dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
require 'rubygems'
# the following is slightly modified from Gregory Brown's
# solution on the Ruport Blaag:
# http://ruport.blogspot.com/2008/03/fastercsv-api-shim-for-19.html
if RUBY_VERSION > "1.9"
require "csv"
unless defined? FCSV
class Object
FasterCSV = CSV
alias_method :FasterCSV, :CSV
require "fastercsv"
# This module provides the main interface for importing CSV files & data to mapped Ruby objects.
# = Usage
# Including CsvMapper will provide two methods:
# - +import+
# - +map_csv+
# See csv-mapper.rb[link:files/lib/csv-mapper_rb.html] for method docs.
# === Import From File
# results = import('/path/to/file.csv') do
# # declare mapping here
# end
# === Import From String or IO
# results = import(csv_data, :type => :io) do
# # declare mapping here
# end
# === Mapping
# Mappings are built inside blocks. All three of CsvMapper's main API methods accept a block containing a mapping.
# Maps are defined by using +map_to+, +start_at_row+, +before_row+, and +after_row+ (methods on CsvMapper::RowMap) and
# by defining your own mapping attributes.
# A mapping block uses an internal cursor to keep track of the order the mapping attributes are declared and use that order to
# know the corresponding CSV column index to associate with the attribute.
# ===== The Basics
# * +map_to+ - Override the default Struct target. Accepts a class and an optional hash of default attribute names and values.
# * +start_at_row+ - Specify what row to begin parsing at. Use this to skip headers.
# * +before_row+ - Accepts an Array of method name symbols or lambdas to be invoked before parsing each row.
# * +after_row+ - Accepts an Array of method name symbols or lambdas to be invoked after parsing each row.
# * +delimited_by+ - Accepts a character to be used to delimit columns. Use this to specify pipe-delimited files.
# * \_SKIP_ - Use as a placehold to skip a CSV column index.
# * +parser_options+ - Accepts a hash of FasterCSV options. Can be anything FasterCSV::new()[http://fastercsv.rubyforge.org/classes/FasterCSV.html#M000018] understands
# ===== Attribute Mappings
# Attribute mappings are created by using the name of the attribute to be mapped to.
# The order in which attribute mappings are declared determines the index of the corresponding CSV row.
# All mappings begin at the 0th index of the CSV row.
# foo # maps the 0th CSV row position value to the value of the 'foo' attribute on the target object.
# bar # maps the 1st row position to 'bar'
# This could also be a nice one liner for easy CSV format conversion
# [foo, bar] # creates the same attribute maps as above.
# The mapping index may be specifically declared in two additional ways:
# foo(2) # maps the 2nd CSV row position value to 'foo' and moves the cursor to 3
# bar # maps the 3rd CSV row position to 'bar' due to the current cursor position
# baz.at(0) # maps the 0th CSV row position to 'baz' but only increments the cursor 1 position to 4
# Each attribute mapping may be configured to parse the record using a lambda or a method name
# foo.map lambda{|row| row[2].strip } # maps the 2nd row position value with leading and trailing whitespace removed to 'foo'.
# bar.map :clean_bar # maps the result of the clean_bar method to 'bar'. clean_bar must accept the row as a parameter.
# Attribute mapping declarations and "modifiers" may be chained
# foo.at(4).map :some_transform
# === Create Reusable Mappings
# The +import+ method accepts an instance of RowMap as an optional mapping parameter.
# The easiest way to create an instance of a RowMap is by using +map_csv+.
# a_row_map = map_csv do
# # declare mapping here
# end
# Then you can reuse the mapping
# results = import(some_string, :type => :io, :map => a_row_map)
# other_results = import('/path/to/file.csv', :map => a_row_map)
module CsvMapper
# Create a new RowMap instance from the definition in the given block.
def map_csv(&map_block)
CsvMapper::RowMap.new(self, &map_block)
# Load CSV data and map the values according to the definition in the given block.
# Accepts either a file path, String, or IO as +data+. Defaults to file path.
# The following +options+ may be used:
# :type:: defaults to :file_path. Use :io to specify data as String or IO.
# :map:: Specify an instance of a RowMap to take presidence over a given block defintion.
def import(data, options={}, &map_block)
csv_data = options[:type] == :io ? data : File.new(data, 'r')
config = { :type => :file_path,
:map => map_csv_with_data(csv_data, &map_block) }.merge!(options)
map = config[:map]
results = []
FasterCSV.new(csv_data, map.parser_options ).each_with_index do |row, i|
results << map.parse(row) if i >= map.start_at_row && i <= map.stop_at_row
# Create a new RowMap instance from the definition in the given block and pass the csv_data.
def map_csv_with_data(csv_data, &map_block) # :nodoc:
CsvMapper::RowMap.new(self, csv_data, &map_block)
extend self
require 'csv-mapper/row_map'