var tests = [], debug = null, debugUsed = new Array(), allNames = []; function Failure(why) {this.message = why;} function indexOf(collection, elt) { if (collection.indexOf) return collection.indexOf(elt); for (var i = 0, e = collection.length; i < e; ++i) if (collection[i] == elt) return i; return -1; } function test(name, run, expectedFail) { // Force unique names var originalName = name; var i = 2; // Second function would be NAME_2 while (indexOf(allNames, name) !== -1){ name = originalName + "_" + i; i++; } allNames.push(name); // Add test tests.push({name: name, func: run, expectedFail: expectedFail}); return name; } function testCM(name, run, opts, expectedFail) { return test("core_" + name, function() { var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = CodeMirror(place, opts); var successful = false; try { run(cm); successful = true; } finally { if ((debug && !successful) || verbose) { = ""; } else { place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement()); } } }, expectedFail); } function runTests(callback) { if (debug) { if (indexOf(debug, "verbose") === 0) { verbose = true; debug.splice(0, 1); } if (debug.length < 1) { debug = null; } else { if (totalTests > debug.length) { totalTests = debug.length; } } } var totalTime = 0; function step(i) { if (i === tests.length){ running = false; return callback("done"); } var test = tests[i], expFail = test.expectedFail, startTime = +new Date; if (debug !== null) { var debugIndex = indexOf(debug,; if (debugIndex !== -1) { // Remove from array for reporting incorrect tests later debug.splice(debugIndex, 1); } else { var wildcardName ="_").shift() + "_*"; debugIndex = indexOf(debug, wildcardName); if (debugIndex !== -1) { // Remove from array for reporting incorrect tests later debug.splice(debugIndex, 1); debugUsed.push(wildcardName); } else { debugIndex = indexOf(debugUsed, wildcardName); if (debugIndex !== -1) { totalTests++; } else { return step(i + 1); } } } } try { var message = test.func(); if (expFail) callback("fail",, message); else callback("ok",, message); } catch(e) { if (expFail) callback("expected",; else if (e instanceof Failure) callback("fail",, e.message); else { var pos = /\bat .*?([^\/:]+):(\d+):/.exec(e.stack); callback("error",, e.toString() + (pos ? " (" + pos[1] + ":" + pos[2] + ")" : "")); } } if (!quit) { // Run next test var delay = 0; totalTime += (+new Date) - startTime; if (totalTime > 500){ totalTime = 0; delay = 50; } setTimeout(function(){step(i + 1);}, delay); } else { // Quit tests running = false; return null; } } step(0); } function label(str, msg) { if (msg) return str + " (" + msg + ")"; return str; } function eq(a, b, msg) { if (a != b) throw new Failure(label(a + " != " + b, msg)); } function eqPos(a, b, msg) { function str(p) { return "{line:" + p.line + ",ch:" + + "}"; } if (a == b) return; if (a == null) throw new Failure(label("comparing null to " + str(b))); if (b == null) throw new Failure(label("comparing " + str(a) + " to null")); if (a.line != b.line || != throw new Failure(label(str(a) + " != " + str(b), msg)); } function is(a, msg) { if (!a) throw new Failure(label("assertion failed", msg)); }