require 'optparse' require_relative '../gdbdump' class Gdbdump class CLI def parse_options(argv = ARGV) op = self.class.module_eval do define_method(:usage) do |msg = nil| puts op.to_s puts "error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end opts = { debug: false, gdbinit: nil, gdb: nil, ruby: nil, } op.on('-d', '--[no-]debug', "print debug log (default: #{opts[:debug]})") {|v| opts[:debug] = v } op.on('-x', '--gdbinit FILE', "path to ruby repo's .gdbinit (default: some of ruby repo's .gdbinit are pre-bundle in this gem)") {|v| opts[:gdbinit] = v } op.on('--gdb PATH', "path to gdb command (default: gdb)") {|v| opts[:gdb] = v } op.on('--ruby PATH', "path to ruby which the attached process uses (default: get from /proc/[PID]/exe)") {|v| opts[:ruby] = v } op.banner += ' pid' begin args = op.parse(argv) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e usage e.message end if args.size == 1 @pid = args.first else usage 'number of arguments must be 1' end @opts = opts end def run parse_options @pid, **(@opts)).print_backtrace end end end