# Changelog ## v3.0.0 / 2022-08-28 - Improved YARD documentation - New `Item` instance methods (8105d6f): - `MicroMicro::Item#children?` - `MicroMicro::Item#id?` - **Breaking change:** Remove property-centric methods from `MicroMicro::Item` (926dedb): - `MicroMicro::Item#plain_text_properties` - `MicroMicro::Item#url_properties` - Add predicate methods to `MicroMicro::Collections::PropertiesCollection` (82e91c8): - `MicroMicro::Collections::PropertiesCollection#plain_text_properties?` - `MicroMicro::Collections::PropertiesCollection#url_properties?` - Add collections search methods `#where` and `#find_by` (847cb77) - **Breaking change:** Refactor `.node_set_from` class methods into private classes (b18a714) ## 2.0.1 / 2022-08-20 - Use ruby/debug instead of pry-byebug (2965b2e) - Update nokogiri-html-ext to v0.2.2 (921c486) - Include root items with property class names (dd14212) ## 2.0.0 / 2022-08-12 - Refactor implied property parsers (203fec9) - Add `Helpers` module (caa1c02) - New `PropertiesCollection` and `Property` instance methods (e9bb38b): - `PropertiesCollection#plain_text_properties` - `PropertiesCollection#url_properties` - `Property#date_time_property?` - `Property#embedded_markup_property?` - `Property#plain_text_property?` - `Property#url_property?` - Remove Addressable (66c2bb4) - Refactor classes to use nokogiri-html-ext (33fdf4a) - Update activesupport (563bf56) - **Breaking change:** Set minimum supported Ruby to 2.7 (ba17d05) - Update development Ruby to 2.7.6 (ba17d05) - Remove Reek (c1e76c5) - Update runtime dependency version constraints (f83f26a) - ~~**Breaking change:** Set minimum supported Ruby to 2.6~~ (fc588cd) - ~~Update development Ruby to 2.6.10~~ (d05a2ac) ## 1.1.0 / 2021-06-10 - Replace Absolutely dependency with Addressable (e93721b) - Add support for Ruby 3.0 (d897c54) - Update development Ruby version to 2.6.10 (051c9ad) ## 1.0.0 / 2020-11-08 - Add `MicroMicro::Item#plain_text_properties` and `MicroMicro::Item#url_properties` methods (351e1f1) - Add `MicroMicro::Collections::RelationshipsCollection#rels` and `MicroMicro::Collections::RelationshipsCollection#urls` methods(c0e5665) - Add `MicroMicro::Collections::PropertiesCollection#names` and `MicroMicro::Collections::PropertiesCollection#values` methods (65486bc) - Add `MicroMicro::Collections::ItemsCollection#types` method (6b53a81) - Update absolutely dependency (4e67bb2) - Add `Collectible` concern and refactor using Composite design pattern (82503b8) - Update absolutely dependency (4578fb4) ## 0.1.0 / 2020-05-06 - Initial release!