#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'pp' require 'find' require 'crowdin-cli' # For development purposes only. Comment in production # require 'byebug' # GLI_DEBUG=true bundle exec bin/crowdin-cli # Setup i18n # tell the I18n library where to find your translations I18n.load_path += Dir[Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path + '../locales/*.yml'] I18n.enforce_available_locales = false I18n.locale = :en # Return +hierarchy+ of directories and files in Crowdin project # # +files+ - basically, it's project files details from API method `project_info` # def get_remote_files_hierarchy(files, root = '/', hierarchy = { dirs: [], files: [] }) files.each do |node| case node['node_type'] when 'branch' get_remote_files_hierarchy(node['files'], root + node['name'] + '/', hierarchy) when 'directory' hierarchy[:dirs] << "#{root}#{node['name']}" get_remote_files_hierarchy(node['files'], root + node['name'] + '/', hierarchy) when 'file' hierarchy[:files] << "#{root}#{node['name']}" end end return hierarchy end # Return +hierarchy+ of local directories and files # # @params [Array] files a list of files in a local directory. # def get_local_files_hierarchy(files, hierarchy = { dirs: [], files: [] }) hierarchy[:files] = files dirs = files.inject([]) do |res, a| res << a.split('/').drop(1).inject([]) do |res, s| res << res.last.to_s + '/' + s end end dirs.map(&:pop) # delete last element from each array hierarchy[:dirs] = dirs.flatten.uniq return hierarchy end # @param [String] path relative path to file in Crowdin project # @param [String] export_pattern basically, is a file['translation'] from crowdin.yaml # @param [Hash] lang language information # @option lang [String] :name # @option lang [String] :crowdin_code # @option lang [String] :iso_639_1 # @option lang [String] :iso_639_3 # @option lang [String] :locale # def export_pattern_to_path(path, export_pattern, lang, languages_mapping = nil) original_path = File.dirname(path)[1..-1] original_file_name = File.basename(path) file_extension = File.extname(path)[1..-1] file_name = File.basename(path, File.extname(path)) pattern = { '%original_file_name%' => original_file_name, '%original_path%' => original_path, '%file_extension%' => file_extension, '%file_name%' => file_name, '%language%' => lang['name'], '%two_letters_code%' => lang['iso_639_1'], '%three_letters_code%' => lang['iso_639_3'], '%locale%' => lang['locale'], '%locale_with_underscore%' => lang['locale'].gsub('-', '_'), '%android_code%' => lang['android_code'], '%osx_code%' => lang['osx_code'], '%osx_locale%' => lang['osx_locale'], } placeholders = pattern.inject([]){ |memo, h| memo << h.first[/%(.*)%/, 1] } unless languages_mapping.nil? pattern = Hash[pattern.map { |placeholder, str| [ placeholder, (languages_mapping[placeholder[/%(.*)%/, 1]][lang['crowdin_code']] rescue nil) || str] }] end export_pattern.gsub(/%(#{placeholders.join('|')})%/, pattern) end # @param [String] path relative path to file in Crowdin project # @param [String] source basically, is a file['source'] from crowdin.yaml # @param [String] translation basically, is a file['translation'] from crowdin.yaml # def construct_export_pattern(path, source, translation) pattern_regexp = translate_pattern_to_regexp(source) if pattern_regexp.names.include?('double_asterisk') and path.match(pattern_regexp) double_asterisk = path.match(pattern_regexp)['double_asterisk'] translation = translation.sub('**', double_asterisk) end export_pattern = translation.split('/').reject(&:empty?).join('/') export_pattern.insert(0, '/') if translation.start_with?('/') return export_pattern end # This is a partial translation of the algorithm defined in fnmatch.py # https://github.com/python-git/python/blob/master/Lib/fnmatch.py # Provides a partial implementation of translate a glob +pat+ to a regular expression # # Patterns are Unix shell style: # * matches everything # ? matches any single character # [seq] matches any character in seq # [^seq] matches any char not in seq # # NOTE: # `**` surrounded by backslashes `/` in the +pat+ # `**` used only once in the +pat+ # def translate_pattern_to_regexp(pat) i = 0 n = pat.size res = '' while i < n c = pat[i] i = i + 1 if c == '*' j = i if j < n and pat[j] == '*' res[-1] = '(\/)?(?.*)?' i = j + 1 else res = res + '.*' end elsif c == '?' res = res + '.' elsif c == '[' j = i # The following two statements check if the sequence we stumbled # upon is '[]' or '[^]' because those are not valid character # classes. if j < n and pat[j] == '^' j = j + 1 end if j < n and pat[j] == ']' j = j + 1 end # Look for the closing ']' right off the bat. If one is not found, # escape the opening '[' and continue. If it is found, process # he contents of '[...]'. while j < n and pat[j] != ']' j = j + 1 end if j >= n res = res + '\\[' else stuff = pat[i...j].gsub('\\', '\\\\') i = j + 1 #if stuff[0] == '!' # stuff = '^' + stuff[1..-1] #elsif stuff[0] == '^' # stuff = '\\' + stuff #end res = "#{res}[#{stuff}]" end else res = res + Regexp.escape(c) end end return Regexp.new(res + '$') end def get_invalid_placeholders(export_pattern) valid_placeholders = [ '%language%', '%two_letters_code%', '%three_letters_code%', '%locale%', '%locale_with_underscore%', '%android_code%', '%osx_code%', '%osx_locale%', '%original_file_name%', '%original_path%', '%file_extension%', '%file_name%', ] all_placeholders = export_pattern.scan(/%[a-z0-9_]*?%/) invalid_placeholders = all_placeholders - valid_placeholders end # Return a string representing that part of the directory tree that is common to all the files # # @params [Array] paths set of strings representing directory paths # def find_common_directory_path(paths) case paths.length when 0 return '/' when 1 return paths.first.split('/').slice(0...-1).join('/') else arr = paths.sort first = arr.first.split('/') last = arr.last.split('/') i = 0 i += 1 while first[i] == last[i] && i <= first.length first.slice(0, i).join('/') end end # Extract compressed files +files_list+ in a ZIP archive +zipfile_name+ to +dest_path+ # # +files_list+ is a Hash of key-value pairs. Where key is a possible archive filename based on current project configuration # and value is the expanded filename # def unzip_file_with_translations(zipfile_name, dest_path, files_list, ignore_match) # overwrite files if they already exist inside of the extracted path Zip.on_exists_proc = true # files that exists in archive and doesn't match current project configuration unmatched_files = [] Zip::File.open(zipfile_name) do |zipfile| zipfile.restore_permissions = false zipfile.select { |zip_entry| zip_entry.file? }.each do |f| filename = f.name if @branch_name and @base_path_contains_branch_subfolders # strip branch from filename filename = f.name.sub(File.join(@branch_name, '/'), '') end # `f' - relative path in archive file = files_list[filename] if file fpath = File.join(dest_path, file) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fpath)) puts "Extracting: `#{file}'" zipfile.extract(f, fpath) else unmatched_files << f end end end unless unmatched_files.empty? or ignore_match puts "Warning: Downloaded translations do not match current project configuration. The following files will be omitted:" unmatched_files.each { |file| puts " - `#{file}'" } end end # Build a Hash tree from Array of +filenames* # def build_hash_tree(filenames) files_tree = filenames.inject({}) { |h, i| t = h; i.split("/").each { |n| t[n] ||= {}; t = t[n] }; h } end # Box-drawing character - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-drawing_character # ├ └ ─ │ # def display_tree(files_tree, level = -2, branches = []) level += 1 files_tree.each_with_index do |(key, val), index| if val.empty? # this is a file result = branches.take(level).inject('') { |s, i| s << (i == 1 ? '│' : '').ljust(4) } if index == files_tree.length - 1 # this is a last element result << '└' + '──' + ' ' + key else result << '├' + '──' + ' ' + key end puts result else # this is directory if key == '' # root directory result = '.' else result = branches.take(level).inject('') { |s, i| s << (i == 1 ? '│' : '').ljust(4) } if index == files_tree.length - 1 # this is a last element result << '└' + '──' + ' ' + key branches[level] = 0 else result << '├' + '──' + ' ' + key branches[level] = 1 end end puts result # recursion \(^_^)/ display_tree(val, level, branches) end end end class String def strip_heredoc indent = scan(/^[ \t]*(?=\S)/).min.size || 0 gsub(/^[ \t]{#{indent}}/, '') end end ### include GLI::App version Crowdin::CLI::VERSION subcommand_option_handling :normal program_desc I18n.t('app.desc') program_long_desc I18n.t('app.long_desc') sort_help :manually # help commands are ordered in the order declared wrap_help_text :to_terminal desc I18n.t('app.switches.verbose.desc') switch [:v, :verbose], negatable: false desc I18n.t('app.flags.config.desc') default_value File.join(Dir.pwd, 'crowdin.yaml') arg_name '' flag [:c, :config] desc I18n.t('app.flags.identity.desc') default_value File.join(Dir.home, '.crowdin.yaml') arg_name '' flag [:identity] desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.desc') long_desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.long_desc') command :upload do |c| c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.sources.desc') c.long_desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.sources.long_desc') c.command :sources do |c| c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.sources.switches.auto_update.desc') c.default_value true c.switch ['auto-update'] c.desc I18n.t('app.flags.branch.desc') c.arg_name 'branch_name' c.flag [:b, :branch] c.action do |global_options, options, args| source_language = @project_info['details']['source_language']['code'] # Crowdin supported languages list supported_languages = @crowdin.supported_languages source_language = supported_languages.find { |lang| lang['crowdin_code'] == source_language } if @branch_name branch = @project_info['files'].find { |h| h['node_type'] == 'branch' && h['name'] == @branch_name } if branch branch_files = [] << branch else print "Creating a new branch `#{@branch_name}'" @crowdin.add_directory(@branch_name, is_branch: '1') puts "\rCreating a new branch `#{@branch_name}' - OK" branch_files = [] end remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(branch_files) # Remove branch directory from a directory path string remote_project_tree[:dirs].map! { |p| p.split('/')[2..-1].unshift('').join('/') } remote_project_tree[:files].map! { |p| p.split('/')[2..-1].unshift('').join('/') } else # INFO it also includes all branches remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(@project_info['files']) end local_files = [] dest_files = [] @config['files'].each do |file| get_invalid_placeholders(file['translation']).each do |placeholder| puts "Warning: #{placeholder} is not valid variable supported by Crowdin. See http://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details." end ignores = file['ignore'] || [] if File.exist?(File.join(@base_path, file['source'])) dest = file['dest'] || file['source'] type = file['type'] dest_files << dest local_file = { dest: dest, source: File.join(@base_path, file['source']), export_pattern: file['translation'], type: type } @allowed_options.each do |option| local_file.merge!({ option.to_sym => file[option] }) if file.has_key?(option) end local_files << local_file else Find.find(@base_path) do |source_path| dest = source_path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') # relative path in Crowdin type = file['type'] if File.directory?(source_path) if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory else next end elsif File.fnmatch?(file['source'], dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) next if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } dest_files << dest export_pattern = construct_export_pattern(dest, file['source'], file['translation']) local_file = { dest: dest, source: source_path, export_pattern: export_pattern, type: type } @allowed_options.each do |option| local_file.merge!({ option.to_sym => file[option] }) if file.has_key?(option) end local_files << local_file end end # Find end # if File.exist? end # @config['files'] if dest_files.empty? exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc No source files to upload. Check your configuration file to ensure that they contain valid directives. See http://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details. EOS end common_dir = @preserve_hierarchy ? '' : find_common_directory_path(dest_files) local_project_tree = get_local_files_hierarchy(local_files.collect { |h| h[:dest].sub(common_dir, '') }) local_files.each { |file| file[:dest].sub!(common_dir, '') } # Create directory tree # create_dirs = local_project_tree[:dirs] - remote_project_tree[:dirs] create_dirs.each do |dir| # FIXME if directory path starts with / Crowdin returns an error: # 17: Specified directory was not found dir.slice!(0) if dir.start_with?('/') print "Creating directory `#{dir}'" @crowdin.add_directory(dir, branch: @branch_name) puts "\rCreating directory `#{dir}' - OK" end if options['auto-update'] # Update existing files in Crowdin project # # array containing elements common to the two arrays update_files = local_project_tree[:files] & remote_project_tree[:files] files_for_upload = local_files.select { |file| update_files.include?(file[:dest]) } files_for_upload.each do |file| file[:dest].slice!(0) if file[:dest].start_with?('/') params = {} params[:branch] = @branch_name if @branch_name @allowed_options.each do |option| params[option.to_sym] = file.delete(option.to_sym) end print "Updating source file `#{file[:dest]}'" resp = @crowdin.update_file([] << file, params) case resp['files'].first[1] when 'skipped' puts "\rUpdating source file `#{file[:dest]}' - Skipped" when 'updated' puts "\rUpdating source file `#{file[:dest]}' - OK" end end end # Add new files to Crowdin project # add_files = local_project_tree[:files] - remote_project_tree[:files] files_for_add = local_files.select { |file| add_files.include?(file[:dest]) } files_for_add.each do |file| # If file path starts with / Crowdin returns error # 17: Specified directory was not found # make sure that file[:dest] not start with '/' file[:dest].slice!(0) if file[:dest].start_with?('/') params = {} params[:type] = file.delete(:type) if file[:type] params[:branch] = @branch_name if @branch_name @allowed_options.each do |option| params[option.to_sym] = file.delete(option.to_sym) end print "Uploading source file `#{file[:dest]}'" @crowdin.add_file([] << file, params) puts "\rUploading source file `#{file[:dest]}' - OK" end end # action end # upload sources c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.translations.desc') c.long_desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.translations.long_desc') c.command :translations do |c| c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.translations.flags.language.desc') c.default_value 'all' c.arg_name 'crowdin_language_code' c.flag [:l, :language] c.desc I18n.t('app.flags.branch.desc') c.arg_name 'branch_name' c.flag [:b, :branch] c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.translations.switches.import_duplicates.desc') c.switch ['import-duplicates'] c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.translations.switches.import_eq_suggestions.desc') c.switch ['import-eq-suggestions'] c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.upload.commands.translations.switches.auto_approve_imported.desc') c.switch ['auto-approve-imported'] c.action do |global_options, options, args| params = {} params[:import_duplicates] = options['import-duplicates'] ? 1 : 0 params[:import_eq_suggestions] = options['import-eq-suggestions'] ? 1 : 0 params[:auto_approve_imported] = options['auto-approve-imported'] ? 1 : 0 language = options[:language] if @branch_name branch = @project_info['files'].find { |h| h['node_type'] == 'branch' && h['name'] == @branch_name } if branch params[:branch] = @branch_name branch_files = [] << branch else exit_now!("branch '#{@branch_name}' doesn't exist in the project") end remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(branch_files) # Remove branch directory from a directory path string remote_project_tree[:dirs].map! { |p| p.split('/')[2..-1].unshift('').join('/') } remote_project_tree[:files].map! { |p| p.split('/')[2..-1].unshift('').join('/') } else remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(@project_info['files']) end project_languages = @project_info['languages'].collect { |h| h['code'] } if language == 'all' # do nothing else if project_languages.include?(language) project_languages = [] << language else exit_now!("language '#{language}' doesn't exist in the project") end end supported_languages = @crowdin.supported_languages source_language = @project_info['details']['source_language']['code'] source_language = supported_languages.find { |lang| lang['crowdin_code'] == source_language } translation_languages = supported_languages.select { |lang| project_languages.include?(lang['crowdin_code']) } translated_files = Hash.new{ |hash, key| hash[key] = Array.new } dest_files = [] @config['files'].each do |file| get_invalid_placeholders(file['translation']).each do |placeholder| puts "Warning: #{placeholder} is not valid variable supported by Crowdin. See http://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details." end ignores = file['ignore'] || [] languages_mapping = file['languages_mapping'] # CSV files only (default: false) multilingual_spreadsheet = file['multilingual_spreadsheet'] || false if multilingual_spreadsheet file_translation_languages = [] << source_language else file_translation_languages = translation_languages end if File.exist?(File.join(@base_path, file['source'])) dest = file['dest'] || file['source'] dest.sub!(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') dest_files << dest file_translation_languages.each do |lang| source = export_pattern_to_path(dest, file['translation'], lang, languages_mapping) translated_files[lang['crowdin_code']] << { source: File.join(@base_path, source), dest: dest } end else Find.find(@base_path) do |source_path| dest = source_path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') # relative path in Crowdin if File.directory?(source_path) if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory else next end elsif File.fnmatch?(file['source'], dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) next if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } dest_files << dest export_pattern = construct_export_pattern(dest, file['source'], file['translation']) file_translation_languages.each do |lang| source = export_pattern_to_path(dest, export_pattern, lang, languages_mapping) translated_files[lang['crowdin_code']] << { source: File.join(@base_path, source), dest: dest } end end end # Find end # if end # @config['files'] if dest_files.empty? exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc No translation files to upload. Check your configuration file to ensure that they contain valid directives. See https://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details. EOS end common_dir = @preserve_hierarchy ? '' : find_common_directory_path(dest_files) translated_files.each_pair do |language, files| files.each do |file| file[:dest] = file[:dest].sub(common_dir, '') source_file = file[:source].sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') if remote_project_tree[:files].include?(file[:dest]) if File.exist?(file[:source]) # If file path starts with / Crowdin returns error # 17: Specified directory was not found # make sure that file[:dest] not start with '/' file[:dest].slice!(0) if file[:dest].start_with?('/') print "Uploading translation file `#{source_file}'" resp = @crowdin.upload_translation([] << file, language, params) case resp['files'].first[1] when 'skipped' puts "\rUploading translation file `#{source_file}' - Skipped" when 'uploaded' puts "\rUploading translation file `#{source_file}' - OK" when 'not_allowed' puts "\rUploading translation file `#{source_file}' - is not possible" end else puts "Warning: Local file `#{file[:source]}' does not exist" end else # if source file does not exist, don't upload translations puts "Warning: Skip `#{source_file}'. Translation can not be uploaded for a non-existent source file `#{file[:dest]}'. Please upload sources first." end end end end # action end # upload translations end desc I18n.t('app.commands.download.desc') #arg_name 'Describe arguments to download here' command :download do |c| c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.download.flags.language.desc') c.long_desc I18n.t('app.commands.download.flags.language.long_desc') c.arg_name 'language_code' c.flag [:l, :language], default_value: 'all' c.desc I18n.t('app.flags.branch.desc') c.arg_name 'branch_name' c.flag [:b, :branch] c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.download.switches.ignore_match.desc') c.switch ['ignore-match'], negatable: false c.desc I18n.t('app.commands.download.switches.include_unchanged') c.switch ['include-unchanged'], negatable: false c.action do |global_options, options, args| if @branch_name branch = @project_info['files'].find { |h| h['node_type'] == 'branch' && h['name'] == @branch_name } unless branch exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc path `#{@branch_name}' did not match any branch known to Crowdin EOS end end language = options[:language] supported_languages = @crowdin.supported_languages project_languages = @project_info['languages'].collect { |h| h['code'] } if language == 'all' if @jipt_language if supported_languages.find { |lang| lang['crowdin_code'] == @jipt_language } project_languages << @jipt_language # crowdin_language_code else exit_now!("invalid jipt language `#{@jipt_language}`") end end else if project_languages.include?(language) project_languages = [] << language else exit_now!("language '#{language}' doesn't exist in a project") end end params = {} params[:branch] = @branch_name if @branch_name unless options['include-unchanged'] # use export API method before to download the most recent translations print 'Building ZIP archive with the latest translations ' export_translations = @crowdin.export_translations(params) if export_translations['success'] if export_translations['success']['status'] == 'built' puts "- OK" elsif export_translations['success']['status'] == 'skipped' puts "- Skipped" puts "Warning: Export was skipped. Please note that this method can be invoked only once per 30 minutes." end end end source_language = @project_info['details']['source_language']['code'] source_language = supported_languages.find { |lang| lang['crowdin_code'] == source_language } translation_languages = supported_languages.select { |lang| project_languages.include?(lang['crowdin_code']) } # keys is all possible files in .ZIP archive # values is resulted local files downloadable_files_hash = {} @config['files'].each do |file| languages_mapping = file['languages_mapping'] # Hash or NilClass ignores = file['ignore'] || [] # CSV files only (default: false) multilingual_spreadsheet = file['multilingual_spreadsheet'] || false if multilingual_spreadsheet file_translation_languages = [] << source_language else file_translation_languages = translation_languages end if File.exist?(File.join(@base_path, file['source'])) dest = file['source'].sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') file_translation_languages.each do |lang| zipped_file = export_pattern_to_path(dest, file['translation'], lang) zipped_file.sub!(/^\//, '') local_file = export_pattern_to_path(dest, file['translation'], lang, languages_mapping) downloadable_files_hash[zipped_file] = local_file end else Find.find(@base_path) do |source_path| dest = source_path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') # relative path in Crowdin if File.directory?(source_path) if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory else next end elsif File.fnmatch?(file['source'], dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) next if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } export_pattern = construct_export_pattern(dest, file['source'], file['translation']) file_translation_languages.each do |lang| zipped_file = export_pattern_to_path(dest, export_pattern, lang) zipped_file.sub!(/^\//, '') local_file = export_pattern_to_path(dest, export_pattern, lang, languages_mapping) downloadable_files_hash[zipped_file] = local_file end end end # Find end # if end # @config['files'] tempfile = Tempfile.new(language) zipfile_name = tempfile.path params = {} params[:output] = zipfile_name params[:branch] = @branch_name if @branch_name begin @crowdin.download_translation(language, params) unzip_file_with_translations(zipfile_name, @base_path, downloadable_files_hash, options['ignore-match']) ensure tempfile.close tempfile.unlink # delete the tempfile end end # action end # download desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.desc') long_desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.long_desc') command :list do |ls_cmd| ls_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.commands.project.desc') ls_cmd.command :project do |prj_cmd| prj_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.switches.tree.desc') prj_cmd.switch ['tree'], negatable: false prj_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.flags.branch.desc') prj_cmd.arg_name 'branch_name' prj_cmd.flag [:b, :branch] prj_cmd.action do |global_options, options, args| if @branch_name branch = @project_info['files'].find { |h| h['node_type'] == 'branch' && h['name'] == @branch_name } unless branch exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc path `#{@branch_name}' did not match any branch known to Crowdin EOS end branch_files = [] << branch remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(branch_files) else remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(@project_info['files']) end if options[:tree] tree = build_hash_tree(remote_project_tree[:files]) display_tree(tree) else puts remote_project_tree[:files] end end end ls_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.commands.sources.desc') ls_cmd.command :sources do |src_cmd| src_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.switches.tree.desc') src_cmd.switch ['tree'], negatable: false src_cmd.action do |global_options, options, args| local_files = [] dest_files = [] @config['files'].each do |file| get_invalid_placeholders(file['translation']).each do |placeholder| puts "Warning: #{placeholder} is not valid variable supported by Crowdin. See http://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details." end ignores = file['ignore'] || [] if File.exist?(File.join(@base_path, file['source'])) dest = file['source'] dest_files << dest local_file = { dest: dest, source: File.join(@base_path, file['source']), export_pattern: file['translation'] } @allowed_options.each do |option| local_file.merge!({ option.to_sym => file[option] }) if file.has_key?(option) end local_files << local_file else Find.find(@base_path) do |source_path| dest = source_path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') # relative path in Crowdin if File.directory?(source_path) if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory else next end elsif File.fnmatch?(file['source'], dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) next if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } dest_files << dest export_pattern = construct_export_pattern(dest, file['source'], file['translation']) local_file = { dest: dest, source: source_path, export_pattern: export_pattern } @allowed_options.each do |option| local_file.merge!({ option.to_sym => file[option] }) if file.has_key?(option) end local_files << local_file end end # Find end # if File.exist? end # @config['files'] common_dir = @preserve_hierarchy ? '' : find_common_directory_path(dest_files) local_project_tree = get_local_files_hierarchy(local_files.collect { |h| h[:dest].sub(common_dir, '') }) if options[:tree] tree = build_hash_tree(local_project_tree[:files]) display_tree(tree) else puts local_project_tree[:files] end end end # list sources ls_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.commands.translations.desc') ls_cmd.command :translations do |trans_cmd| trans_cmd.desc I18n.t('app.commands.list.switches.tree.desc') trans_cmd.switch ['tree'], negatable: false trans_cmd.action do |global_options, options, args| project_languages = @project_info['languages'].collect { |h| h['code'] } supported_languages = @crowdin.supported_languages translation_languages = supported_languages.select { |lang| project_languages.include?(lang['crowdin_code']) } translation_files = [] @config['files'].each do |file| languages_mapping = file['languages_mapping'] # Hash or NilClass ignores = file['ignore'] || [] if File.exist?(File.join(@base_path, file['source'])) dest = file['source'].sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') translation_languages.each do |lang| local_file = export_pattern_to_path(dest, file['translation'], lang, languages_mapping) translation_files << local_file end else Find.find(@base_path) do |source_path| dest = source_path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(@base_path)}/, '') # relative path in Crowdin if File.directory?(source_path) if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory else next end elsif File.fnmatch?(file['source'], dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) next if ignores.any? { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, dest, File::FNM_PATHNAME) } export_pattern = construct_export_pattern(dest, file['source'], file['translation']) translation_languages.each do |lang| local_file = export_pattern_to_path(dest, export_pattern, lang, languages_mapping) translation_files << local_file end end end # Find end # if end # @config['files'] if options[:tree] tree = build_hash_tree(translation_files) display_tree(tree) else puts translation_files end end end # list translations #ls_cmd.default_command :project end # list pre do |globals, command, options, args| # Pre logic here # Return true to proceed; false to abourt and not call the # chosen command # Use skips_pre before a command to skip this block # on that command only # TODO: check for validity options @allowed_options = [ # *.properties files only 'escape_quotes', # CSV files only 'scheme', 'first_line_contains_header', 'update_option', # XML files only 'translate_content', 'translate_attributes', 'content_segmentation', 'translatable_elements', ] unless File.exist?(globals[:config]) exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Can't find configuration file (default `crowdin.yaml'). Type `crowdin-cli help` to know how to specify custom configuration file See http://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details EOS end # load project-specific configuration # begin # undocumented feature # you can use ERB in your config file, e.g. # api_key: <%= # ruby code ... %> # @config = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read(globals[:config])).result) || {} rescue Psych::SyntaxError => err exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Could not parse YAML: #{err.message} We were unable to successfully parse the crowdin.yaml file that you provided - most likely it is not well-formatted YAML. Please check whether your crowdin.yaml is valid YAML - you can use the http://yamllint.com/ validator to do this - and make any necessary changes to fix it. EOS end # try to load the API credentials from an environment variable, e.g. # # project_identifier_env: 'CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID' # api_key_env: 'CROWDIN_API_KEY' # base_path_env: 'CROWDIN_BASE_PATH' # ['api_key', 'project_identifier', 'base_path'].each do |key| if @config["#{key}_env"] unless @config[key] # project credentials have a higher priority if they are specified in the config @config[key] = ENV[@config["#{key}_env"]] end end end # user credentials in the user-specific config file have a higher priority than project-specific # if File.exist?(globals[:identity]) identity = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read(globals[:identity])).result) || {} ['api_key', 'project_identifier', 'base_path'].each do |key| @config[key] = identity[key] if identity[key] end end ['api_key', 'project_identifier'].each do |key| unless @config[key] exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Configuration file misses required option `#{key}` See http://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details EOS end end unless @config['files'] exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Configuration file misses required section `files` See https://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details EOS end @config['files'].each do |file| unless file['source'] exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Files section misses required parameter `source` See https://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details EOS end unless file['translation'] exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Files section misses required parameter `translation` See https://crowdin.com/page/cli-tool#configuration-file for more details EOS end file['source'] = '/' + file['source'] unless file['source'].start_with?('/') #file['translation'] = '/' + file['translation'] unless file['translation'].start_with?('/') if file['source'].include?('**') if file['source'].scan('**').size > 1 exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Source pattern `#{file['source']}` is not valid. The mask `**` can be used only once in the source pattern. EOS elsif file['source'].scan('**').size == 1 and !file['source'].match(/\/\*\*\//) exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Source pattern `#{file['source']}` is not valid. The mask `**` must be surrounded by slashes `/` in the source pattern. EOS end else if file['translation'].include?('**') exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Translation pattern `#{file['translation']}` is not valid. The mask `**` can't be used. When using `**` in 'translation' pattern it will always contain sub-path from 'source' for certain file. EOS end end end #@config['files'] if @config['base_path'] @base_path = @config['base_path'] else @base_path = Dir.pwd puts <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Warning: Configuration file misses parameter `base_path` that defines your project root directory. Using `#{@base_path}` as a root directory. EOS end @base_path_contains_branch_subfolders = false if @config['base_path_contains_branch_subfolders'] @base_path_contains_branch_subfolders = case @config['base_path_contains_branch_subfolders'] when true true when false false else exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Parameter `base_path_contains_branch_subfolders` allows values of true or false. EOS end end @branch_name = options[:branch] || nil if @branch_name and @base_path_contains_branch_subfolders @base_path = File.join(@base_path, @branch_name) end unless Dir.exist?(@base_path) exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc No such directory `#{@base_path}`. Please make sure that the `base_path` is properly set. EOS end @preserve_hierarchy = false if @config['preserve_hierarchy'] @preserve_hierarchy = case @config['preserve_hierarchy'] when true true when false false else exit_now! <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Parameter `preserve_hierarchy` allows values of true or false. EOS end end @jipt_language = nil if @config['jipt_language'] @jipt_language = @config['jipt_language'] end Crowdin::API.log = Logger.new($stderr) if globals[:verbose] base_url = @config['base_url'] || 'https://api.crowdin.com' @crowdin = Crowdin::API.new(api_key: @config['api_key'], project_id: @config['project_identifier'], base_url: base_url) begin @project_info = @crowdin.project_info rescue Crowdin::API::Errors::Error => err raise err rescue exit_now!("Seems Crowdin server API URL is not valid. Please check the `base_url` parameter in the configuration file.") end #puts "Executing #{command.name}" if globals[:verbose] true end post do |globals, command, options, args| # Post logic here # Use skips_post before a command to skip this # block on that command only # puts "Executed #{command.name}" if globals[:verbose] end on_error do |exception| # Error logic here # return false to skip default error handling true end exit run(ARGV)