Returns exit code 0 or 1, indicating whether or not the specified application (pacticipant) has a successful verification result with each of the application versions that are already deployed to a particular environment. Prints out the relevant pact/verification details, indicating any missing or failed verification results.

The can-i-deploy tool was originally written to support specifying versions and dependencies using tags. This usage has now been superseded by first class support for environments, deployments and releases. For documentation on how to use can-i-deploy with tags, please see

Before `can-i-deploy` can be used, the relevant environment resources must first be created in the Pact Broker using the `create-environment` command. The "test" and "production" environments will have been seeded for you. You can check the existing environments by running `pact-broker list-environments`. See for more information.

    $ pact-broker create-environment --name "uat" --display-name "UAT" --no-production

After an application is deployed or released, its deployment must be recorded using the `record-deployment` or `record-release` commands. See for more information.

    $ pact-broker record-deployment --pacticipant Foo --version 173153ae0 --environment uat

Before an application is deployed or released to an environment, the can-i-deploy command must be run to check that the application version is safe to deploy with the versions of each integrated application that are already in that environment.

    $ pact-broker can-i-deploy --pacticipant PACTICIPANT --version VERSION --to-environment ENVIRONMENT

Example: can I deploy version 173153ae0 of application Foo to the test environment?

    $ pact-broker can-i-deploy --pacticipant Foo --version 173153ae0 --to-environment test

Can-i-deploy can also be used to check if arbitrary versions have a successful verification. When asking "Can I deploy this application version with the latest version from the main branch of another application" it functions as a "can I merge" check.

    $ pact-broker can-i-deploy --pacticipant Foo 173153ae0 \
                               --pacticipant Bar --latest main