describe HybridPlatformsConductor::ActionsExecutor do context 'when checking actions\' plugin ruby' do it 'executes local Ruby code' do with_test_platform_for_action_plugins do executed = false expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node' => { ruby: proc do |stdout, stderr| stdout << 'TestStdout' stderr << 'TestStderr' executed = true end } } )['node'] ).to eq [0, 'TestStdout', 'TestStderr'] expect(executed).to eq true end end it 'executes local Ruby code with timeout' do pending 'Implement timeout for Ruby actions' with_test_platform_for_action_plugins do executed = false expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node' => { ruby: proc do |stdout, _stderr| sleep 2 stdout << 'ShouldNotReach' executed = true end } }, timeout: 1 )['node'] ).to eq [:timeout, '', ''] expect(executed).to eq false end end it 'logs local Ruby code' do with_repository 'logs' do |logs_dir| with_test_platform_for_action_plugins do test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node' => { ruby: proc do |stdout, stderr| stdout << "TestStdout\n" stderr << "TestStderr\n" end } }, log_to_dir: logs_dir ) expect(File.exist?("#{logs_dir}/node.stdout")).to eq true expect("#{logs_dir}/node.stdout")).to eq "TestStdout\nTestStderr\n" end end end it 'executes local Ruby code that needs an action' do with_test_platform_for_action_plugins do executed = false expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node' => { ruby: proc do |stdout, stderr, action| expect(action.is_a?(HybridPlatformsConductor::HpcPlugins::Action::Ruby)).to eq true stdout << 'TestStdout' stderr << 'TestStderr' executed = true end } } )['node'] ).to eq [0, 'TestStdout', 'TestStderr'] expect(executed).to eq true end end it 'executes local Ruby code that needs a connector' do with_test_platform_for_action_plugins do executed = false expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node' => { ruby: { code: proc do |stdout, stderr, _action, connector| expect(connector.is_a?(HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestConnector)).to eq true stdout << 'TestStdout' stderr << 'TestStderr' executed = true end, need_remote: true } } } )['node'] ).to eq [0, 'TestStdout', 'TestStderr'] expect(executed).to eq true end end it 'executes local Ruby code that does not need a connector' do with_test_platform_for_action_plugins do executed = false expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node' => { ruby: { code: proc do |stdout, stderr, _action, connector| expect(connector).to be_nil stdout << 'TestStdout' stderr << 'TestStderr' executed = true end, need_remote: false } } } )['node'] ).to eq [0, 'TestStdout', 'TestStderr'] expect(executed).to eq true end end end end