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EPEPEPEPblock in P+PtPxPPPPP=PLPPOPPRPPTPPVPPEPPEPversionPEP#recursively_apply_block_to_versionsEP,block in recursively_apply_block_to_versionsP!EP build_versionEPUploaderEP-EP_EP # Define the enable_processing method for versions so they get the # value from the parent class unless explicitly overwritten def self.enable_processing(value=nil) self.enable_processing = value if value if !@enable_processing.nil? @enable_processing else superclass.enable_processing end end # Regardless of what is set in the parent uploader, do not enforce the # move_to_cache config option on versions because it moves the original # file to the version's target file. # # If you want to enforce this setting on versions, override this method # in each version: # # version :thumb do # def move_to_cache # true # end # end # def move_to_cache false end PEP def EP versions[:EP] end PEPversionsEPblock in versionsP.EP version_nameP0EPversion_exists?PPPPP6EPurlPgEPVersion EP doesn't exist! PP<EPrecreate_versions!EPassign_parent_cache_idEPblock in assign_parent_cache_idP@EPactive_versionsEPblock in active_versionsPCEPdependent_versionsEPblock in dependent_versionsPPGEPsibling_versionsPIEP full_filenamePKEPfull_original_filenameEPcache_versions!EPblock in cache_versions!PEPstore_versions!EPblock in store_versions!PEPremove_versions!EPblock in remove_versions!EPretrieve_versions_from_cache!EP&block in retrieve_versions_from_cache!EPretrieve_versions_from_store!EP&block in retrieve_versions_from_store!EP CarrierWaveEPUploaderEPVersionsEP ActiveSupportEPConcernEP CallbacksEP versions=EPversion_names=EP attr_accessorEPafterEPclass_attributeEP ClassMethodsEPnameEPoptionsEPblockEPto_symEP[]EP class_evalEPeachEPClassEPuploaderEPhas_key?EP!EPnewEP object_idEPto_sEPtrEP const_setEP version_namesEP+EP processors=EPversion_options=EPversion_optionsEPmergeEPcore#define_methodEPprivateEP @versionsEPmodelEP mounted_asEP[]=EPparent_version=EPclassEPblank?EPjoinEP conditionEP respond_to?EPfileEPsendEPcallEP ArgumentErrorEPargsEPfirstEPnil?EPraiseEPany?EPcached?EPsanitized_fileEPcache!EPstore!EP @cache_idEPparent_cache_id=EPselectEPvEPlastEP==EPrejectEPto_aEPparent_versionEPtryEPfor_fileEPcompactEPnew_fileEPHashEPactiveEPempty?EPremove!EPretrieve_from_cache!EP cache_nameEPretrieve_from_store!EP identifierEPextendEPincludeEPincludedEPparent_cache_idEPcacheEPstoreEPremoveEPretrieve_from_cacheEPretrieve_from_storeEPinstance_readerEPinstance_writerEPifPPEP from_versionEP cache_id=Qm]mmmn5nZnnnnnnnnnnno oo$o0o