module XeroGateway class Address ADDRESS_TYPE = { 'STREET' => 'Street', 'POBOX' => 'PO Box', 'DEFAULT' => 'Default address type' } unless defined?(ADDRESS_TYPE) # Any errors that occurred when the #valid? method called. attr_reader :errors attr_accessor :address_type, :line_1, :line_2, :line_3, :line_4, :city, :region, :post_code, :country def initialize(params = {}) @errors ||= [] params = { :address_type => "DEFAULT" }.merge(params) params.each do |k,v| self.send("#{k}=", v) end end # Validate the Address record according to what will be valid by the gateway. # # Usage: # address.valid? # Returns true/false # # Additionally sets address.errors array to an array of field/error. def valid? @errors = [] if address_type && !ADDRESS_TYPE[address_type] @errors << ['address_type', "must be one of #{ADDRESS_TYPE.keys.join('/')} and is currently #{address_type}"] end @errors.size == 0 end def to_xml(b = b.Address { b.AddressType address_type b.AddressLine1 line_1 if line_1 b.AddressLine2 line_2 if line_2 b.AddressLine3 line_3 if line_3 b.AddressLine4 line_4 if line_4 b.City city if city b.Region region if region b.PostalCode post_code if post_code b.Country country if country } end def self.from_xml(address_element) address = address_element.children.each do |element| case( when "AddressType" then address.address_type = element.text when "AddressLine1" then address.line_1 = element.text when "AddressLine2" then address.line_2 = element.text when "AddressLine3" then address.line_3 = element.text when "AddressLine4" then address.line_4 = element.text when "City" then = element.text when "Region" then address.region = element.text when "PostalCode" then address.post_code = element.text when "Country" then = element.text end end address end def self.parse(string) address = string.split("\r\n").each_with_index do |line, index| address.send("line_#{index+1}=", line) end address end def ==(other) [:address_type, :line_1, :line_2, :line_3, :line_4, :city, :region, :post_code, :country].each do |field| return false if send(field) != other.send(field) end return true end end end