# encoding: UTF-8 Feature: Trigger alert on modify In order to alert a user of a modified attribute value or metadata of an ActiveRecord object As a user I want to find a new notification in my inbox when a watcher is set on a field and a modification on it occurs Background: Given an ActiveRecord instance of 'Document' with 'name' equals to "pippo" And a User "fg@fractalgarden.com" instantiated Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a save of a field value occurs Given a watcher on the "name" field When saving a new value "pluto" on the "name" field Then 1 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "pluto" in the new_value And should record the "pippo" in the old_value And should record the "history_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a note of a field is added Given a watcher on the "name" field When creating a new note on the "name" field with content "new note!" Then 1 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "new note!" in the new_value And should record the "" in the old_value And should record the "note_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a note of a field is updated Given a watcher on the "name" field When creating a new note on the "name" field with content "new note!" And afterwards I update the note on the field "name" with content "updated note!" Then 2 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "new note!" in the old_value And should record the "updated note!" in the new_value And should record the "note_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a note of a field is deleted Given a watcher on the "name" field When creating a new note on the "name" field with content "new note!" And afterwards I delete the note on the field "name" Then 2 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "new note!" in the old_value And should record the "" in the new_value And should record the "note_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a attachment of a field is created Given a watcher on the "name" field When creating a new attachment on the "name" field with name "file.txt" Then 1 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "file.txt" in the new_value And should record the "" in the old_value And should record the "attachment_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a attachment of a field is updated Given a watcher on the "name" field When creating a new attachment on the "name" field with name "file.txt" And updating the attachment on the "name" field with name "updated_file.txt" Then 2 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "updated_file.txt" in the new_value And should record the "file.txt" in the old_value And should record the "attachment_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by Scenario: receive a new alert in the inbox when a attachment of a field is deleted Given a watcher on the "name" field When creating a new attachment on the "name" field with name "file.txt" And deleting the attachment on the "name" field with name "file.txt" Then 2 alert should be found in the inbox of the user And should regard the "name" field And should record the "Document" model class And should record the "" in the new_value And should record the "file.txt" in the old_value And should record the "attachment_message" in the type And should record the current_user_id in the created_by