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Supports query and function_score builders, as well as clients to fetch results. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'elasticsearch-query-builder' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install elasticsearch-query-builder ## Usage Instantiate the class ```ruby elastic_query = ElasticSearch::QueryBuilder.new(opts: {}, client: nil, function_score: false) ``` ### Initialize parameters | Parameter | Type | Default | Description | |----------------|---------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | opts | Hash | {} | Optional. Initial query. Each method will add a clause to the @opts object. | | client | Object | nil | Optional. Client to fetch results from ElasticSearch. elasticsearch-model clients is an useful gem for this. | | function_score | Boolean | false | Optional. Whether to include clauses inside a function_score path and therefore be able to use .functions() methods to calculate custom document scores. | ### Behaviour #### Methods definition Available methods and paths are: - must: [ query bool must ], - must_not: [ query bool must_not ], - should: [ query bool should ], - functions: [ functions ], - ids: [ query terms _id ], - size: [ size ], - fields: [ _source ], - range: [ bool must range ], - sort: [ sort ], - aggs: [ aggs ] Once the class is loaded, each method is defined and path **query function_score** is appended if class was initialized with **function_score: true** and original path starts with **query**. #### init_path Each path is initialized if not added previously to the query. If already added, it's appended to existing path preserving all previous clauses. #### exclude_opposite **must** and **must_not** are exclusive paths. The QueryBuilder do its best to recognize if an opposite clauses was previously added and remove it preserving only the last exclusive clause. #### add_clause Once the path is built and the opposite is excluded, the clause is merged with all the other clauses. ### Methods #### .must([clauses]) Receives an array of clauses and insert them in **query: { bool: { must: [] } }** path. If clause was previously added with .must_not() it is replaced. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.must([ { range: { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } } ]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { bool: { must: [ range: { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } ] } } } ``` #### .must_not([clauses]) Receives an array of clauses and insert them in **query: { bool: { must_not: [] } }** path. If clause was previously added with .must() it is replaced. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.must_not([ { range: { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } } ]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { bool: { must_not: [ range: { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } ] } } } ``` #### .should([clauses]) Receives an array of clauses and insert them in **query: { bool: { should: [] } }** path. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.should([ { range: { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } } ]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { bool: { should: [ range: { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } ] } } } ``` #### .functions([functions]) Receives an array of functions to calculate document score. .functions() is overridden if .sort() method is called. Functions are inserted in **query: { function_score: { functions: [] } }** path. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.functions([ { script_score: { script: "1 - ( 1.0 / ( doc['popularity'].value == 0 ? 1 : doc['popularity'].value ))" }, weight: 1 } ]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { function_score: { functions: [ { script_score: { script: "1 - ( 1.0 / ( doc['popularity'].value == 0 ? 1 : doc['popularity'].value ))" }, weight: 1 } ] } } } ``` #### .ids([array of ids]) Receives an array of ids to retrieve. Ids are inserted in **query: { terms: { _id: [] } }** path. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.ids([1, 4, 6]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { terms: { _id: [ 1, 4 6 ] } } } ``` #### .size(Integer) Receives an integer representing the number of documents to retrieve. Size is a root attribute in **size: size** path. Each time .size() method is called, size attribute is overridden. .size(0) returns all metadata but documents. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.size(200) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { }, size: 200 } ``` #### .fields([fields]) Receives an array of fields to retrieve for each document. Each field is appended to **_source** path. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.fields([:name, :category, :created_at]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { }, _source: [:name, :category, :created_at] } ``` #### .range([body]) Subtype of .must() method. Receives an array of clauses representing ranges of fields. Each clause is appended to **query bool must range** path. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.range([{ sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } }]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { bool: { must: [ range: [ { sign_in_count: { gte: 3 } } ] ] } } } ``` #### .sort(field) Receives a field to sort query results by. Each time .sort() method is called, sort attribute is overridden. It also disables .functions() score. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.sort([popularity: { order: :desc }]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { }, sort: [ { popularity: { order: :desc } } ] } ``` #### .aggs([aggs fields]) Receives an array of fields to aggregate results count by. If body is not needed, .size(0) will still return aggregated count. **Example** ```ruby elastic_query.sort([aggs: { ages: { terms: { field: 'median_age' } } }]) # elastic_query.send(:opts) { query: { }, aggs: [ { ages: { terms: { field: 'median_age' } } } ] } ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Gituhub at https://github.com/goprebo/elasticsearch-query-builder. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/goprebo/elasticsearch-query-builder/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## Contact You may contact Prebo at support@goprebo.com or in https://www.goprebo.com/