#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- mode: ruby -*- require 'rubygems' IMAGE_ROOT="http://wp-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/" require 'sequel' require 'optparse' require 'cgi' require 'uri' require 'amiba/all' require 'amiba/reverse_markdown' include Amiba::Repo options = {} options[:dbtype] = "mysql" OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.on("--dbuser [USER]", "The database user to connect as") do |u| options[:dbuser] = u end opt.on("--dbtype [TYPE]", "The type of database to connect to. Default is MySQL") do |u| options[:dbtype] = u end opt.on("--dbhost [HOST]", "The database host to connect to") do |u| options[:dbhost] = u end opt.on("--db [NAME]", "The database to connect to") do |u| options[:db] = u end opt.on("--dbpass [PASS]", "The database password to connect with") do |u| options[:dbpass] = u end opt.on("--target [TARGET]", "The directory to create an amiba structure in") do |u| options[:target] = u end end.parse! path, name = File.split options[:target] if ! system "amiba create #{name} --path #{path}" puts "Couldn't create a basic amiba site at #{options[:target]}!" exit 1 end Dir.chdir options[:target] # category: # select wp_terms.name from wp_terms inner join wp_term_relationships on wp_terms.term_id=wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id where object_id in (select ID from wp_posts where post_parent = ? or ID=?) #images for post: #select * from wp_postmeta where post_id in (select ID from wp_posts where post_parent = 568 or ID=568) #post: #select * from wp_posts where post_parent = NULL #select * from wp_posts where post_parent = 568 #change vector - look for post_type revision, figure out the highest id, stash as metadata DB = Sequel.connect(:adapter=>options[:dbtype], :host => options[:dbhost], :database=>options[:db], :user => options[:dbuser], :password => options[:dbpass], :encoding => 'utf8') Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = nil DB[:wp_posts].filter(:post_type=>"post").each do |post| rm = Amiba::ReverseMarkdown.new meta = {} category = DB[:wp_terms].select(:name).join(:wp_term_relationships, :term_taxonomy_id=>:term_id).filter(:object_id=>post[:ID]).first next unless category meta[:author] = DB[:wp_users].select(:display_name).filter(:ID=>post[:post_author]).first[:display_name] meta[:slug] = post[:post_excerpt].to_s meta[:layout] = 'default' meta[:state] = post[:post_status] == "publish" ? "published" : "draft" meta[:title] = post[:post_title].to_s meta[:id] = post[:ID] #yet more assumptions (like the fact that an attached file is an #image!) attach = DB[:wp_postmeta].select(:meta_value).filter(:post_id=>DB[:wp_posts].select(:ID).filter({:ID=>post[:ID]} | {:post_parent=>post[:ID]})).filter(:meta_key=>"_wp_attached_file").first meta[:image] = URI.join(IMAGE_ROOT, attach[:meta_value]).to_s if attach # FIXME: (or just run away) kludge to get round UTF-8 madness - just # turn UTF-8 raw chars into form encoded equivalent, then cgi unescape if post[:post_content].encoding.name == "ASCII-8BIT" content = CGI.unescape(post[:post_content].to_s.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/n) { '%'+$1.unpack('H2'*$1.bytesize).join('%').upcase }).gsub(/(\w+\s?)&(\s?\w+)/,'\1&\2') else content = post[:post_content].gsub(/\s(\w+\s?)&(\s?\w+)/,'\1 & \2') end begin md = rm.parse_string("


") rescue puts "Failed to parse content for ID: #{post[:ID]}: #{$!}" end entry = Amiba::Source::Entry.new(category[:name].to_s, post[:post_name], 'markdown', meta, md.nil? ? post[:post_content].to_s : md) unless entry.valid? str = "" entry.errors.each_pair do |area, msg| if msg.is_a? Array msg.each {|m| str += "Error detected in #{area}: #{m}\n" } else str += "Error detected in #{area}: #{msg.to_s}\n" end end puts str end entry.save do |file, data| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file) File.open(file, 'w') { |f| f.write(data) } add_and_commit file end end