# frozen_string_literal: true require 'set' require 'concurrent/map' require 'dry/equalizer' require 'dry/configurable' require 'dry/schema/constants' require 'dry/schema/messages/template' module Dry module Schema module Messages # Abstract class for message backends # # @api public class Abstract include Dry::Configurable include Dry::Equalizer(:config) setting :default_locale, nil setting :load_paths, Set[DEFAULT_MESSAGES_PATH] setting :top_namespace, DEFAULT_MESSAGES_ROOT setting :root, 'errors' setting :lookup_options, %i[root predicate path val_type arg_type].freeze setting :lookup_paths, [ '%s.rules.%s.%s.arg.%s', '%s.rules.%s.%s', '%s.%s.%s', '%s.%s.value.%s', '%s.%s.value.%s.arg.%s', '%s.%s.value.%s', '%s.%s.arg.%s', '%s.%s' ].freeze setting :rule_lookup_paths, ['rules.%s'].freeze setting :arg_types, Hash.new { |*| 'default' }.update( Range => 'range' ) setting :val_types, Hash.new { |*| 'default' }.update( Range => 'range', String => 'string' ) # @api private def self.cache @cache ||= Concurrent::Map.new { |h, k| h[k] = Concurrent::Map.new } end # @api private def self.build(options = EMPTY_HASH) messages = new messages.configure do |config| options.each do |key, value| config.public_send(:"#{key}=", value) end config.root = "#{config.top_namespace}.#{config.root}" config.rule_lookup_paths = config.rule_lookup_paths.map { |path| "#{config.top_namespace}.#{path}" } yield(config) if block_given? end messages.prepare end # @api private def translate(key, locale: default_locale) t["#{config.top_namespace}.#{key}", locale: locale] end # @api private def rule(name, options = {}) tokens = { name: name, locale: options.fetch(:locale, default_locale) } path = rule_lookup_paths(tokens).detect { |key| key?(key, options) } rule = get(path, options) if path rule.is_a?(Hash) ? rule[:text] : rule end # Retrieve a message template # # @return [Template] # # @api public def call(predicate, options) cache.fetch_or_store([predicate, options.reject { |k,| k.equal?(:input) }]) do text, meta = lookup(predicate, options) [Template[text], meta] if text end end alias_method :[], :call # Try to find a message for the given predicate and its options # # @api private # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def lookup(predicate, options) tokens = options.merge( predicate: predicate, root: options[:not] ? "#{root}.not" : root, arg_type: config.arg_types[options[:arg_type]], val_type: config.val_types[options[:val_type]], message_type: options[:message_type] || :failure ) opts = options.reject { |k, _| config.lookup_options.include?(k) } path = lookup_paths(tokens).detect { |key| key?(key, opts) } return unless path text = get(path, opts) if text.is_a?(Hash) text.values_at(:text, :meta) else [text, EMPTY_HASH] end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # @api private def lookup_paths(tokens) config.lookup_paths.map { |path| path % tokens } end # @api private def rule_lookup_paths(tokens) config.rule_lookup_paths.map { |key| key % tokens } end # Return a new message backend that will look for messages under provided namespace # # @param [Symbol,String] namespace # # @api public def namespaced(namespace) Dry::Schema::Messages::Namespaced.new(namespace, self) end # Return root path to messages file # # @return [Pathname] # # @api public def root config.root end # @api private def cache @cache ||= self.class.cache[self] end # @api private def default_locale config.default_locale end private # @api private def custom_top_namespace?(path) path.to_s == DEFAULT_MESSAGES_PATH.to_s && config.top_namespace != DEFAULT_MESSAGES_ROOT end end end end end