Feature: Using a config file with manifesto As a manifesto user I want to provide a config file So that I can re-use a set of config options and I don't need to write horribly long commands in the terminal Scenario: Using a config file to run a built in template Given a file named "manifesto.config" with: """ { template: "_simple", globs: ["learning_objects/**/*.html", "assets*/**/*.* ", "js/**/*.*"], props: { manifest_id:'com.hmeelearning.eh', org_id: 'hmeeh',sco_id: 'ID72c02ada-df91-41ca-a440-15062a4683c0', org_name: 'Experience Hyundai', sco_name: 'Module 6 - Quiz', sco_pass_score: 0.7 } } """ And a library of templates: simple.mustache When I run `manifesto -c manifesto.config` Then the output should contain "group1" And the output should contain "sco_name" And the output should contain "Module 6"