require 'spec_helper' require 'deface/dsl/context' describe Deface::DSL::Context do include_context "mock Rails.application" context '#create_override' do subject { context ='sample_name') } def override_should_be_created_with(expected_hash) Deface::Override.should_receive(:new).with hash_including(expected_hash.reverse_merge(:name => 'sample_name')) subject.create_override end it 'should use name passed in through initializer' do override_should_be_created_with(:name => 'sample_name') end it 'should use value set with #virtual_path' do subject.virtual_path('test/path') override_should_be_created_with(:virtual_path => 'test/path') end context 'actions' do Deface::DEFAULT_ACTIONS.each do |action| action = action.to_sym it "should use value set with ##{action}" do subject.send(action, "#{action}/selector") override_should_be_created_with(action => "#{action}/selector") end end it 'should generate a warning if two action values are specified' do subject.insert_top('selector') logger = double('logger') Rails.should_receive(:logger).and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:error).with("\e[1;32mDeface: [WARNING]\e[0m Multiple action methods have been called. The last one will be used.") subject.insert_bottom('selector') end it 'should use the last action that is specified' do Rails.stub_chain(:logger, :error) subject.insert_top('insert_top/selector') subject.insert_bottom('insert_bottom/selector') override_should_be_created_with(:insert_bottom => 'insert_bottom/selector') end end context 'sources' do Deface::DEFAULT_SOURCES.each do |source| source = source.to_sym it "should use value set with ##{source}" do subject.send(source, "#{source} value") override_should_be_created_with(source => "#{source} value") end end it 'should generate a warning if two sources are specified' do subject.partial('partial name') logger = double('logger') Rails.should_receive(:logger).and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:error).with("\e[1;32mDeface: [WARNING]\e[0m Multiple source methods have been called. The last one will be used.") subject.template('template/path') end it 'should use the last source that is specified' do Rails.stub_chain(:logger, :error) subject.partial('partial name') subject.template('template/path') override_should_be_created_with(:template => 'template/path') end end # * :original - String containing original markup that is being overridden. # If supplied Deface will log when the original markup changes, which helps highlight overrides that need # attention when upgrading versions of the source application. Only really warranted for :replace overrides. # NB: All whitespace is stripped before comparsion. it 'should use value set with #original' do subject.original('
original markup
') override_should_be_created_with(:original => '
original markup
') end # * :closing_selector - A second css selector targeting an end element, allowing you to select a range # of elements to apply an action against. The :closing_selector only supports the :replace, :remove and # :replace_contents actions, and the end element must be a sibling of the first/starting element. Note the CSS # general sibling selector (~) is used to match the first element after the opening selector. it 'should use value set wih #closing_selector' do subject.closing_selector('closing/selector') override_should_be_created_with(:closing_selector => 'closing/selector') end # * :sequence - Used to order the application of an override for a specific virtual path, helpful when # an override depends on another override being applied first. # Supports: # :sequence => n - where n is a positive or negative integer (lower numbers get applied first, default 100). # :sequence => {:before => "override_name"} - where "override_name" is the name of an override defined for the # same virutal_path, the current override will be appplied before # the named override passed. # :sequence => {:after => "override_name") - the current override will be applied after the named override passed. it 'should use hash value set with #sequence' do subject.sequence(:before => 'something') override_should_be_created_with(:sequence => {:before => 'something'}) end it 'should use integer value set with #sequence' do subject.sequence(12) override_should_be_created_with(:sequence => 12) end ## todo: combine #set_attributes and attributes for clarity # * :attributes - A hash containing all the attributes to be set on the matched elements, eg: :attributes => {:class => "green", :title => "some string"} it 'should use value set with attributes' do subject.attributes(:class => "green", :title => "some string") override_should_be_created_with(:attributes => {:class => "green", :title => "some string"}) end # * :disabled - When set to true the override will not be applied. it 'should pass { :disabled => true } when #disabled is called' do subject.disabled override_should_be_created_with(:disabled => true) end it 'should pass { :disabled => false} #enabled is called' do subject.enabled override_should_be_created_with(:disabled => false) end it "should automatically namespace the override's name when namespaced is called" do subject.namespaced override_should_be_created_with(:namespaced => true) end end end