# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2011-2013 innoQ Deutschland GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class Concepts::VersionsController < ApplicationController include RDFSyncService::Helper def merge concept_scope = Iqvoc::Concept.base_class.by_origin(params[:origin]) current_concept = concept_scope.published.last new_version = concept_scope.unpublished.last unless new_version raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "Can't find draft concept with origin '#{params[:origin]}'" end authorize! :merge, new_version ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do if current_concept.blank? || current_concept.destroy new_version.rdf_updated_at = nil new_version.publish new_version.unlock if new_version.publishable? new_version.save if Iqvoc.config['triplestore.autosync'] synced = triplestore_syncer.sync([new_version]) # XXX: blocking flash[:warning] = 'triplestore synchronization failed' unless synced # TODO: i18n end flash[:success] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.published') redirect_to concept_path(id: new_version) else flash[:error] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.merged_publishing_error') redirect_to concept_path(published: 0, id: new_version) end else flash[:error] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.merged_delete_error') redirect_to concept_path(published: 0, id: new_version) end end end def branch concept_scope = Iqvoc::Concept.base_class.by_origin(params[:origin]) current_concept = concept_scope.published.last! if draft_concept = concept_scope.unpublished.last raise "There already is an unpublished version for concept '#{draft_concept.origin}'" end authorize! :branch, current_concept new_version = nil ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do new_version = current_concept.branch(current_user) new_version.save! Iqvoc.change_note_class.create! do |note| note.owner = new_version note.language = I18n.locale.to_s note.annotations_attributes = [ { namespace: 'dct', predicate: 'creator', value: current_user.name }, { namespace: 'dct', predicate: 'modified', value: DateTime.now.to_s } ] end end flash[:success] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.branched') redirect_to edit_concept_path(published: 0, id: new_version) end def lock new_version = Iqvoc::Concept.base_class. by_origin(params[:origin]). unpublished. last! if new_version.locked? raise "Concept with origin '#{new_version.origin}' is already locked." end authorize! :lock, new_version new_version.lock_by_user(current_user.id) new_version.save validate: false flash[:success] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.locked') redirect_to edit_concept_path(published: 0, id: new_version) end def unlock new_version = Iqvoc::Concept.base_class. by_origin(params[:origin]). unpublished. last! unless new_version.locked? raise "Concept with origin '#{new_version.origin}' is not locked." end authorize! :unlock, new_version new_version.unlock new_version.save validate: false flash[:success] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.unlocked') redirect_to concept_path(published: 0, id: new_version) end def consistency_check concept = Iqvoc::Concept.base_class. by_origin(params[:origin]). unpublished. last! authorize! :check_consistency, concept if concept.publishable? flash[:success] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.consistency_check_success') redirect_to concept_path(published: 0, id: concept) else flash[:error] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.consistency_check_error') redirect_to edit_concept_path(published: 0, id: concept, full_consistency_check: '1') end end def to_review concept = Iqvoc::Concept.base_class. by_origin(params[:origin]). unpublished. last! authorize! :send_to_review, concept concept.to_review concept.save! flash[:success] = t('txt.controllers.versioning.to_review_success') redirect_to concept_path(published: 0, id: concept) end end