# Futurism [![Twitter follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/julian_rubisch?style=social)](https://twitter.com/julian_rubisch) [![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-13-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-) Lazy-load Rails partials via CableReady :rotating_light: *Futurism is still in pre-1.0 state. As much as I hope to keep the API backwards-compatible, I cannot guarantee it* :rotating_light: birmingham-museums-trust-GrvC6MI-z4w-unsplash Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash ## Table of Contents - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Facts](#facts) - [Browser Support](#browser-support) - [Usage](#usage) - [API](#api) - [Resource](#resource) - [Explicit Partial](#explicit-partial) - [HTML Options](#html-options) - [Eager Loading](#eager-loading) - [Events](#events) - [Installation](#installation) - [Manual Installation](#manual-installation) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [Gotchas](#gotchas) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) - [Contributors](#contributors) ## Facts - only one dependency: CableReady - bundle size (without CableReady) is around [~1.04kB](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=@minthesize/futurism@0.1.3) ### Browser Support - Chrome v67+ (v54+ via Polyfill) - Firefox v63+ - Edge v79+ - Safari v10.1+ via Polyfill - iOS Safari & Chrome v10.3+ via Polyfill [Caniuse](https://www.caniuse.com/#search=custom%20elements) ## Usage with a helper in your template ```erb <%= futurize @posts, extends: :div do %> <% end %> ``` custom ``s (in the form of a `
` or a `` are rendered. Those custom elements have an `IntersectionObserver` attached that will send a signed global id to an ActionCable channel (`FuturismChannel`) which will then replace the placeholders with the actual resource partial. With that method, you could lazy load every class that has to_partial_path defined (ActiveModel has by default). You can pass the placeholder as a block: ```erb <%= futurize @posts, extends: :tr do %> <% end %> ``` ![aa601dec1930151f71dbf0d6b02b61c9](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4352208/87131629-f768a480-c294-11ea-89a9-ea0a76ee06ef.gif) ## API Currently there are two ways to call `futurize`, designed to wrap `render`'s behavior: ### Resource You can pass a single `ActiveRecord` or an `ActiveRecord::Relation` to `futurize`, just as you would call `render`: ```erb <%= futurize @posts, extends: :tr do %> <% end %> ``` #### Partial Path Remember that you can override the partial path in you models, like so: ```rb class Post < ApplicationRecord def to_partial_path "home/post" end end ``` That way you get maximal flexibility when just specifying a single resource. ### Explicit Partial Call `futurize` with a `partial` keyword: ```erb <%= futurize partial: "items/card", locals: {card: @card}, extends: :div do %>
<% end %> ``` You can also use the shorthand syntax: ```erb <%= futurize "items/card", card: @card, extends: :div do %>
<% end %> ``` #### Collections Collection rendering is also possible: ```erb <%= futurize partial: "items/card", collection: @cards, extends: :div do %>
<% end %> ``` ### HTML Options You can pass a hash of attribute/value pairs which will be mixed into the HTML markup for the placeholder element. This is important for layouts that require elements to have dimensionality. For example, many scripts calculate size based on element height and width. This option ensures that your elements have integrity, even if they are gone before you see them. ```erb <%= futurize @posts, extends: :tr, html_options: {style: "width: 50px; height: 50px;"} do %> <% end %> ``` This will output the following: ```html ``` ### Eager Loading It may sound surprising to support eager loading in a lazy loading library :joy:, but there's a quite simple use case: Suppose you have some hidden interactive portion of your page, like a tab or dropdown. You don't want its content to block the initial page load, but once that is done, you occasionally don't want to wait for the element to become visible and trigger the `IntersectionObserver`, you want to lazy load its contents right after it's added to the DOM. Futurism makes that dead simple: ```erb <%= futurize 'some_tab', eager: true, extends: :tr do %>
<% end %> ``` ## Events Once your futurize element has been rendered, the `futurize:appeared` custom event will be called. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'futurism' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` To copy over the javascript files to your application, run ```bash $ bin/rails futurism:install ``` **! Note that the installer will run `yarn add @minthesize/futurism` for you !** ### Manual Installation After `bundle`, install the Javascript library: ```bash $ bin/yarn add @minthesize/futurism ``` In your `app/javascript/channels/index.js`, add the following ```js import * as Futurism from '@minthesize/futurism' import consumer from './consumer' Futurism.initializeElements() Futurism.createSubscription(consumer) ``` ## Authentication For authentication, you can rely on ActionCable identifiers, for example, if you use Devise: ```ruby module ApplicationCable class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base identified_by :current_user def connect self.current_user = env["warden"].user || reject_unauthorized_connection end end end ``` The [Stimulus Reflex Docs](https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/authentication) have an excellent section about all sorts of authentication. ## Gotchas ### ActiveStorage URLs aren't correct in development Out of the box, Rails will prefix generated urls with `http://example.org` rather than `http://localhost`, much like ActionMailer. To amend this, add ```ruby # config/environments/development.rb config.action_controller.default_url_options = {host: "localhost", port: 3000} # config/environments/production.rb config.action_controller.default_url_options = {host: "mysite.com"} ``` to your environments. ## Contributing ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):

Julian Rubisch



💻 📖

Konnor Rogers


Andrew Mason


Chris Oliver

💻 👀


💻 👀

M. E. Patterson


Stephen Margheim


Hassanin Ahmed


Marco Roth


Viedit com


Scott Barrow


Dom Christie


Ricky Chilcott

This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!