Feature: Searching in BibTeX bibliographies As a hacker who writes academic papers I want to be able to search my bibliographies In order to find the references I need Scenario: Find entries in a simple bibliography Given the bibliography: """ @book{pickaxe, Address = {Raleigh, North Carolina}, Author = {Thomas, Dave, and Fowler, Chad, and Hunt, Andy}, Date-Added = {2010-08-05 09:54:07 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-05 10:07:01 +0200}, Keywords = {ruby}, Publisher = {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, Series = {The Facets of Ruby}, Title = {Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide}, Year = {2009} } @article{a1, Keywords = {@book} } @book{dragon, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Aho, Alfred V., and Lam, Monica S., and Ullman, Jeffrey D.}, Booktitle = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools}, Date-Added = {2010-08-05 09:57:15 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-05 10:06:32 +0200}, Edition = {second}, Keywords = {compiler, lex, yacc}, Publisher = {Addison Wesley}, Title = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools}, Year = {2007} } """ When I search for "pickaxe" Then there should be exactly 1 match When I search for :pickaxe Then there should be exactly 1 match When I search for "camel" Then there should be exactly 0 matches When I search for "@book" Then there should be exactly 2 matches When I search for /@book/ Then there should be exactly 3 matches When I search for "@book[]" Then there should be exactly 2 matches When I search for "@book[year=2007]" Then there should be exactly 1 match When I search for "@book[year=2009, keywords=ruby]" Then there should be exactly 1 match When I search for "@book[year=2009, keywords=yacc]" Then there should be exactly 0 matches When I search for "@book, @article" Then there should be exactly 3 matches When I search for "@entry" Then there should be exactly 3 matches When I search for "@*" Then there should be exactly 3 matches When I search for "@*[year=2007]" Then there should be exactly 1 match @query Scenario: Find entries using compound queries Given the bibliography: """ @book{pickaxe, Address = {Raleigh, North Carolina}, Author = {Thomas, Dave, and Fowler, Chad, and Hunt, Andy}, Date-Added = {2010-08-05 09:54:07 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-05 10:07:01 +0200}, Keywords = {ruby}, Publisher = {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, Series = {The Facets of Ruby}, Title = {Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide}, Year = {2009} } @article{a1, Title = {An Article}, Keywords = {@book} } @book{dragon, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Aho, Alfred V., and Lam, Monica S., and Ullman, Jeffrey D.}, Booktitle = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools}, Date-Added = {2010-08-05 09:57:15 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-05 10:06:32 +0200}, Edition = {second}, Keywords = {compiler, lex, yacc}, Publisher = {Addison Wesley}, Title = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools}, Year = {2007} } """ When I search for "@*[keywords = @book || edition = second]" Then there should be exactly 2 matches When I search for "@*[keywords = @book && edition = second]" Then there should be exactly 0 matches When I search for "@*[keywords = @book && title ~= Article]" Then there should be exactly 1 match