require "uri" require "dotenv" require "lockbox" require "dotenv-vault/version" require "logger" module DotenvVault class NotFoundDotenvKey < ArgumentError; end class NotFoundDotenvEnvironment < ArgumentError; end class NotFoundDotenvVault < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDotenvKey < ArgumentError; end class DecryptionFailed < StandardError; end include ::Dotenv class << self attr_accessor :instrumenter def logger @logger ||= end end module_function def load(*filenames) if using_vault? load_vault(*filenames) else Dotenv.load(*filenames) # fallback end end # same as `load`, but raises Errno::ENOENT if any files don't exist def load!(*filenames) if using_vault? load_vault(*filenames) else Dotenv.load!(*filenames) end end # same as `load`, but will override existing values in `ENV` def overload(*filenames) if using_vault? overload_vault(*filenames) else Dotenv.overload(*filenames) end end # same as `overload`, but raises Errno:ENOENT if any files don't exist def overload!(*filenames) if using_vault? overload_vault(*filenames) else Dotenv.overload!(*filenames) end end # returns a hash of parsed key/value pairs but does not modify ENV def parse(*filenames) if using_vault? parse_vault(*filenames) else Dotenv.parse(*filenames) end end # Internal: Helper to expand list of filenames. # # Returns a hash of all the loaded environment variables. def with(*filenames) Dotenv.with(*filenames) end def instrument(name, payload = {}, &block) Dotenv.instrument(name, payload = {}, &block) end def require_keys(*keys) Dotenv.require_keys(*keys) end def ignoring_nonexistent_files Dotenv.ignoring_nonexistent_files end # Vault: Load from .env.vault # # Decrypts and loads to ENV def load_vault(*filenames)"[dotenv-vault] Loading env from encrypted .env.vault") if DotenvVault.logger parsed = parse_vault(*filenames) # Set ENV parsed.each { |k, v| ENV[k] ||= v } { parsed: parsed } end # Vault: Overload from .env.vault # # Decrypts and overloads to ENV def overload_vault(*filenames)"[dotenv-vault] Overloading env from encrypted .env.vault") if DotenvVault.logger parsed = parse_vault(*filenames) # Set ENV parsed.each { |k, v| ENV[k] = v } { parsed: parsed } end def parse_vault(*filenames) # DOTENV_KEY=development/key_1234 # # Warn the developer unless present raise NotFoundDotenvKey, "NOT_FOUND_DOTENV_KEY: Cannot find ENV['DOTENV_KEY']" unless present?(dotenv_key) # Parse .env.vault parsed = Dotenv.parse(vault_path) # handle scenario for comma separated keys - for use with key rotation # example: DOTENV_KEY="dotenv://,dotenv://" keys = dotenv_key.split(',') decrypted = nil keys.each_with_index do |split_dotenv_key, index| begin # Get full key key = split_dotenv_key.strip # Get instructions for decrypt attrs = instructions(parsed, key) # Decrypt decrypted = decrypt(attrs[:ciphertext], attrs[:key]) break rescue => error # last key raise error if index >= keys.length - 1 # try next key end end # Parse decrypted .env string, true) end def using_vault? dotenv_key_present? && dotenv_vault_present? end def dotenv_key_present? present?(dotenv_key) && dotenv_vault_present? end def dotenv_key return ENV["DOTENV_KEY"] if present?(ENV["DOTENV_KEY"]) "" end def dotenv_vault_present? File.file?(vault_path) end def vault_path ".env.vault" end def present?(str) !(str.nil? || str.empty?) end def decrypt(ciphertext, key) key = key[-64..-1] # last 64 characters. allows for passing keys with preface like key_***** raise InvalidDotenvKey, "INVALID_DOTENV_KEY: Key part must be 64 characters long (or more)" unless key && key.bytesize == 64 lockbox = key, encode: true) begin lockbox.decrypt(ciphertext) rescue Lockbox::Error raise DecryptionFailed, "DECRYPTION_FAILED: Please check your DOTENV_KEY" end end def instructions(parsed, split_dotenv_key) # Parse DOTENV_KEY. Format is a URI uri = URI.parse(split_dotenv_key) # dotenv:// # Get decrypt key key = uri.password raise InvalidDotenvKey, "INVALID_DOTENV_KEY: Missing key part" unless present?(key) # Get environment params = Hash[URI::decode_www_form(uri.query.to_s)] environment = params["environment"] raise InvalidDotenvKey, "INVALID_DOTENV_KEY: Missing environment part" unless present?(environment) # Get ciphertext payload environment_key = "DOTENV_VAULT_#{environment.upcase}" ciphertext = parsed[environment_key] # DOTENV_VAULT_PRODUCTION raise NotFoundDotenvEnvironment, "NOT_FOUND_DOTENV_ENVIRONMENT: Cannot locate #{environment_key} in .env.vault" unless ciphertext { ciphertext: ciphertext, key: key } end end