### * Minor update to rdfa-1-1 profile ### * In Reader: * Ensure that encoding is set to utf-8 if not specified. * Look for encoding from input and HTML meta tags. * Look for content-type from input and HTML meta tags. * Retrieve @xmlns, @xml:lang and @lang as attributes when doing HTML parsing. ### * Improve format detection. * Use HTML parser instead of XML if format is determined to be html4 or html5. ### 0.3.3 * Major update to writer using Haml templates, rather than Nokogiri node creation. ### 0.3.2 * Added RDFa Writer, to perform templated serialization of RDF content to RDFa. * Uses Haml to define default and minimal templates for RDFa serialization. * Allows templates to be specified on invocation, for arbitrary RDFa serialization. * Update to pre-LC2 drafts of RDFa * Add support for cached profiles, and include cached profiles for XML+RDFa and XHTML+RDFa. * Profiles are processed left to right * Detect 1.0 using @version * Automatically load profiles based on host language ### * Assert :html and xhtml as a format types (by creating RDF::RDFa::HTML/XHTML as a sub-class of Format that uses RDFa::Reader/Writer) * Added :svg format, image/svg+xml and .svg as looks for RDFa parser as well. ### 0.3.1 * Bug fix relating to datatypes in literals being ignored. * Bug fix parsing non-RDFa profiles to ensure they don't cause processing to terminate (or recurse). ### 0.3.0 * RDF.rb 0.3.0 compatibility updates * Remove literal_normalization and qname_hacks, add back uri_hacks (until 0.3.0) * URI canonicalization and validation. * Added :canonicalize, and :intern options. * Change :strict option to :validate. * Add check to ensure that predicates are not literals, it's not legal in any RDF variant. * Collect prefixes when extracting mappings. * Added :profile_repository option to RDF::RDFa::Reader.initialize. This MUST be an RDF::Repository and will be used to save profiles that are encountered. * Fixme, for now, retrieval should include HTTP headers and perform appropriate HTTP cache control and check for potential updates. * Update to 2010-10-26 LC version of RDFa Core 1.1 * Deep processing of XMLLiterals * Case sensitive Terms * Updated processor graph vocabulary * Upgrade for changes to RDFa 1.1 test suite * Allow use of xml:base for non-HTML languages * XHTML has no default vocabulary. * No longer pass vocabularies, prefixes or terms when creating XMLLiterals. Only namespaces derived via xmlns are passed to Literal#typed. * Literal::XML * Add all in-scope namespaces, not just those that seem to be used. * RSpec 2 compatibility. ### 0.2.2 * Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility * Added script/parse as command-line option for parsing files. * Add back support for RDFa 1.0 as well as RDFa 1.1. Parser checks @version to determine which * Update RDFa processing to WD-rdfa-core-20100803 semantics * Added Processor Graph and required output * Reverse order of processing profiles * Don't process element if any profile fails * XMLLiterals must be explicitly specified as @datatype * TERMorCURIEorAbsURI requires an absolute URI, not document relative * Extract a new default vocabulary from @profile. ### 0.2.1 * Update for RDF 0.2.1 ### 0.2.0 * Updates for RDF 0.2.0 * Use URI#intern instead of URI#new * Change use of Graph#predicates and Graph#objects to use as enumerables ### 0.0.3 * Removed internal graph in Reader and implement each_triple & each_statement to perform parsing ### 0.0.2 * Remove dependency on Namespace * Changed to RDF::RDFa, and moved files accordingly. * Added vocab definitions for RDA, XHV, XML, XSI and OWL ### 0.0.1 * First port from RdfContext version 0.5.4