv_root}".white + " for dictionary version " + @standard_version.to_s.green + "\n" else puts "\n#{@csv_files.size == 0 ? 'No CSVs found' : 'Parsing files' } in " + "#{csv_root}".white + "\n" end last_folder = nil @csv_files.each do |csv_file| relative_path = csv_file.gsub(%r{^#{csv_root}}, "") current_file = File.basename(relative_path) current_folder = relative_path.gsub(/#{current_file}$/, "") count = 1 # Includes counting the header row puts " #{current_folder}".white if current_folder.to_s != "" && current_folder != last_folder print " #{current_file}" last_folder = current_folder Spout::Helpers::CSVReader.read_csv(csv_file) do |row| count += 1 print "\r #{current_file} " + "##{count}".yellow if (count % 10 == 0) @subjects << Spout::Models::Subject.create do |t| t._visit = row[@visit] t._csv = File.basename(csv_file) row.each_with_index do |(key, value), index| method = key.to_s.downcase.strip if method == "" puts "\nSkipping column #{index + 1} due to blank header.".red if count == 2 next end next unless @valid_ids.include?(method) || @valid_ids.size == 0 unless t.respond_to?(method) && t.respond_to?("#{method}=") t.class.send(:define_method, "#{method}") { instance_variable_get("@#{method}") } t.class.send(:define_method, "#{method}=") { |v| instance_variable_set("@#{method}", v) } end @all_methods[method] ||= [] @all_methods[method] = @all_methods[method] | [csv_file] if value.nil? t.send("#{method}=", Spout::Models::Empty.new) else t.send("#{method}=", value) end end end # puts "Memory Used: " + (`ps -o rss -p #{$$}`.strip.split.last.to_i / 1024).to_s + " MB" if count % 1000 == 0 break if !@number_of_rows.nil? && count - 1 >= @number_of_rows end print "\r #{current_file} " + "##{count}".green puts "\n" end end def load_subjects_from_csvs_part_two! variable_count = @variable_files.count print "Converting numeric values to floats" @variable_files.each_with_index do |variable_file, index| print "\rConverting numeric values to floats:#{'% 3d' % ((index + 1) * 100 / variable_count)}%" json = JSON.parse(File.read(variable_file)) rescue json = nil next unless json next unless @valid_ids.include?(json["id"].to_s.downcase) || @valid_ids.size == 0 next unless %w(numeric integer).include?(json["type"]) method = json["id"].to_s.downcase next unless Spout::Models::Subject.method_defined?(method) domain_json = get_domain(json) # Make all domain options nil for numerics/integers if domain_json domain_values = domain_json.collect { |option_hash| option_hash["value"] } @subjects.each { |s| domain_values.include?(s.send(method)) ? s.send("#{method}=", nil) : nil } end @subjects.each { |s| !s.send(method).nil? ? s.send("#{method}=", s.send("#{method}").to_f) : nil } end puts "\n" @subjects end def load_variable_domains! @variable_files.each do |variable_file| json = JSON.parse(File.read(variable_file)) rescue json = nil next unless json next unless json["type"] == "choices" || json["domain"].to_s.downcase.strip != "" domain = json["domain"].to_s.downcase @all_domains << domain end @all_domains = @all_domains.compact.uniq.sort end def get_json(file_name, file_type) file = Dir.glob("#{file_type.to_s.downcase}s/**/#{file_name.to_s.downcase}.json", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).first JSON.parse(File.read(file)) rescue nil end def get_variable(variable_name) get_json(variable_name, "variable") end def get_domain(json) get_json(json["domain"], "domain") end end end end