module Airbrake module Rack ## # A helper class for filling notices with all sorts of useful information # coming from the Rack environment. class NoticeBuilder ## # @return [Array] the prefixes of the majority of HTTP headers in # Rack (some prefixes match the header names for simplicity) HTTP_HEADER_PREFIXES = [ 'HTTP_'.freeze, 'CONTENT_TYPE'.freeze, 'CONTENT_LENGTH'.freeze ].freeze ## # @param [Hash{String=>Object}] rack_env The Rack environment def initialize(rack_env) @rack_env = rack_env @request = @controller = rack_env['action_controller.instance'] @session = @request.session @user = Airbrake::Rack::User.extract(rack_env) @framework_version = if defined?(::Rails) "Rails/#{::Rails.version}" elsif defined?(::Sinatra) "Sinatra/#{Sinatra::VERSION}" else "Rack.version/#{::Rack.version} Rack.release/#{::Rack.release}" end.freeze end ## # Adds context, session, params and other fields based on the Rack env. # # @param [Exception] exception # @return [Airbrake::Notice] the notice with extra information def build_notice(exception) notice = Airbrake.build_notice(exception) add_context(notice) add_session(notice) add_params(notice) add_environment(notice) notice end private def add_context(notice) context = notice[:context] context[:url] = @request.url context[:userAgent] = @request.user_agent if context.key?(:version) context[:version] += " #{@framework_version}" else context[:version] = @framework_version end if @controller context[:component] = @controller.controller_name context[:action] = @controller.action_name end notice[:context].merge!(@user.as_json) if @user nil end def add_session(notice) notice[:session] = @session if @session end def add_params(notice) params = @request.env['action_dispatch.request.parameters'] notice[:params] = params if params end def add_environment(notice) notice[:environment] = { httpMethod: @request.request_method, referer: @request.referer, headers: request_headers } end def request_headers{}) do |(key, value), headers| if HTTP_HEADER_PREFIXES.any? { |prefix| key.to_s.start_with?(prefix) } headers[key] = value end headers end end end end end