require 'symath/poly' require 'symath/poly/galois' require 'cmath' module SyMath # Class representing a univariate polynomial. The polynomial is represented # by an array in of the polynomial coefficients in 'dense form', i.e. # zero-coefficients are included in the list. The coefficients are stored # in decreasing order starting with the highest degree, and ending with the # constant. class Poly::DUP < Poly def initialize(args) if args.is_a?(SyMath::Value) init_from_exp(args) return end if args.key?(:arr) init_from_array(args[:arr], args[:var]) return end raise 'Bad arguments for Poly::DUP constructor' end def init_from_array(arr, var) @arr = arr @var = var end def init_from_exp(e) # From this point, expect e to be a SyMath::Value error = 'Expression ' + e.to_s + ' is not an univariate polynomial' max_degree = 0 terms = {} # Assert that this really is an univariate polynomial, and build # the dup array representation. e.terms.each do |s| var = nil c = 1 d = 0 s.factors.each do |f| if f.is_a?(SyMath::Fraction) raise error end if f == -1 c *= -1 elsif f.is_number? c *= f.value else if !var.nil? raise error end var = f.base if !var.is_a?(SyMath::Definition::Variable) raise error end if !f.exponent.is_number? raise error end d = f.exponent.value end end if !var.nil? if @var.nil? @var = var elsif @var != var raise error end end if terms.key?(d) terms[d] += c else terms[d] = c end if d > max_degree max_degree = d end end @arr = (0..max_degree) do |d| if terms.key?(d) terms[d] else 0 end end strip! end def to_galois(p) return{ :dup => self, :p => p }) end # Convenience method. Returns a a new instance from array, on the # same variable as this instance. def new_dup(arr) return{ :arr => arr, :var => @var }) end # Convenience methods for creating some commonly used constant polynomials def zero() return new_dup([0]) end def one() return new_dup([1]) end def minus_one() return new_dup([-1]) end def factor # Transform to primitive form (cont, g) = primitive # Transform left coefficient to positive if < 0 cont = -cont g = -g end n = # Handle some rivial cases if n <= 0 # 0, cont return [cont, []] elsif n == 1 # cont*(a*x + b) return [cont, [[g, 1]]] end # Remove square factors g = g.sqf_part # Use the zassenhaus algorithm to compute candidate factors h = g.zassenhaus # Check each of the candidate factors by dividing the original # polynomial with each of them until the quotient is 1. factors = trial_division(h) return [cont, factors] end def trial_division(factors) result = [] f = self factors.each do |factor| k = 0 while true (q, r) = f.div(factor) if f = q k += 1 else break end end result << [factor, k] end return sort_factors_multiple(result) end def hensel_step(m, g, h, s, t) mm = m**2 e = (self - g*h) % mm (q, r) = (s*e).div(h) q = q % mm r = r % mm u = t*e + q*g gg = (g + u) % mm hh = (h + r) % mm u = s*gg + t*hh b = (u - one) % mm (c, d) = (s*b).div(hh) c = c % mm d = d % mm u = t*b + c*gg ss = (s - d) % mm tt = (t - u) % mm return [gg, hh, ss, tt] end def hensel_lift(p, f_list, l) r = f_list.size lcf = lc if r == 1 ff = self * gcdext(lcf, p**l)[1] return [ ff % (p**l) ] end m = p k = r / 2 d = CMath.log(l, 2).ceil g = new_dup([lcf]).to_galois(p) f_list[0..k - 1].each do |f_i| g = g*f_i.to_galois(p) end h = f_list[k].to_galois(p) f_list[k + 1..-1].each do |f_i| h = h*f_i.to_galois(p) end (s, t, x) = g.gcdex(h) g = g.to_dup h = h.to_dup s = s.to_dup t = t.to_dup d.times do (g, h, s, t) = hensel_step(m, g, h, s, t) m = m**2 end return g.hensel_lift(p, f_list[0..k - 1], l) + h.hensel_lift(p, f_list[k..-1], l) end # Zassenhaus algorithm for factorizing square free polynomial def zassenhaus() n = degree # Trivial case, a*x + b if n == 1 return [self.clone] end # Calculate bound of px: # n = deg(f) # B = sqrt(n + 1)*2^n*max_norm(f)*lc(f) # C = (n + 1)^2n*A^(2n - 1) # gm = 2log(cc,2) # bound = 2*gm*ln(gm) fc = self[-1] aa = max_norm b = lc bb = (CMath.sqrt(n + 1).floor*2**n*aa*b).abs.to_i # Integer square root?? cc = ((n + 1)**(2*n)*aa**(2*n - 1)).to_i gamma = (2*CMath.log(cc, 2)).ceil bound = (2*gamma*CMath.log(gamma)).to_i a = [] # Choose a prime number p such that f be square free in Z_p # if there are many factors in Z_p, choose among a few different p # the one with fewer factors (3..bound).each do |px| # Skip non prime px and px which do not divide lc(f) if ! or (b % px) == 0 next end # px = convert(px) ??? # Convert f to a galois field of order px ff = self.to_galois(px) # Skip if ff has square factors if !ff.sqf_p next end # Factorize ff and store all factors together with its order px fsqfx = ff.factor_sqf[1] a << [px, fsqfx] if fsqfx.size < 15 or a.size > 4 break end end # Select the factor list with the fewest factors. (p, fsqf) = a.min { |x| x[1].size } l = CMath.log(2*bb + 1, p).ceil # Convert the factors back to integer polynomials modular = { |ff| ff.to_dup } # Hensel lift of modular -> g g = hensel_lift(p, modular, l) # Start with T as the set of factors in array g. tt = (0..g.size - 1).to_a factors = [] s = 1 pl = p**l # pl =~ 2*bb + 1 f = self while 2*s <= tt.size inc_s = true tt.combination(s).each do |ss| # Calculate G as the product of the subset S of factors. Lift # the constant coefficient of G. gg = new_dup([b]) ss.each { |i| gg = gg*g[i] } gg = (gg % pl).primitive[1] q = gg[-1] # If it does not divide the input polynomial constant (fc), G # does not divide the input polynomial. if q != 0 and fc % q != 0 next end tt_new = tt - ss # Calculate H as the product of the remaining factors in T. hh = new_dup([b]) tt_new.each { |i| hh = hh*g[i] } hh = hh % pl # If the norm of the candidate G and the remaining H are bigger than # the bound B, we have a valid candidate. # - Store it in the factors list # - Remove its corresponding selection from T # - Continue with H as the remaining polynomial if gg.l1_norm*hh.l1_norm <= bb tt = tt_new gg = gg.primitive[1] f = hh.primitive[1] factors << gg b = inc_s = false break end end s += 1 if inc_s end return factors + [f] end # Return square free part of f def sqf_part() # Trivial case if zero? return self.clone end if lc < 0 f = -self else f = self end sqf = f/f.gcd(f.diff)[0] return sqf.primitive[1] end # Decompose a polynomial into square free components def sqf_list() (coeff, f) = primitive if < 0 f = -f coeff = -coeff end # Trivial case, constant polynomial if <= 0 return coeff, [] end res = [] i = 1 (g, p, q) = f.gcd(f.diff) while true h = q - p.diff if res << [p, i] break end (g, p, q) = p.gcd(h) if > 0 res << [g, i] end i += 1 end return [coeff, res] end # Fast differentiation of polynomial def diff d = degree res = { |e, i| e*(d - i) } res.pop return new_dup(res) end # Extended gcd for two integers def gcdext(x, y) if x < 0 g, a, b = gcdext(-x, y) return [g, -a, b] end if y < 0 g, a, b = gcdext(x, -y) return [g, a, -b] end r0, r1 = x, y a0 = b1 = 1 a1 = b0 = 0 until q = r0 / r1 r0, r1 = r1, r0 - q*r1 a0, a1 = a1, a0 - q*a1 b0, b1 = b1, b0 - q*b1 end return [r0, a0, b0] end # FIXME: Implement heuristic gcd? def gcd(g) # Trivial cases if zero? and return [zero, zero, zero] end if zero? if >= 0 return [g, zero, one] else return [-g, zero, minus_one] end end if if lc >= 0 return [f, one, zero] else return [-f, zero, one] end end (fc, ff) = primitive (gc, gg) = g.primitive c = fc.gcd(gc) h = subresultants(g)[-1] h = h.primitive[1] if ( < 0) c = -c end h = h*c cff = self/h cfg = g/h return [h, cff, cfg] end # Calculate subresultants of polynomials self and g def subresultants(g) f = self n = m = if n < m f, g = g, f n, m = m, n end if return [] end if return [f.clone] end r = [f.clone, g.clone] d = n - m b = (-1)**(d + 1) h = f.pseudo_rem(g)*b lc = c = -(lc**d) while ! k = r << h f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k b = -lc * c**d h = f.pseudo_rem(g)/b lc = if d > 1 q = c**(d - 1) c = ((-lc)**d).to_i/q.to_i else c = -lc end end return r end # Compute content and primitive form def primitive() if zero? return [0, self.clone] end cont = content if cont == 1 return [cont, self.clone] else return [cont, self/cont] end end def content() cont = 0 @arr.each do |c| cont = cont.gcd(c) break if cont == 1 end return cont end def lshift(n) if zero? return zero else return new_dup(@arr + [0]*n) end end def rshift(n) return new_dup(@arr[0..-n - 1]) end # Slice of polynomial between two degrees, >= a and < b def slice(a, b) s = @arr.size aa = [0, s - a].max bb = [0, s - b].max if aa <= 0 return zero end ret = @arr[bb..aa-1] if ret == [] return zero else return new_dup(ret + [0]*a) end end def trunc(p) ret = do |e| ep = e % p if ep > p / 2 ep - p else ep end end return new_dup(ret).strip! end def l1_norm() return 0 if zero? return { |e| e.abs }.inject(:+) end # Sum two polynomials def add(g) ret = @arr.clone if > degree ( - degree).times { ret.unshift(0) } end ( do |i| ret[ret.size - i - 1] += g[ - i] end return new_dup(ret).strip! end # Subtract a polynomial from this one def sub(g) ret = @arr.clone if > degree ( - degree).times { ret.unshift(0) } end ( do |i| ret[ret.size - i - 1] -= g[ - i] end return new_dup(ret).strip! end # Return the negative of the polynomial def neg() return new_dup( { |t| -t }) end def mul(g) if self == g return self**2 end if zero? and return zero end df = degree dg = n = [df, dg].max + 1 if n < 100 h = [] (0..df + dg).each do |i| coeff = 0 a = [0, i - dg].max b = [df, i].min (a..b).each do |j| coeff += self[j]*g[i - j] end h << coeff end return new_dup(h).strip! else # Use Karatsuba's algorithm for large polygons. n2 = n/2 fl = slice(0, n2) gl = g.slice(0, n2) fh = slice(n2, n).rshift(n2) gh = g.slice(n2, n).rshift(n2) lo = fl*gl hi = fh*gh mid = (fl + fh)*(gl + gh) mid -= lo + hi return lo + mid.lshift(n2) + hi.lshift(2*n2) end end def mul_ground(c) ret = { |t| t*c } return new_dup(ret).strip! end # Multiply a polynomial with a single term. def mul_term(c, j) ret = { |t| t*c } j.times { ret.push(0) } return new_dup(ret).strip! end # Compute pseudo remainder of self / g def pseudo_rem(g) df = dg = r = self dr = df if raise 'Division by zero' elsif df < dg return self.clone # self is remainder end n = df - dg + 1 while true j = dr - dg n -= 1 rr = r* gg = g.mul_term(, j) r = rr - gg _dr = dr dr = if dr < dg break elsif !(dr < _dr) raise 'Polynomial division failed' end end return r***n end def div(g) # returns qv and r such that: # f = fv*qv + r df = degree dg = if raise 'Division by zero' elsif df < dg return [zero, self.clone] # no quotient, f is remainder end # Start with f as remainder, no quotient q = zero r = self dr = df lc_g = while true lc_r = if (lc_r % lc_g) != 0 break end c = lc_r / lc_g j = dr - dg q = q + one.mul_term(c, j) r = r - g.mul_term(c, j) _dr = dr dr = if dr < dg break elsif dr >= _dr raise 'Polynomial division failed' end end return [q, r] end def quo(g) return div(g)[0] end # Quotient by constant for each coefficient def quo_ground(c) ret = { |t| t.to_i/c.to_i } return new_dup(ret).strip! end def max_norm() if zero? return 0 else return { |e| e.abs }.max end end def to_s() return @arr.to_s end end end