module TokenField module FormBuilder include ActionView::Helpers # # form_for helper for token input with jquery token input plugin # for has_many and belongs_to association # # # # # helper will render standard text field input with javascript. # javascript will change standard input to token field input # # EXAMPLE # # class Category < ActiveRecord::Base # attr_accessible :name, :parent_id, :product_ids # has_many :products # # # method for converting array of categories to array of hashes in format that token input accepts # def to_token # {:id => id, :name => name} # end # end # # class Product < ActiveRecord::Base # attr_accessible :name, :category_id # # belongs_to :category # end # # class CategoriesController < ApplicationController # # # action for autocomplete # def token # categories = Category.where(" like ?", "%#{params[:q]}%") # # respond_to do |format| # format.json { render :json => } # end # end # # # rest of the class # end # # then in routes add route for token ajax call # # MyApplication::Application.routes.draw do # resources :categories do # collection do # get :token # route for token -> token_categories_path # end # end # end # # then in view we call token_field # token_field input will be default expects, that Category model exists # <%= form_for @product do |f| %> # <%= f.token_field :category_id %> # <% end %> # # possible options: # # in case the association roles where given like this # # class Product < ActiveRecord::Base # belongs_to :cat, :class_name => 'Category', :foreign_key => :cat_id # end # # then right model need to be specified # # <%= f.token_field :cat_id, :model => :category %> # # We can use token_input also for mapping category to products # we will use ActiveRecord method product_ids which be default return array of ids from association # <%= form_for @category do |f| %> # <%= f.token_field :product_ids %> # <% end %> # # in model we have to change product_ids= method like this # # class Category < ActiveRecord::Base # has_many :products # # alias_method :product_ids_old=, :product_ids= # def product_ids=(ids) # ids = ids.split(",").map(&:to_i) if ids.is_a?(String) # self.product_ids_old=ids # end # # # rest of the class... # end def token_field(attribute_name, options = {}) association_type = @object.send(attribute_name).respond_to?(:each) ? :many : :one model_name = options.fetch(:model) { attribute_name.to_s.gsub(/_ids?/, "") }.to_s association = attribute_name.to_s.gsub(/_ids?/, "").to_sym token_url = options.fetch(:token_url) { "/#{model_name.pluralize}/token.json" } token_url_is_function = options.fetch(:token_url_is_function) { false } append_to_id = options[:append_to_id] token_method = options.fetch(:token_method) { :to_token } token_limit = nil token_limit = 1 if association_type == :one id = @object.send(:id) html_id = "#{@object_name}_#{attribute_name.to_s}" if append_to_id == :id && id html_id << "_#{id}" elsif append_to_id && append_to_id != :id html_id << "_#{append_to_id}" end html_id = html_id.parameterize.underscore results = [] if association_type == :one && @object.public_send(association) results << @object.public_send(association) elsif association_type == :many && @object.public_send(association.to_s.pluralize).count > 0 @object.public_send(association.to_s.pluralize).each { |record| results << record } end data_pre ={ |result| result.public_send(token_method) } value ={ |row| row[:id] }.join(',') on_add = options[:on_add] ? "#{options[:on_add]}" : "false" on_delete = options[:on_delete] ? "#{options[:on_delete]}" : "false" token_url = "'#{token_url}'" unless token_url_is_function js_content = " jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(function() { jQuery('##{html_id}').tokenInput(#{token_url}, { crossDomain: false, tokenLimit: #{token_limit.nil? ? "null" : token_limit.to_i}, preventDuplicates: true, prePopulate: jQuery('##{attribute_name}').data('pre'), theme: 'facebook', hintText: '"+t('helpers.token_field.hint_text')+"', searchingText: '"+t('helpers.token_field.searching_text')+"', noResultsText: '"+t('helpers.token_field.no_results_text')+"', onAdd: "+on_add+", onDelete: "+on_delete+" }); }); " script = content_tag(:script, js_content.html_safe, :type => Mime::JS) text_field("#{attribute_name}", "data-pre" => data_pre.to_json, :value => value, :id => html_id) + script end end end