require 'active_record/base' require 'active_record/callbacks' module WhyValidationsSuckIn96 module ActiveRecord class << self attr_accessor :warn_on_deprecation end self.warn_on_deprecation = true RemovableInstanceMethods = %w[invalid? validate_on_create validate_on_update validate errors] RemovableClassMethods = %w[validate validate_on_create validate_on_update validates_format_of validates_each validates_inclusion_of validates_size_of validates_confirmation_of validates_exclusion_of validates_uniqueness_of validates_associated validates_acceptance_of validates_numericality_of validates_presence_of validates_length_of] def self.included(klass_or_mod) remove_active_record_validation_related_methods_from(klass_or_mod) klass_or_mod.instance_eval do include WhyValidationsSuckIn96::ValidationSupport include WhyValidationsSuckIn96::ActiveRecord::InstanceMethods extend WhyValidationsSuckIn96::ActiveRecord::ClassMethods end end private # FIXME - holy mother of god is this a nasty method def self.remove_active_record_validation_related_methods_from(klass_or_mod) method_map = {klass_or_mod => RemovableInstanceMethods, (class< RemovableClassMethods} method_map.each do |context, removable_methods| context.instance_eval do removable_methods.each do |removable_method| begin remove_method removable_method rescue => e undef_method removable_method end end # removable_methods.each end # context.instance_eval end # method_map.each end module ClassMethods # FIXME - this is a seedy hack and i blame the entire contents of active_record/autosave_association.rb # for it being necessary. def validate(*args) return false unless WhyValidationsSuckIn96::ActiveRecord.warn_on_deprecation callstack = caller warn(<<-EOW.gsub(/^\s{10}/, "")) This is a friendly message from WhyValidationsSuckIn96. #{self.inspect} called 'validate' which is a deprecated method. The arguments given were: #{args.inspect} - #{block_given? ? 'block given' : 'no block given'} and the caller was: #{callstack.first} If these warnings are coming from a call to 'add_autosave_association_callbacks', do not be alarmed, as WhyValidationsSuckIn96 has implemented its own versions of the necessary validation callbacks. These warnings can be silenced by setting 'WhyValidationsSuckIn96::ActiveRecord.warn_on_deprecation' to false. You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled programming. EOW false end end # ClassMethods module InstanceMethods def self.included(klass_or_mod) klass_or_mod.module_eval do alias_method :valid_without_callbacks?, :valid_with_lifecycle_checking? end end private def validations_for_current_lifecycle validations_for_save + (new_record? ? validations_for_create : validations_for_update) end def valid_with_lifecycle_checking? validations_for_current_lifecycle.collect do |validation| # Checks manually because a 'nil' return is considered a skipped validation, not a failed one. !(validation.validates? == false) end.all? end def validations_for_update do |validation| validation.options[:on] == :update end end def validations_for_create do |validation| validation.options[:on] == :create end end def validations_for_save do |validation| validation.options[:on].nil? || validation.options[:on] == :save end end end # InstanceMethods end # ActiveRecord end # WhyValidationsSuckIn96 module ActiveRecord class RecordInvalid < ActiveRecordError attr_reader :record def initialize(record) @record = record super end end # RecordInvalid end # ActiveRecord ActiveRecord::Base.instance_eval { include WhyValidationsSuckIn96::ActiveRecord }