module HammerCLIForeman class Template < HammerCLIForeman::Command resource :config_templates module TemplateCreateUpdateCommons def option_snippet option_type == "snippet" end def option_template_kind_id kinds = HammerCLIForeman.collection_to_common_format( HammerCLIForeman.foreman_resource(:template_kinds).call(:index)) table = kinds.inject({}){ |result, k| result.update(k["name"] => k["id"]) } table[option_type] end end class ListCommand < HammerCLIForeman::ListCommand output do field :id, _("Id") field :name, _("Name") field :type, _("Type") end def extend_data(tpl) if tpl["snippet"] tpl["type"] = "snippet" elsif tpl["template_kind"] tpl["type"] = tpl["template_kind"]["name"] else tpl["type"] = tpl["template_kind_name"] end tpl end build_options end class InfoCommand < HammerCLIForeman::InfoCommand output ListCommand.output_definition do HammerCLIForeman::References.operating_systems(self) HammerCLIForeman::References.taxonomies(self) end def extend_data(tpl) if tpl["snippet"] tpl["type"] = "snippet" elsif tpl["template_kind"] tpl["type"] = tpl["template_kind"]["name"] else tpl["type"] = tpl["template_kind_name"] end tpl['operatingsystem_ids'] = tpl['operatingsystems'].map { |os| os['id'] } rescue [] tpl end build_options end class ListKindsCommand < HammerCLIForeman::ListCommand command_name "kinds" desc _("List available config template kinds.") output do field :name, _("Name") end def send_request kinds = super kinds << { "name" => "snippet" } kinds end resource :template_kinds, :index end class DumpCommand < HammerCLIForeman::InfoCommand command_name "dump" desc _("View config template content.") def print_data(template) puts template["template"] end build_options end class CreateCommand < HammerCLIForeman::CreateCommand option "--file", "TEMPLATE", _("Path to a file that contains the template"), :attribute_name => :option_template, :required => true, :format => option "--type", "TYPE", _("Template type. Eg. snippet, script, provision"), :required => true success_message _("Config template created") failure_message _("Could not create the config template") include TemplateCreateUpdateCommons build_options :without => [:template_combinations_attributes, :template, :snippet, :template_kind_id] end class UpdateCommand < HammerCLIForeman::UpdateCommand option "--file", "TEMPLATE", _("Path to a file that contains the template"), :attribute_name => :option_template, :format => option "--type", "TYPE", _("Template type. Eg. snippet, script, provision") success_message _("Config template updated") failure_message _("Could not update the config template") include TemplateCreateUpdateCommons build_options :without => [:template_combinations_attributes, :template, :snippet, :template_kind_id] end class DeleteCommand < HammerCLIForeman::DeleteCommand success_message _("Config template deleted") failure_message _("Could not delete the config template") build_options end HammerCLIForeman::AssociatingCommands::OperatingSystem.extend_command(self) autoload_subcommands end end HammerCLI::MainCommand.subcommand 'template', _("Manipulate config templates."), HammerCLIForeman::Template