# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Query::Variables do let(:query_string) {%| query getCheese( $animals: [DairyAnimal!], $intDefaultNull: Int = null, $int: Int, $intWithDefault: Int = 10) { cheese(id: 1) { similarCheese(source: $animals) } } |} let(:ast_variables) { GraphQL.parse(query_string).definitions.first.variables } let(:schema) { Dummy::Schema } let(:variables) { GraphQL::Query::Variables.new( OpenStruct.new({ schema: schema, warden: GraphQL::Schema::Warden.new(schema.default_filter, schema: schema, context: nil), }), ast_variables, provided_variables) } describe "#to_h" do let(:provided_variables) { { "animals" => "YAK" } } it "returns a hash representation including default values" do expected_hash = { "animals" => ["YAK"], "intDefaultNull" => nil, "intWithDefault" => 10, } assert_equal expected_hash, variables.to_h end end describe "#initialize" do describe "coercing inputs" do let(:provided_variables) { { "animals" => "YAK" } } it "coerces single items into one-element lists" do assert_equal ["YAK"], variables["animals"] end end describe "validating input objects" do let(:query_string) {%| query searchMyDairy ( $product: DairyProductInput ) { searchDairy(product: $product) { ... on Cheese { flavor } } } |} describe "when provided input is an array" do let(:provided_variables) { { "product" => [] } } it "validates invalid input objects" do expected = "Variable product of type DairyProductInput was provided invalid value" assert_equal expected, variables.errors.first.message end end end describe "nullable variables" do module ObjectWithThingsCount def self.thingsCount(args, ctx) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName 1 end end let(:schema) { GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(%| type Query { thingsCount(ids: [ID!]): Int! } |) } let(:query_string) {%| query getThingsCount($ids: [ID!]) { thingsCount(ids: $ids) } |} let(:result) { schema.execute(query_string, variables: provided_variables, root_value: ObjectWithThingsCount) } describe "when they are present, but null" do let(:provided_variables) { { "ids" => nil } } it "ignores them" do assert_equal 1, result["data"]["thingsCount"] end end describe "when they are not present" do let(:provided_variables) { {} } it "ignores them" do assert_equal 1, result["data"]["thingsCount"] end end describe "when a non-nullable list has a null in it" do let(:provided_variables) { { "ids" => [nil] } } it "returns an error" do assert_equal 1, result["errors"].length assert_equal nil, result["data"] end end end describe "coercing null" do let(:provided_variables) { { "intWithVariable" => nil, "intWithDefault" => nil, "complexValWithVariable" => { "val" => 1, "val_with_default" => 2, }, "complexValWithDefaultAndVariable" => { "val" => 8, }, } } let(:args) { {} } let(:schema) { args_cache = args complex_val = GraphQL::InputObjectType.define do name "ComplexVal" argument :val, types.Int argument :val_with_default, types.Int, default_value: 13 end query_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Query" field :variables_test, types.Int do argument :val, types.Int argument :val_with_default, types.Int, default_value: 13 argument :complex_val, complex_val resolve ->(o, a, c) { args_cache[c.ast_node.alias] = a 1 } end end GraphQL::Schema.define do query(query_type) end } let(:query_string) {<<-GRAPHQL query testVariables( $intWithVariable: Int, $intWithDefault: Int = 10, $intDefaultNull: Int = null, $intWithoutVariable: Int, $complexValWithVariable: ComplexVal, $complexValWithoutVariable: ComplexVal, $complexValWithOneDefault: ComplexVal = { val: 10 }, $complexValWithTwoDefaults: ComplexVal = { val: 11, val_with_default: 11 }, $complexValWithNullDefaults: ComplexVal = { val: null, val_with_default: null }, $complexValWithDefaultAndVariable: ComplexVal = { val: 99 }, ) { aa: variables_test(val: $intWithVariable) ab: variables_test(val: $intWithoutVariable) ac: variables_test(val: $intWithDefault) ad: variables_test(val: $intDefaultNull) ba: variables_test(val_with_default: $intWithVariable) bb: variables_test(val_with_default: $intWithoutVariable) bc: variables_test(val_with_default: $intWithDefault) bd: variables_test(val_with_default: $intDefaultNull) ca: variables_test(complex_val: { val: $intWithVariable }) cb: variables_test(complex_val: { val: $intWithoutVariable }) cc: variables_test(complex_val: { val: $intWithDefault }) cd: variables_test(complex_val: { val: $intDefaultNull }) da: variables_test(complex_val: { val_with_default: $intWithVariable }) db: variables_test(complex_val: { val_with_default: $intWithoutVariable }) dc: variables_test(complex_val: { val_with_default: $intWithDefault }) dd: variables_test(complex_val: { val_with_default: $intDefaultNull }) ea: variables_test(complex_val: $complexValWithVariable) eb: variables_test(complex_val: $complexValWithoutVariable) ec: variables_test(complex_val: $complexValWithOneDefault) ed: variables_test(complex_val: $complexValWithTwoDefaults) ee: variables_test(complex_val: $complexValWithNullDefaults) ef: variables_test(complex_val: $complexValWithDefaultAndVariable) } GRAPHQL } let(:run_query) { schema.execute(query_string, variables: provided_variables) } let(:variables) { GraphQL::Query::Variables.new( OpenStruct.new({ schema: schema, warden: GraphQL::Schema::Warden.new(schema.default_mask, schema: schema, context: nil), }), ast_variables, provided_variables) } def assert_has_key_with_value(hash, key, has_key, value) assert_equal(has_key, hash.key?(key)) assert_equal(value, hash[key]) end it "preserves explicit null" do assert_has_key_with_value(variables, "intWithVariable", true, nil) run_query # Provided `nil` should be passed along to args # and override any defaults (variable defaults and arg defaults) assert_has_key_with_value(args["aa"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ba"], "val_with_default", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ca"]["complex_val"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["da"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, nil) end it "doesn't contain variables that weren't present" do assert_has_key_with_value(variables, "intWithoutVariable", false, nil) run_query assert_has_key_with_value(args["ab"], "val", false, nil) # This one _is_ present, it gets the argument.default_value assert_has_key_with_value(args["bb"], "val_with_default", true, 13) assert_has_key_with_value(args["cb"]["complex_val"], "val", false, nil) # This one _is_ present, it gets the argument.default_value assert_has_key_with_value(args["db"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, 13) end it "preserves explicit null when variable has a default value" do assert_has_key_with_value(variables, "intWithDefault", true, nil) run_query assert_has_key_with_value(args["ac"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["bc"], "val_with_default", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["cc"]["complex_val"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["dc"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, nil) end it "uses null default value" do assert_has_key_with_value(variables, "intDefaultNull", true, nil) run_query assert_has_key_with_value(args["ad"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["bd"], "val_with_default", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["cd"]["complex_val"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["dd"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, nil) end it "applies argument default values" do run_query # It wasn't present in the query string, but it gets argument.default_value: assert_has_key_with_value(args["aa"], "val_with_default", true, 13) end it "applies coercion to input objects passed as variables" do run_query assert_has_key_with_value(args["ea"]["complex_val"], "val", true, 1) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ea"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, 2) # Since the variable wasn't provided, it's not present at all: assert_has_key_with_value(args["eb"], "complex_val", false, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ec"]["complex_val"], "val", true, 10) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ec"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, 13) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ed"]["complex_val"], "val", true, 11) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ed"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, 11) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ee"]["complex_val"], "val", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ee"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, nil) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ef"]["complex_val"], "val", true, 8) assert_has_key_with_value(args["ef"]["complex_val"], "val_with_default", true, 13) end end end if ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 describe "with a ActionController::Parameters" do let(:query_string) { <<-GRAPHQL query getCheeses($source: DairyAnimal!, $fatContent: Float!){ searchDairy(product: [{source: $source, fatContent: $fatContent}]) { ... on Cheese { flavor } } } GRAPHQL } let(:params) do ActionController::Parameters.new( "variables" => { "source" => "COW", "fatContent" => 0.4, } ) end it "works" do res = schema.execute(query_string, variables: params["variables"]) assert_equal 1, res["data"]["searchDairy"].length end end end end