module TMDBParty module Attributes # based on def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods attr_reader :attributes end end module ClassMethods def attributes(*names) options = names.extract_options! names.each do |name| attribute name, options unless name.blank? end end def attribute(name, options) options = {:type => 'nil', :lazy => false}.merge(options) raise ArgumentError, "Name can't be empty" if name.blank? class_eval <<-EVAL def #{name} read_or_load_attribute('#{name}', #{options[:type]}, #{options[:lazy].inspect}) end EVAL end end module InstanceMethods def attributes=(value) @attributes = value end def loaded? @loaded end private def read_or_load_attribute(name, type, lazy_method) if lazy_method.is_a?(Symbol) and raw_attribute_missing?(name) and not loaded? self.send(lazy_method) end read_attribute(name, type) end def read_attribute(name, type = nil) @attributes_cache ||= {} @attributes_cache[name] ||= decode_raw_attribute(@attributes[name], type) if @attributes end def raw_attribute_missing?(name) not @attributes.has_key?(name.to_s) end def decode_raw_attribute(value, type) return nil unless value type.respond_to?(:parse) ? type.parse(value) : value end end end end