// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('views/view') ; /** @class This is a basic popup menu. You can show the popup menu by calling the view's popup() method. Pass in the root element and event so that is can be positioned. @extends SC.View */ SC.PopupMenuView = SC.View.extend({ emptyElement: "", acceptsFirstResponder: true, keyDown: function(evt) { return this.interpretKeyEvents(evt); }, // interpretKeyEvents callbacks... cancel: function() { this.set('currentSelectedMenuItem', null); this.set('isVisible', false); }, moveUp: function() { this.selectPreviousMenuItem(); }, moveDown: function() { this.selectNextMenuItem(); }, _currentSelectedMenuItem: null, currentSelectedMenuItem: function( key, value ) { if (value !== undefined) { if (this._currentSelectedMenuItem) this._currentSelectedMenuItem.set('isDefault', false); this._currentSelectedMenuItem = value; if (this._currentSelectedMenuItem) this._currentSelectedMenuItem.set('isDefault', true); } return this._currentSelectedMenuItem; }.property(), selectPreviousMenuItem: function() { var item = this.previousValidMenuItem(); if (!item) return false; this.set('currentSelectedMenuItem', item); }, selectNextMenuItem: function() { var item = this.nextValidMenuItem(); if (!item) return false; this.set('currentSelectedMenuItem', item); }, previousValidMenuItem: function() { return this._validMenuItemInDirection('previousSibling', 'lastChild'); }, nextValidMenuItem: function() { return this._validMenuItemInDirection('nextSibling', 'firstChild'); }, _validMenuItemInDirection: function( direction, begin ) { var curr = this.get('currentSelectedMenuItem'); var view = curr ? curr.get(direction) : this.get(begin); if (!view) return null; do { if (view.get('isEnabled')) return view; } while (view = view.get(direction)); return null; }, _show: function() { // clear out any previously used selection value... this.set('currentSelectedMenuItem', null); var menuItems = this.get('childNodes'); for (var i=0, n=menuItems.length; i < n; i++) { // for each menu item, get the action that it performs and the current target for that action var sender = menuItems[i]; // old function style actions... skip validating and let them be if (sender._hasLegacyActionHandler()) continue; var action = sender.get('action'); var target = SC.app.targetForAction(action, sender.get('target'), sender); //console.log( "action: %s, target: %o", action, target ); // found a target and the target validates, menu item is enabled if the validator returns true if (target && target.respondsTo('validateMenuItem')) sender.set('isEnabled', target.validateMenuItem(sender)); // found a target and it chooses not to validate, menu item is enabled if (target && !target.respondsTo('validateMenuItem')) sender.set('isEnabled', true); // unable to resolve a target for this action, therefor disable the menu item if (!target) sender.set('isEnabled', false); } // call the superclasses _show method to make the menu visible arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments); }, resizeWithOldParentSize: function() { // loop through child views (which should be menu items), and get their // required widths. Use the maximum returned width. var requiredWidth = 0; var child = this.get('firstChild') ; while(child) { var w = (child.computedRequiredWidth) ? child.computedRequiredWidth():0; if (w > requiredWidth) requiredWidth = w ; child = child.get('nextSibling') ; } // loop through children again, set their widths to the required with. var size = { width: requiredWidth } ; var child = this.get('firstChild') ; while(child) { child.set('size',size) ; child = child.get('nextSibling') ; } // set this view to the same size. this.set('size',size) ; } });