# This rakefile is for building the EC2 on Rails gem. # To build a server AMI, see server/rakefile.rb begin require 'echoe' rescue LoadError abort "You'll need to have `echoe' installed to use ec2onrails' Rakefile" end require "./echoe_config" desc "Run all gem-related tasks" task :ec2onrails_gem => [:manifest, :package, :update_github_gemspec] desc "Update the GitHub gemspec file (/ec2onrails.gemspec)" task :update_github_gemspec => [:manifest, :package] do root_dir = File.dirname __FILE__ contents = File.open("#{root_dir}/pkg/ec2onrails-#{Ec2onrails::VERSION::STRING}/ec2onrails.gemspec", 'r').readlines File.open("#{root_dir}/ec2onrails.gemspec", 'w') do |f| f << "# This file is auto-generated, do not edit.\n" f << "# Edit echoe_config.rb and then run 'rake ec2onrails_gem'\n" f << "# \n" contents.each {|line| f << line} end end