# D3_Rails **D3_Rails** is a small, lightweight gem which allows you to include any and all of D3 Javascripts into your 3.1 Rails application, merely by including any desired D3 files into your application.js manifest. You can also include supplemental libraries to your rails app, such as 'morris.js' and 'tesseract.js' by including them in your manifest. # About D3 **D3** is a small, free JavaScript library for manipulating HTML documents based on data. D3 can help you quickly visualize your data as HTML or SVG, handle interactivity, and incorporate smooth transitions and staged animations into your pages. You can use D3 as a visualization framework (like Protovis), or you can use it to build dynamic pages (like jQuery). # D3 Version The current release of this gem is using **D3 v=2.9.6** (though for convenience I have left version 2.7.5 in the gem so you can still include your modules manually since rails will compile your javascripts into one file in the end anyway) **Last Updated 7-2-2012** # Included Javascripts colorbrewer.js d3_csv.js d3.js d3.chart.js d3.geo.js d3.geom.js d3.layout.js d3.time.js science.js science.lin.js science.stats.js d3.v2.js (this is the current d3 file) d3.v2.min.js (this is the current minified d3 file) ### Installation This gem should work out of the box. All you have to do is add the gem to your Gemfile: gem 'd3_rails' Then bundle install or update (depending on if you want to upgrade an older version of this gem). bundle install bundle update ### For version 2.7.5 and below In your assets/javascripts/application.js, you will need to add d3 to your manifest //= require jquery . . //= require d3 ### For version 2.8.0 and above //= require jquery . . //= require d3.v2 ### Additional Files (for version 2.7.5 and below) Bundle installing d3_rails will add the main d3.js file to your application. However, if you require the additional javascripts included by the D3, such as d3.layout.js or d3.chart.js, all you need to do is include the desired javascripts in your javascript manifest in your assets/javascripts/application.js file. Ex. //= require jquery . . //= require d3 //= require d3.chart etc.. ### Versioning Version numbers of this gem have been changed as of **2-2-2012** to reflect the d3 version numbers.