namespace :i18n do desc 'find all translations in views, helpers and controllers' task :update => :environment do translations = {} raise "ERROR: APPLICATION_LANGUAGES = ['de', 'en', ...] is not defined - define it in your initializers" unless defined? APPLICATION_LANGUAGES raise "ERROR: DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = '??' is not defined - define it in your initializers" unless defined? DEFAULT_LANGUAGE # parse all view files for translations - removed ones get removed from # the i18n translation yml's automatically Dir.glob("**/*.{haml,erb}").each do |file| scan_for_translations(file, translations) end # also check helper files and controllers Dir.glob("**/*{_helper,_controller}.rb").each do |file| scan_for_translations(file, translations) end # rewrite default language file with updated translations puts "found #{translations.keys.size} unique translations" write_translation_file(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, translations) # write a file for each foreign language (APPLICATION_LANGUAGES - [DEFAULT_LANGUAGE]).each do |language| # load foreign language file in temp hash if File.exists?("config/locales/application.#{language}.yml") existing_translations = YAML.load_file("config/locales/application.#{language}.yml") existing_translations = existing_translations[language] else existing_translations = { language => {} } end # delete removed translations from hash existing_translations.each_key do |key| existing_translations.delete(key) unless translations.has_key?(key) end # add new keys with empty translation to hash translations.each_key do |key| existing_translations[key] = "TRANSLATION_MISSING" unless existing_translations.has_key?(key) end write_translation_file(language, existing_translations) end end desc 'translate foreign language file line by line' task :translate => :environment do raise "ERROR: usage: TRANSLATE=de rake i18n:translate" unless ENV['TRANSLATE'] language = ENV['TRANSLATE'] if File.exists?("config/locales/application.#{language}.yml") existing_translations = YAML.load_file("config/locales/application.#{language}.yml") existing_translations = existing_translations[language] puts "Translating #{existing_translations.keys.size} entries to <#{language}> (enter :q to save and quit):" existing_translations.keys.sort.each do |key| if ["TRANSLATION_MISSING", ""].include?(existing_translations[key]) puts "> #{key}" input = STDIN.gets.chomp if input == ":q" break else existing_translations[key] = input end end end puts "Schreiben der Datei config/locales/application.#{language}.yml" write_translation_file(language, existing_translations) else puts "ERROR: No translation file in config/locales/application.#{language}.yml" puts "Choosen language is invalid or you did not run rake i18n:update yet" end end def write_translation_file(language, translations) file ="config/locales/application.#{language}.yml", "w") file.puts "# use rake task i18n:update to generate this file" file.puts file.puts "\"#{language}\":" translations.keys.sort do |a, b| a.downcase <=> b.downcase end.each do |key| file.puts " \"#{key}\": \"#{translations[key]}\"" end file.close end def scan_for_translations(file, translations) do |io| io.each do |line| if line =~ /_\("([^"]+)"\)/ value = $1 translations[$1.gsub(/\./, '').strip] = value.strip elsif line =~ /_\('([^']+)'\)/ value = $1 translations[$1.gsub(/\./, '').strip] = value.strip end end end end end