module Fog module AWS class Elasticache class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/elasticache/single_cache_cluster' # creates a cache cluster # # === Required Parameters # * id <~String> - A unique cluster ID - 20 characters max. # === Optional Parameters # * options <~Hash> - All optional parameters should be set in this Hash: # * :node_type <~String> - The size (flavor) of the cache Nodes # * :security_group_names <~Array> - Array of Elasticache::SecurityGroup names # * :vpc_security_groups <~Array> - Array # * :num_nodes <~Integer> - The number of nodes in the Cluster # * :auto_minor_version_upgrade <~TrueFalseClass> # * :parameter_group_name <~String> - Name of the Cluster's ParameterGroup # * :engine <~String> - The Cluster's caching software (memcached) # * :engine_version <~String> - The Cluster's caching software version # * :notification_topic_arn <~String> - Amazon SNS Resource Name # * :port <~Integer> - The memcached port number # * :preferred_availablility_zone <~String> # * :preferred_maintenance_window <~String> # * :cache_subnet_group_name <~String> # === Returns # * response <~Excon::Response>: # * body <~Hash> def create_cache_cluster(id, options = {}) req_options = { 'Action' => 'CreateCacheCluster', 'CacheClusterId' => id.strip, 'CacheNodeType' => options[:node_type] || 'cache.m1.large', 'Engine' => options[:engine] || 'memcached', 'NumCacheNodes' => options[:num_nodes] || 1, 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade' => options[:auto_minor_version_upgrade], 'CacheParameterGroupName' => options[:parameter_group_name], 'CacheSubnetGroupName' => options[:cache_subnet_group_name], 'EngineVersion' => options[:engine_version], 'NotificationTopicArn' => options[:notification_topic_arn], 'Port' => options[:port], 'PreferredAvailabilityZone' => options[:preferred_availablility_zone], 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow' => options[:preferred_maintenance_window], :parser => } if cache_security_groups = options.delete(:security_group_names) req_options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param('CacheSecurityGroupNames.member.%d', [*cache_security_groups])) end if vpc_security_groups = options.delete(:vpc_security_groups) req_options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param('SecurityGroupIds.member.%d', [*vpc_security_groups])) end request( req_options ) end end class Mock def create_cache_cluster(id, options = {}) response = cluster = { # create an in-memory representation of this cluster 'CacheClusterId' => id.strip, 'NumCacheNodes' => options[:num_nodes] || 1, 'CacheNodeType' => options[:node_type] || 'cache.m1.large', 'Engine' => options[:engine] || 'memcached', 'EngineVersion' => options[:engine_version] || '1.4.5', 'CacheClusterStatus' => 'available', 'CacheNodes' => create_cache_nodes(id.strip, options[:num_nodes]), 'CacheSecurityGroups' => [], 'CacheParameterGroup' => { 'CacheParameterGroupName' => options[:parameter_group_name] || 'default.memcached1.4' }, 'CacheSubnetGroupName' => options[:cache_subnet_group_name], 'PendingModifiedValues' => {}, 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade' => options[:auto_minor_version_upgrade] || 'true', 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow' => options[:preferred_maintenance_window] || 'sun:05:00-sun:09:00', }[:clusters][id] = cluster # store the in-memory cluster response.body = { 'CacheCluster' => cluster.merge({'CacheClusterStatus' => 'creating'}), 'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id } } response end end end end end