title: no style, please! # name of the site author: Riccardo Graziosi # name of site's author email: riccardo.graziosi97@gmail.com # email of site's author url: https://riggraz.dev # root address of the site baseurl: "/no-style-please" # subpath of the site, e.g. "/blog" (leave it blank "" if you're site shouldn't use a subpath) description: > # description of the site (multiple lines allowed) A (nearly) no-CSS, fast, minimalist Jekyll theme. permalink: /:slug.html favicon: "logo.png" # name+extension of favicon (which must be put on the root folder) # goat_counter: "yoursitename" # put your GoatCounter name if you want to use GoatCounter analytics theme: no-style-please # if you are using GitHub Pages, change it to remote_theme: riggraz/no-style-please theme_config: appearance: "auto" # can be "light", "dark" or "auto" back_home_text: ".." # customize text for homepage link in post layout date_format: "%Y-%m-%d" # customize how date is formatted show_description: false # show blog description in home page sass: style: :compressed plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag