require "inline_editable_metadata_helper" require "block_helpers" require "redcloth" # Provides textile parsing support for textile_area method module Hydra::HydraFedoraMetadataHelperBehavior def fedora_text_field(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) field_name = field_name_for(field_key) field_values = get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) field_values = [""] if field_values.empty? field_values = [field_values.first] unless opts.fetch(:multiple, true) required = opts.fetch(:required, true) ? "required" : "" body = "" field_values.each_with_index do |current_value, z| base_id = generate_base_id(field_name, current_value, field_values, opts) name = "asset[#{datastream_name}][#{field_name}][#{z}]" body << "" body << "Delete" if opts.fetch(:multiple, true) && !current_value.empty? end result = field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) result << body.html_safe result end def fedora_text_area(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) fedora_textile_text_area(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end # Textile textarea varies from the other methods in a few ways # Since we're using jeditable with this instead of fluid, we need to provide slightly different hooks for the javascript # * we are storing the datastream name in data-datastream-name so that we can construct a load url on the fly when initializing the textarea def fedora_textile_text_area(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) field_name = field_name_for(field_key) field_values = get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) field_values = [""] if field_values.empty? if opts.fetch(:multiple, true) container_tag_type = :li else field_values = [field_values.first] container_tag_type = :span end required = opts.fetch(:required, true) ? "required" : "" body = "" field_values.each_with_index do |current_value, z| base_id = generate_base_id(field_name, current_value, field_values, opts) name = "asset[#{datastream_name}][#{field_name}][#{z}]" processed_field_value = Sanitize.clean(, [:sanitize_html]).to_html, Sanitize::Config::BASIC) body << "" body << "Delete" unless z == 0 end result = field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) result << body.html_safe result end # Expects :choices option. Option tags for the select are generated from the :choices option using Rails "options_for_select": helper # If no :choices option is provided, returns a regular fedora_text_field def fedora_select(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) if opts[:choices].nil? result = fedora_text_field(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) else choices = opts[:choices] field_name = field_name_for(field_key) field_values = get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) body = "" z = 0 base_id = generate_base_id(field_name, field_values.first, field_values, opts.merge({:multiple=>false})) name = "asset[#{datastream_name}][#{field_name}][#{z}]" body << "" result = field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) result << body.html_safe end result end def fedora_date_select(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) field_name = field_name_for(field_key) field_values = get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) base_id = generate_base_id(field_name, field_values.first, field_values, opts.merge({:multiple=>false})) name = "asset[#{datastream_name}][#{base_id}]" value = field_values.first field_value = value.nil? ? "" : value field_value[/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/] year = ($1.nil? or $1.empty?) ? "" : $1.to_i month = ($2.nil? or $2.empty?) ? "-1" : $2 day = ($3.nil? or $3.empty?) ? "-1" : $3 # Make sure that month and day values are double-digit [month, day].each {|v| v.length == 1 ? v.insert(0, "0") : nil } year_options = {|i| 1910+i} # year_options = {|i| 1990+i} year_options.insert(0, ["Year", "-1"]) body = "" body << "
" body << "" body << " / " body << "" body << "
" body << <<-EOF EOF result = field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) result << body.html_safe result end def fedora_submit(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) result = "" h_name = OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(*field_key) field_key.each do |pointer| result << tag(:input, :type=>"submit", :name=>"field_selectors[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}]", :value => field_key.to_s.capitalize) end return result.html_safe end def fedora_checkbox(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) result = "" field_values = get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) h_name = OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(*field_key) v_name = field_key.last.to_s checked = field_values.first.downcase == "yes" ? "checked" : "" result = field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) # adding so that customized checked and unchecked values can be passed in checked_value = (opts[:default_values] && opts[:default_values][:checked]) ? opts[:default_values][:checked] : "yes" unchecked_value = (opts[:default_values] && opts[:default_values][:unchecked]) ? opts[:default_values][:unchecked] : "no" result << tag(:input, :type=>"hidden", :id=>"#{h_name}_checked_value", :value=>checked_value ) result << tag(:input, :type=>"hidden", :id=>"#{h_name}_unchecked_value", :value=>unchecked_value ) if field_values.first.downcase == "yes" result << tag(:input, :type=>"checkbox", :id=>h_name, :class=>"fedora-checkbox", :name=>"asset[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}][0]", :value=>checked_value, :checked=>"checked") else result << tag(:input, :type=>"checkbox", :id=>h_name, :class=>"fedora-checkbox", :name=>"asset[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}][0]", :value=>unchecked_value) end return result.html_safe end # Expects :choices option. # :choices should be a hash with value/label pairs # :choices => {"first_choice"=>"Apple", "second_choice"=>"Pear" } # If no :choices option is provided, returns a regular fedora_text_field def fedora_radio_button(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) if opts[:choices].nil? result = fedora_text_field(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) else choices = opts[:choices] field_name = field_name_for(field_key) field_values = get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) h_name = OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(*field_key) default_value = opts.keys.include?(:default_value) ? opts[:default_value] : "" selected_value = field_values.empty? ? "" : field_values.first selected_value = default_value if selected_value.blank? body = "" z = 0 base_id = generate_base_id(field_name, field_values.first, field_values, opts.merge({:multiple=>false})) name = "asset[#{datastream_name}][#{field_name}][#{z}]" result = field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) choices.sort.each do |choice,label| if choice == selected_value result << tag(:input, :type=>"radio", :id=>"availability_#{choice}", :class=>"fedora-radio-button", :name=>"asset[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}][0]", :value=>choice.downcase, :checked=>true) else result << tag(:input, :type=>"radio", :id=>"availability_#{choice}", :class=>"fedora-radio-button", :name=>"asset[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}][0]", :value=>choice.downcase) end result << " " end result end return result.html_safe end def fedora_text_field_insert_link(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) field_name = field_name_for(field_key) || field_key field_type = field_name == "person" ? "person" : "textfield" link_text = "Add #{(opts[:label] || field_key.last || field_key).to_s.camelize.titlecase}" result = "#{link_text}" return result.html_safe end def fedora_text_area_insert_link(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) field_name = field_name_for(field_key) link_text = "Add #{(opts[:label] || field_key.last || field_key).to_s.camelize.titlecase}" result = "#{link_text}" return result.html_safe end def fedora_field_label(datastream_name, field_key, label=nil) field_name = field_name_for(field_key) if label.nil? label = field_name end if params and params[:action] == "show" return content_tag(:span, label).html_safe else return content_tag("label", label, :for=>field_name).html_safe end end # Generate hidden inputs to handle mapping field names to server-side metadata mappings # this allows us to round-trip OM metadata mappings # also (importantly) allows us to avoid executing xpath queries from http requests. # *Note*: It's important that you serialize these inputs in order from top to bottom (standard HTML form behavior) def field_selectors_for(datastream_name, field_key) result = "" if field_key.kind_of?(Array) h_name = OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(*field_key) field_key.each do |pointer| if pointer.kind_of?(Hash) k = pointer.keys.first v = pointer.values.first result << tag(:input, :type=>"hidden", :class=>"fieldselector", :name=>"field_selectors[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}][][#{k}]", :value=>v) else result << tag(:input, :type=>"hidden", :class=>"fieldselector", :name=>"field_selectors[#{datastream_name}][#{h_name}][]", :value=>pointer.to_s) end end end result.html_safe end # hydra_form_for block helper # allows you to construct an entire hydra form by passing a block into this method class HydraFormFor < BlockHelpers::Base def initialize(resource, opts={}) @resource = resource end def fedora_label(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_label(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_text_field(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_label(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_text_area(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_text_area(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_select(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_select(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_submit(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_submit(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_checkbox(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_checkbox(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_radio_button(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_radio_button(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def fedora_text_field_insert_link(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_text_field_insert_link(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) end def fedora_field_label(datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) helper.fedora_field_label(@resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts) end def display(body) inner_html = content_tag :input, :type=>"hidden", :name=>"content_type", :value=>@resource.class.to_s.underscore inner_html = inner_html << body content_tag :form, inner_html end end # # Internal helper methods # # retrieve field values from datastream. # If :values is provided, skips accessing the datastream and returns the contents of :values instead. def get_values_from_datastream(resource, datastream_name, field_key, opts={}) if opts.has_key?(:values) values = opts[:values] if values.nil? then values = [opts.fetch(:default, "")] end else values = resource.get_values_from_datastream(datastream_name, field_key, opts.fetch(:default, "")) if values.empty? then values = [ opts.fetch(:default, "") ] end end return values end def field_name_for(field_key) if field_key.kind_of?(Array) return OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(*field_key) else field_key.to_s end end def generate_base_id(field_name, current_value, values, opts) if opts.fetch(:multiple, true) return field_name+"_"+values.index(current_value).to_s else return field_name end end end