#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Graphics/Common.hpp" #include "FormattedString.hpp" #include #include using namespace std; struct Gosu::Font::Impl { wstring name; unsigned height, flags; // Unicode planes of 2^16 characters each. On Windows, where wchar_t is only 16 bits wide, only // the first plane will ever be touched. struct CharInfo { GOSU_UNIQUE_PTR image; double factor; }; typedef tr1::array Plane; GOSU_UNIQUE_PTR planes[16][ffCombinations]; map > entityCache; CharInfo& charInfo(wchar_t wc, unsigned flags) { size_t planeIndex = wc / 65536; size_t charIndex = wc % 65536; if (planeIndex >= 16) throw invalid_argument("Unicode plane out of reach"); if (flags >= ffCombinations) throw invalid_argument("Font flags out of range"); if (!planes[planeIndex][flags].get()) planes[planeIndex][flags].reset(new Plane); return (*planes[planeIndex][flags])[charIndex]; } const Image& imageAt(const FormattedString& fs, unsigned i) { if (fs.entityAt(i)) { tr1::shared_ptr& ptr = entityCache[fs.entityAt(i)]; if (!ptr) ptr.reset(new Image(entityBitmap(fs.entityAt(i)), ifSmooth)); return *ptr; } wchar_t wc = fs.charAt(i); unsigned flags = fs.flagsAt(i); CharInfo& info = charInfo(wc, flags); if (info.image.get()) return *info.image; wstring charString(1, wc); // TODO: Would be nice to have. // if (isFormattingChar(wc)) // charString.clear(); unsigned charWidth = Gosu::textWidth(charString, name, height, flags); Bitmap bitmap(charWidth, height); drawText(bitmap, charString, 0, 0, Color::WHITE, name, height, flags); info.image.reset(new Image(bitmap)); info.factor = 0.5; return *info.image; } double factorAt(const FormattedString& fs, unsigned index) { if (fs.entityAt(index)) return 1; return charInfo(fs.charAt(index), fs.flagsAt(index)).factor; } }; Gosu::Font::Font(unsigned fontHeight, const wstring& fontName, unsigned fontFlags) : pimpl(new Impl) { pimpl->name = fontName; pimpl->height = fontHeight * 2; pimpl->flags = fontFlags; } wstring Gosu::Font::name() const { return pimpl->name; } unsigned Gosu::Font::height() const { return pimpl->height / 2; } unsigned Gosu::Font::flags() const { return pimpl->flags; } double Gosu::Font::textWidth(const wstring& text, double factorX) const { FormattedString fs(text.c_str(), flags()); double result = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < fs.length(); ++i) { const Image& image = pimpl->imageAt(fs, i); double factor = pimpl->factorAt(fs, i); result += image.width() * factor; } return result * factorX; } void Gosu::Font::draw(const wstring& text, double x, double y, ZPos z, double factorX, double factorY, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { FormattedString fs(text.c_str(), flags()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < fs.length(); ++i) { const Image& image = pimpl->imageAt(fs, i); double factor = pimpl->factorAt(fs, i); Gosu::Color color = fs.entityAt(i) ? Gosu::Color(fs.colorAt(i).alpha() * c.alpha() / 255, 255, 255, 255) : Gosu::multiply(fs.colorAt(i), c); image.draw(x, y, z, factorX * factor, factorY * factor, color, mode); x += image.width() * factorX * factor; } } void Gosu::Font::drawRel(const wstring& text, double x, double y, ZPos z, double relX, double relY, double factorX, double factorY, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { x -= textWidth(text) * factorX * relX; y -= height() * factorY * relY; draw(text, x, y, z, factorX, factorY, c, mode); } void Gosu::Font::setImage(wchar_t wc, const Image& image) { for (unsigned flags = 0; flags < ffCombinations; ++flags) setImage(wc, flags, image); } void Gosu::Font::setImage(wchar_t wc, unsigned fontFlags, const Image& image) { Impl::CharInfo& ci = pimpl->charInfo(wc, fontFlags); if (ci.image.get()) throw logic_error("Cannot set image for the same Font character twice or after it has been drawn"); ci.image.reset(new Gosu::Image(image)); ci.factor = 1.0; } void Gosu::Font::drawRot(const wstring& text, double x, double y, ZPos z, double angle, double factorX, double factorY, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { Gosu::Graphics::pushTransform(rotate(angle, x, y)); draw(text, x, y, z, factorX, factorY, c, mode); Gosu::Graphics::popTransform(); } // Deprecated constructors Gosu::Font::Font(Graphics& graphics, const wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight, unsigned fontFlags) { Font(fontHeight, fontName, fontFlags).pimpl.swap(pimpl); }