/** * @fileoverview Mocha test wrapper * @author Ilya Volodin */ "use strict"; /* global describe, it */ /* * This is a wrapper around mocha to allow for DRY unittests for eslint * Format: * RuleTester.run("{ruleName}", { * valid: [ * "{code}", * { code: "{code}", options: {options}, globals: {globals}, parser: "{parser}", settings: {settings} } * ], * invalid: [ * { code: "{code}", errors: {numErrors} }, * { code: "{code}", errors: ["{errorMessage}"] }, * { code: "{code}", options: {options}, globals: {globals}, parser: "{parser}", settings: {settings}, errors: [{ message: "{errorMessage}", type: "{errorNodeType}"}] } * ] * }); * * Variables: * {code} - String that represents the code to be tested * {options} - Arguments that are passed to the configurable rules. * {globals} - An object representing a list of variables that are * registered as globals * {parser} - String representing the parser to use * {settings} - An object representing global settings for all rules * {numErrors} - If failing case doesn't need to check error message, * this integer will specify how many errors should be * received * {errorMessage} - Message that is returned by the rule on failure * {errorNodeType} - AST node type that is returned by they rule as * a cause of the failure. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const lodash = require("lodash"), assert = require("assert"), util = require("util"), validator = require("../config/config-validator"), ajv = require("../util/ajv"), Linter = require("../linter"), Environments = require("../config/environments"), SourceCodeFixer = require("../util/source-code-fixer"), interpolate = require("../util/interpolate"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private Members //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * testerDefaultConfig must not be modified as it allows to reset the tester to * the initial default configuration */ const testerDefaultConfig = { rules: {} }; let defaultConfig = { rules: {} }; /* * List every parameters possible on a test case that are not related to eslint * configuration */ const RuleTesterParameters = [ "code", "filename", "options", "errors", "output" ]; const hasOwnProperty = Function.call.bind(Object.hasOwnProperty); /** * Clones a given value deeply. * Note: This ignores `parent` property. * * @param {any} x - A value to clone. * @returns {any} A cloned value. */ function cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(x) { if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null) { if (Array.isArray(x)) { return x.map(cloneDeeplyExcludesParent); } const retv = {}; for (const key in x) { if (key !== "parent" && hasOwnProperty(x, key)) { retv[key] = cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(x[key]); } } return retv; } return x; } /** * Freezes a given value deeply. * * @param {any} x - A value to freeze. * @returns {void} */ function freezeDeeply(x) { if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null) { if (Array.isArray(x)) { x.forEach(freezeDeeply); } else { for (const key in x) { if (key !== "parent" && hasOwnProperty(x, key)) { freezeDeeply(x[key]); } } } Object.freeze(x); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // default separators for testing const DESCRIBE = Symbol("describe"); const IT = Symbol("it"); /** * This is `it` default handler if `it` don't exist. * @this {Mocha} * @param {string} text - The description of the test case. * @param {Function} method - The logic of the test case. * @returns {any} Returned value of `method`. */ function itDefaultHandler(text, method) { try { return method.call(this); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof assert.AssertionError) { err.message += ` (${util.inspect(err.actual)} ${err.operator} ${util.inspect(err.expected)})`; } throw err; } } /** * This is `describe` default handler if `describe` don't exist. * @this {Mocha} * @param {string} text - The description of the test case. * @param {Function} method - The logic of the test case. * @returns {any} Returned value of `method`. */ function describeDefaultHandler(text, method) { return method.call(this); } class RuleTester { /** * Creates a new instance of RuleTester. * @param {Object} [testerConfig] Optional, extra configuration for the tester * @constructor */ constructor(testerConfig) { /** * The configuration to use for this tester. Combination of the tester * configuration and the default configuration. * @type {Object} */ this.testerConfig = lodash.merge( // we have to clone because merge uses the first argument for recipient lodash.cloneDeep(defaultConfig), testerConfig, { rules: { "rule-tester/validate-ast": "error" } } ); /** * Rule definitions to define before tests. * @type {Object} */ this.rules = {}; this.linter = new Linter(); } /** * Set the configuration to use for all future tests * @param {Object} config the configuration to use. * @returns {void} */ static setDefaultConfig(config) { if (typeof config !== "object") { throw new TypeError("RuleTester.setDefaultConfig: config must be an object"); } defaultConfig = config; // Make sure the rules object exists since it is assumed to exist later defaultConfig.rules = defaultConfig.rules || {}; } /** * Get the current configuration used for all tests * @returns {Object} the current configuration */ static getDefaultConfig() { return defaultConfig; } /** * Reset the configuration to the initial configuration of the tester removing * any changes made until now. * @returns {void} */ static resetDefaultConfig() { defaultConfig = lodash.cloneDeep(testerDefaultConfig); } /* * If people use `mocha test.js --watch` command, `describe` and `it` function * instances are different for each execution. So `describe` and `it` should get fresh instance * always. */ static get describe() { return ( this[DESCRIBE] || (typeof describe === "function" ? describe : describeDefaultHandler) ); } static set describe(value) { this[DESCRIBE] = value; } static get it() { return ( this[IT] || (typeof it === "function" ? it : itDefaultHandler) ); } static set it(value) { this[IT] = value; } /** * Define a rule for one particular run of tests. * @param {string} name The name of the rule to define. * @param {Function} rule The rule definition. * @returns {void} */ defineRule(name, rule) { this.rules[name] = rule; } /** * Adds a new rule test to execute. * @param {string} ruleName The name of the rule to run. * @param {Function} rule The rule to test. * @param {Object} test The collection of tests to run. * @returns {void} */ run(ruleName, rule, test) { const testerConfig = this.testerConfig, requiredScenarios = ["valid", "invalid"], scenarioErrors = [], linter = this.linter; if (lodash.isNil(test) || typeof test !== "object") { throw new TypeError(`Test Scenarios for rule ${ruleName} : Could not find test scenario object`); } requiredScenarios.forEach(scenarioType => { if (lodash.isNil(test[scenarioType])) { scenarioErrors.push(`Could not find any ${scenarioType} test scenarios`); } }); if (scenarioErrors.length > 0) { throw new Error([ `Test Scenarios for rule ${ruleName} is invalid:` ].concat(scenarioErrors).join("\n")); } linter.defineRule(ruleName, Object.assign({}, rule, { // Create a wrapper rule that freezes the `context` properties. create(context) { freezeDeeply(context.options); freezeDeeply(context.settings); freezeDeeply(context.parserOptions); return (typeof rule === "function" ? rule : rule.create)(context); } })); linter.defineRules(this.rules); const ruleMap = linter.getRules(); /** * Run the rule for the given item * @param {string|Object} item Item to run the rule against * @returns {Object} Eslint run result * @private */ function runRuleForItem(item) { let config = lodash.cloneDeep(testerConfig), code, filename, beforeAST, afterAST; if (typeof item === "string") { code = item; } else { code = item.code; /* * Assumes everything on the item is a config except for the * parameters used by this tester */ const itemConfig = lodash.omit(item, RuleTesterParameters); /* * Create the config object from the tester config and this item * specific configurations. */ config = lodash.merge( config, itemConfig ); } if (item.filename) { filename = item.filename; } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(item, "options")) { assert(Array.isArray(item.options), "options must be an array"); config.rules[ruleName] = [1].concat(item.options); } else { config.rules[ruleName] = 1; } const schema = validator.getRuleOptionsSchema(rule); /* * Setup AST getters. * The goal is to check whether or not AST was modified when * running the rule under test. */ linter.defineRule("rule-tester/validate-ast", () => ({ Program(node) { beforeAST = cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(node); }, "Program:exit"(node) { afterAST = node; } })); if (schema) { ajv.validateSchema(schema); if (ajv.errors) { const errors = ajv.errors.map(error => { const field = error.dataPath[0] === "." ? error.dataPath.slice(1) : error.dataPath; return `\t${field}: ${error.message}`; }).join("\n"); throw new Error([`Schema for rule ${ruleName} is invalid:`, errors]); } } validator.validate(config, "rule-tester", ruleMap.get.bind(ruleMap), new Environments()); return { messages: linter.verify(code, config, filename, true), beforeAST, afterAST: cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(afterAST) }; } /** * Check if the AST was changed * @param {ASTNode} beforeAST AST node before running * @param {ASTNode} afterAST AST node after running * @returns {void} * @private */ function assertASTDidntChange(beforeAST, afterAST) { if (!lodash.isEqual(beforeAST, afterAST)) { assert.fail(null, null, "Rule should not modify AST."); } } /** * Check if the template is valid or not * all valid cases go through this * @param {string|Object} item Item to run the rule against * @returns {void} * @private */ function testValidTemplate(item) { const result = runRuleForItem(item); const messages = result.messages; assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0, util.format("Should have no errors but had %d: %s", messages.length, util.inspect(messages))); assertASTDidntChange(result.beforeAST, result.afterAST); } /** * Asserts that the message matches its expected value. If the expected * value is a regular expression, it is checked against the actual * value. * @param {string} actual Actual value * @param {string|RegExp} expected Expected value * @returns {void} * @private */ function assertMessageMatches(actual, expected) { if (expected instanceof RegExp) { // assert.js doesn't have a built-in RegExp match function assert.ok( expected.test(actual), `Expected '${actual}' to match ${expected}` ); } else { assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); } } /** * Check if the template is invalid or not * all invalid cases go through this. * @param {string|Object} item Item to run the rule against * @returns {void} * @private */ function testInvalidTemplate(item) { assert.ok(item.errors || item.errors === 0, `Did not specify errors for an invalid test of ${ruleName}`); const result = runRuleForItem(item); const messages = result.messages; if (typeof item.errors === "number") { assert.strictEqual(messages.length, item.errors, util.format("Should have %d error%s but had %d: %s", item.errors, item.errors === 1 ? "" : "s", messages.length, util.inspect(messages))); } else { assert.strictEqual( messages.length, item.errors.length, util.format( "Should have %d error%s but had %d: %s", item.errors.length, item.errors.length === 1 ? "" : "s", messages.length, util.inspect(messages) ) ); const hasMessageOfThisRule = messages.some(m => m.ruleId === ruleName); for (let i = 0, l = item.errors.length; i < l; i++) { const error = item.errors[i]; const message = messages[i]; assert(!message.fatal, `A fatal parsing error occurred: ${message.message}`); assert(hasMessageOfThisRule, "Error rule name should be the same as the name of the rule being tested"); if (typeof error === "string" || error instanceof RegExp) { // Just an error message. assertMessageMatches(message.message, error); } else if (typeof error === "object") { /* * Error object. * This may have a message, messageId, data, node type, line, and/or * column. */ if (hasOwnProperty(error, "message")) { assert.ok(!hasOwnProperty(error, "messageId"), "Error should not specify both 'message' and a 'messageId'."); assert.ok(!hasOwnProperty(error, "data"), "Error should not specify both 'data' and 'message'."); assertMessageMatches(message.message, error.message); } else if (hasOwnProperty(error, "messageId")) { assert.ok( hasOwnProperty(rule, "meta") && hasOwnProperty(rule.meta, "messages"), "Error can not use 'messageId' if rule under test doesn't define 'meta.messages'." ); if (!hasOwnProperty(rule.meta.messages, error.messageId)) { const friendlyIDList = `[${Object.keys(rule.meta.messages).map(key => `'${key}'`).join(", ")}]`; assert(false, `Invalid messageId '${error.messageId}'. Expected one of ${friendlyIDList}.`); } assert.strictEqual( error.messageId, message.messageId, `messageId '${message.messageId}' does not match expected messageId '${error.messageId}'.` ); if (hasOwnProperty(error, "data")) { /* * if data was provided, then directly compare the returned message to a synthetic * interpolated message using the same message ID and data provided in the test. * See https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/9890 for context. */ const unformattedOriginalMessage = rule.meta.messages[error.messageId]; const rehydratedMessage = interpolate(unformattedOriginalMessage, error.data); assert.strictEqual( message.message, rehydratedMessage, `Hydrated message "${rehydratedMessage}" does not match "${message.message}"` ); } } assert.ok( hasOwnProperty(error, "data") ? hasOwnProperty(error, "messageId") : true, "Error must specify 'messageId' if 'data' is used." ); if (error.type) { assert.strictEqual(message.nodeType, error.type, `Error type should be ${error.type}, found ${message.nodeType}`); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(error, "line")) { assert.strictEqual(message.line, error.line, `Error line should be ${error.line}`); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(error, "column")) { assert.strictEqual(message.column, error.column, `Error column should be ${error.column}`); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(error, "endLine")) { assert.strictEqual(message.endLine, error.endLine, `Error endLine should be ${error.endLine}`); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(error, "endColumn")) { assert.strictEqual(message.endColumn, error.endColumn, `Error endColumn should be ${error.endColumn}`); } } else { // Message was an unexpected type assert.fail(message, null, "Error should be a string, object, or RegExp."); } } } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(item, "output")) { if (item.output === null) { assert.strictEqual( messages.filter(message => message.fix).length, 0, "Expected no autofixes to be suggested" ); } else { const fixResult = SourceCodeFixer.applyFixes(item.code, messages); assert.strictEqual(fixResult.output, item.output, "Output is incorrect."); } } assertASTDidntChange(result.beforeAST, result.afterAST); } /* * This creates a mocha test suite and pipes all supplied info through * one of the templates above. */ RuleTester.describe(ruleName, () => { RuleTester.describe("valid", () => { test.valid.forEach(valid => { RuleTester.it(typeof valid === "object" ? valid.code : valid, () => { testValidTemplate(valid); }); }); }); RuleTester.describe("invalid", () => { test.invalid.forEach(invalid => { RuleTester.it(invalid.code, () => { testInvalidTemplate(invalid); }); }); }); }); } } RuleTester[DESCRIBE] = RuleTester[IT] = null; module.exports = RuleTester;