# frozen_string_literal: true module ActionSet module Helpers class Paginator def initialize(template) @template = template @info = {} end def render(set) @info = info_for_set(set) content_tag(:ul, class: 'pagination') do safe_join([ link_to_first_page, link_to_prev_page, link_to_prev_gap, safe_join(relevant_page_numbers.map do |num| page = PageInterface.new(num, @info) link = link_to(page, page_link_url(page), rel: page.rel) content_tag(:li, link, class: ['page', (page.current? ? 'active' : nil)].compact) end), link_to_next_gap, link_to_next_page, link_to_last_page ].compact) end end private def info_for_set(set) { current_page: set.instructions.dig(:paginate, :page), page_size: set.instructions.dig(:paginate, :size), total_pages: (set.total_count.to_f / set.instructions.dig(:paginate, :size)).ceil, left_window_size: 2, right_window_size: 2 } end def relevant_page_numbers current_page = [@info[:current_page]] left_window = [*(@info[:current_page] - @info[:left_window_size])..@info[:current_page]] right_window = [*@info[:current_page]..(@info[:current_page] + @info[:right_window_size])] (left_window | current_page | right_window).sort.reject { |x| (x < 1) || (x > @info[:total_pages]) } end def page_link_url(page_number) request.query_parameters .merge(controller: controller.controller_path, action: controller.action_name, paginate: { page: page_number }) end def link_to_prev_gap return unless @info[:current_page] > 1 return unless @info[:current_page] <= @info[:total_pages] return unless (@info[:current_page] - 1) > (@info[:left_window_size] + 1) link = link_to('…', '#', onclick: 'return false;') content_tag(:li, link, class: 'page prev_gap disabled') end def link_to_next_gap return unless @info[:current_page] >= 1 return unless @info[:current_page] <= @info[:total_pages] return unless (@info[:total_pages] - @info[:current_page]) > (@info[:right_window_size] + 1) link = link_to('…', '#', onclick: 'return false;') content_tag(:li, link, class: 'page next_gap disabled') end def link_to_first_page return unless @info[:current_page] > 1 link = link_to('« First', page_link_url(1)) content_tag(:li, link, class: 'page first') end def link_to_prev_page return unless @info[:current_page] > 1 return unless @info[:current_page] <= @info[:total_pages] link = link_to('‹ Prev', page_link_url(@info[:current_page] - 1), rel: 'prev') content_tag(:li, link, class: 'page prev') end def link_to_last_page return unless @info[:current_page] != @info[:total_pages] return unless @info[:current_page] <= @info[:total_pages] link = link_to('Last »', page_link_url(@info[:total_pages])) content_tag(:li, link, class: 'page last') end def link_to_next_page return unless @info[:current_page] != @info[:total_pages] return unless @info[:current_page] <= @info[:total_pages] link = link_to('Next ›', page_link_url(@info[:current_page] + 1), rel: 'next') content_tag(:li, link, class: 'page next') end # delegates view helper methods to @template def method_missing(name, *args, &block) @template.respond_to?(name) ? @template.send(name, *args, &block) : super end # Wraps a "page number" and provides some utility methods class PageInterface def initialize(page, info) @page = page @info = info end def number @page end def current? @page == @info[:current_page] end def first? @page == 1 end def last? @page == @info[:total_pages] end def prev? @page == @info[:current_page] - 1 end def next? @page == @info[:current_page] + 1 end def rel return 'next' if next? return 'prev' if prev? nil end def out_of_range? @page > @info[:total_pages] end def to_i number end def to_s number.to_s end end end end end