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If it // is not in the DOM, it is not clickable. $('body').append(self.editButton); }); self.offsets = []; self.currentOffset = []; self.currentOffsetIndex = 0; if (typeof aceEditor === 'undefined') { self.textArea = $('#editor'); } else { self.textArea = aceEditor; } self.editModal = $('#edit-modal'); self.editNavigationBox = $('#edit-navigation-box'); self.editSelectedText = function() { $.ajax({ 'type': 'POST', 'url': self.editButton.attr('href'), 'data': { 'string': self.currentlyHighlightedText, 'markup_url': self.editButton.attr('data-markup-url'), }, 'success': function(data, status) { // Show the edit modal self.editModal.modal('show'); $('#currently-selected-text-info').text( self.currentlyHighlightedText); self.textArea.val(data['markup']); self.textArea.focus(); self.offsets = 0; // Reset. self.offsets = data['offsets'] self.currentOffsetIndex = 0; self.currentOffset = self.offsets[self.currentOffsetIndex] || [0, 0]; $('#current-offset-index').text(self.currentOffsetIndex + 1 + ' / '); $('#offsets-length').text(self.offsets.length); if (self.offsets.length > 1) { $('#edit-navigation-box').show(); self.editNavigationBox.show(); } else { self.editNavigationBox.hide(); } self.editModal.on('shown.bs.modal', function() { self.textArea.focus(); self.textArea[0].setSelectionRange(self.currentOffset[0], self.currentOffset[1]) try { self.scrollToSelectedText(self.textArea, self.currentOffset[0], self.currentOffset[1]); } catch(e) { // Ignore it. } }); }, 'data-type': 'json', }); }; self.editButton.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.leftEditButton.hide(); self.editSelectedText(); }); self.leftEditButton = $('#left-edit-button'); self.leftEditButton.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // e.stopPropagation(); self.leftEditButton.hide(); self.editSelectedText(); }); $('#content').on('mouseup', function(e) { if (self.getSelectedText() != '') { self.currentlyHighlightedText = self.getSelectedText(); } if (self.getSelectedText() != '') { // if (self.currentlyHighlightedText != '') { if (self.leftEditButton.hasClass('hidden')) { self.leftEditButton.removeClass('hidden'); self.leftEditButton.show(); } else { self.leftEditButton.show(); } self.leftEditButton.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': self.mouseY - (self.leftEditButton.height() + 20), 'left': self.mouseX - (self.leftEditButton.width()), 'z-index': 9998, 'box-shadow': '0px 5px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), \ 0px 0px 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6)', 'background-color': '#121212', 'color': '#F1F1F1', 'margin-top': '0', 'font-weight': 'bold', 'border': 'none', 'border-radius': '5px', 'border': '2px solid #F1F1F1', }); self.leftEditButton.animate({ 'margin-top': '-10px', }, 230); } }); $('*').not(self.leftEditButton).on('mousedown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); window.setTimeout(function() { self.leftEditButton.hide(); }, 130); }); $(document).keypress(function() { self.leftEditButton.hide(); }); // Navigation between matches $('#previous-match-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (self.currentOffsetIndex > 0) { self.currentOffsetIndex -= 1; } else { self.currentOffsetIndex = self.offsets.length - 1; } self.currentOffset = self.offsets[self.currentOffsetIndex]; self.textArea.focus(); self.textArea[0].setSelectionRange(self.currentOffset[0], self.currentOffset[1]) try { self.scrollToSelectedText(self.textArea, self.currentOffset[0], self.currentOffset[1]); } catch(e) { // Ignore it. } $('#current-offset-index').text(self.currentOffsetIndex + 1 + ' / '); }); $('#next-match-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (self.currentOffsetIndex < self.offsets.length - 1) { self.currentOffsetIndex += 1; } else { self.currentOffsetIndex = 0; } self.currentOffset = self.offsets[self.currentOffsetIndex]; self.textArea.focus(); self.textArea[0].setSelectionRange(self.currentOffset[0], self.currentOffset[1]) try { self.scrollToSelectedText(self.textArea, self.currentOffset[0], self.currentOffset[1]); } catch(e) { // Ignore it. } $('#current-offset-index').text(self.currentOffsetIndex + 1 + ' / '); }); // 101: e - Edit selected text $(document).on('keypress', function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName != 'INPUT' && e.target.nodeName != 'TEXTAREA') { if (e.which == 101) { self.editSelectedText(); 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}, readOnly: true, }); // Got to next match. aceEditor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'nextMarkupMatch', bindKey: {win: 'Option-N', mac: 'Option-N'}, exec: function(editor) { $('#next-match-button').click(); }, readOnly: true, }); // Got to previous match. aceEditor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'previousMarkupMatch', bindKey: {win: 'Option-P', mac: 'Option-P'}, exec: function(editor) { $('#previous-match-button').click(); }, readOnly: true, }); } });