# # Cookbook Name:: nginx # Attributes:: default # # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Joshua Timberman () # # Copyright 2009-2013, Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # In order to update the version, the checksum attribute must be changed too. # This attribute is in the source.rb file, though we recommend overriding # attributes by modifying a role, or the node itself. default['nginx']['version'] = '1.6.2' default['nginx']['package_name'] = 'nginx' default['nginx']['port'] = '80' default['nginx']['dir'] = '/etc/nginx' default['nginx']['script_dir'] = '/usr/sbin' default['nginx']['log_dir'] = '/var/log/nginx' default['nginx']['log_dir_perm'] = '0750' default['nginx']['binary'] = '/usr/sbin/nginx' default['nginx']['default_root'] = '/var/www/nginx-default' default['nginx']['ulimit'] = '1024' default['nginx']['pid'] = '/var/run/nginx.pid' case node['platform_family'] when 'debian' default['nginx']['user'] = 'www-data' default['nginx']['init_style'] = 'runit' if platform == 'ubuntu' && platform_version == '14.04' default['nginx']['pid'] = '/run/nginx.pid' end when 'rhel', 'fedora' default['nginx']['user'] = 'nginx' default['nginx']['init_style'] = 'init' default['nginx']['repo_source'] = 'epel' when 'gentoo' default['nginx']['user'] = 'nginx' default['nginx']['init_style'] = 'init' when 'freebsd' default['nginx']['package_name'] = 'www/nginx' default['nginx']['user'] = 'www' default['nginx']['dir'] = '/usr/local/etc/nginx' default['nginx']['script_dir'] = '/usr/local/sbin' default['nginx']['binary'] = '/usr/local/sbin/nginx' default['nginx']['default_root'] = '/usr/local/www/nginx-dist' when 'suse' default['nginx']['user'] = 'wwwrun' default['nginx']['init_style'] = 'init' default['nginx']['group'] = 'www' else default['nginx']['user'] = 'www-data' default['nginx']['init_style'] = 'init' end default['nginx']['upstart']['runlevels'] = '2345' default['nginx']['upstart']['respawn_limit'] = nil default['nginx']['upstart']['foreground'] = true default['nginx']['group'] = node['nginx']['group'] || node['nginx']['user'] default['nginx']['gzip'] = 'on' default['nginx']['gzip_static'] = 'off' default['nginx']['gzip_http_version'] = '1.0' default['nginx']['gzip_comp_level'] = '2' default['nginx']['gzip_proxied'] = 'any' default['nginx']['gzip_vary'] = 'off' default['nginx']['gzip_buffers'] = nil default['nginx']['gzip_types'] = %w( text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/rss+xml application/atom+xml text/javascript application/javascript application/json text/mathml ) default['nginx']['gzip_min_length'] = 1_000 default['nginx']['gzip_disable'] = 'MSIE [1-6]\.' default['nginx']['keepalive'] = 'on' default['nginx']['keepalive_requests'] = 100 default['nginx']['keepalive_timeout'] = 65 default['nginx']['worker_processes'] = node['cpu'] && node['cpu']['total'] ? node['cpu']['total'] : 1 default['nginx']['worker_connections'] = 1_024 default['nginx']['worker_rlimit_nofile'] = nil default['nginx']['multi_accept'] = false default['nginx']['event'] = nil default['nginx']['accept_mutex_delay'] = nil default['nginx']['server_tokens'] = nil default['nginx']['server_names_hash_bucket_size'] = 64 default['nginx']['variables_hash_max_size'] = 1024 default['nginx']['variables_hash_bucket_size'] = 64 default['nginx']['sendfile'] = 'on' default['nginx']['underscores_in_headers'] = nil default['nginx']['tcp_nodelay'] = 'on' default['nginx']['tcp_nopush'] = 'on' default['nginx']['access_log_options'] = nil default['nginx']['error_log_options'] = nil default['nginx']['disable_access_log'] = false default['nginx']['log_formats'] = {} default['nginx']['install_method'] = 'package' default['nginx']['default_site_enabled'] = true default['nginx']['types_hash_max_size'] = 2_048 default['nginx']['types_hash_bucket_size'] = 64 default['nginx']['proxy_read_timeout'] = nil default['nginx']['client_body_buffer_size'] = nil default['nginx']['client_max_body_size'] = nil default['nginx']['large_client_header_buffers'] = nil default['nginx']['default']['modules'] = [] default['nginx']['extra_configs'] = {}