# Representable Representable maps ruby objects to documents and back. In other words: Take an object and extend it with a representer module. This will allow you to render a JSON, XML or YAML document from that object. But that's only half of it! You can also use representers to parse a document and create an object. Representable is helpful for all kind of rendering and parsing workflows. However, it is mostly useful in API code. Are you planning to write a real REST API with representable? Then check out the [roar](http://github.com/apotonick/roar) gem first, save work and time and make the world a better place instead. ## Installation The representable gem is almost dependency-free. Almost. gem 'representable' ## Example What if we're writing an API for music - songs, albums, bands. class Song < OpenStruct end song = Song.new(title: "Fallout", track: 1) ## Defining Representations Representations are defined using representer modules. require 'representable/json' module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :title property :track end In the representer the #property method allows declaring represented attributes of the object. All the representer requires for rendering are readers on the represented object, e.g. `#title` and `#track`. When parsing, it will call setters - in our example, that'd be `#title=` and `#track=`. ## Rendering Mixing in the representer into the object adds a rendering method. song.extend(SongRepresenter).to_json #=> {"title":"Fallout","track":1} ## Parsing It also adds support for parsing. song = Song.new.extend(SongRepresenter).from_json(%{ {"title":"Roxanne"} }) #=> # ## Extend vs. Decorator If you don't want representer modules to be mixed into your objects (using `#extend`) you can use the `Decorator` strategy [described below](https://github.com/apotonick/representable#decorator-vs-extend). Decorating instead of extending was introduced in 1.4. ## Aliasing If your property name doesn't match the name in the document, use the `:as` option. module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :title, as: :name property :track end song.to_json #=> {"name":"Fallout","track":1} ## Wrapping Let the representer know if you want wrapping. module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON self.representation_wrap= :hit property :title property :track end This will add a container for rendering and consuming. song.extend(SongRepresenter).to_json #=> {"hit":{"title":"Fallout","track":1}} Setting `self.representation_wrap = true` will advice representable to figure out the wrap itself by inspecting the represented object class. ## Collections Let's add a list of composers to the song representation. module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :title property :track collection :composers end Surprisingly, `#collection` lets us define lists of objects to represent. Song.new(title: "Fallout", composers: ["Steward Copeland", "Sting"]). extend(SongRepresenter).to_json #=> {"title":"Fallout","composers":["Steward Copeland","Sting"]} And again, this works both ways - in addition to the title it extracts the composers from the document, too. ## Nesting Representers can also manage compositions. Why not use an album that contains a list of songs? class Album < OpenStruct end album = Album.new(name: "The Police", songs: [song, Song.new(title: "Synchronicity")]) Here comes the representer that defines the composition. module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :name collection :songs, extend: SongRepresenter, class: Song end Note that nesting works with both plain `#property` and `#collection`. When rendering, the `:extend` module is used to extend the attribute(s) with the correct representer module. album.extend(AlbumRepresenter).to_json #=> {"name":"The Police","songs":[{"title":"Fallout","composers":["Steward Copeland","Sting"]},{"title":"Synchronicity","composers":[]}]} Parsing a documents needs both `:extend` and the `:class` option as the parser requires knowledge what kind of object to create from the nested composition. Album.new.extend(AlbumRepresenter). from_json(%{{"name":"Offspring","songs":[{"title":"Genocide"},{"title":"Nitro","composers":["Offspring"]}]}}) #=> #, #]> ## Decorator vs. Extend People who dislike `:extend` go use the `Decorator` strategy! class SongRepresentation < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :title property :track end The `Decorator` constructor requires the represented object. SongRepresentation.new(song).to_json This will leave the `song` instance untouched as the decorator just uses public accessors to represent the hit. In compositions you need to specify the decorators for the nested items using the `:decorator` option where you'd normally use `:extend`. class AlbumRepresentation < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON collection :songs, :class => Song, :decorator => SongRepresentation end ## XML Support While representable does a great job with JSON, it also features support for XML, YAML and pure ruby hashes. require 'representable/xml' module SongRepresenter include Representable::XML property :title property :track collection :composers end For XML we just include the `Representable::XML` module. Song.new(title: "Fallout", composers: ["Steward Copeland", "Sting"]). extend(SongRepresenter).to_xml #=> Fallout Steward Copeland Sting ## Passing Options You're free to pass an options hash into the rendering or parsing. song.to_json(:append => "SOLD OUT!") If you want to append the "SOLD OUT!" to the song's `title` when rendering, use the `:getter` option. SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :title, :getter => lambda { |args| title + args[:append] } end Note that the block is executed in the represented model context which allows using accessors and instance variables. The same works for parsing using the `:setter` method. property :title, :setter => lambda { |val, args| self.title= val + args[:append] } Here, the block retrieves two arguments: the parsed value and your user options. You can also use the `:getter` option instead of writing a reader method. Even when you're not interested in user options you can still use this technique. property :title, :getter => lambda { |*| @name } This hash will also be available in the `:if` block, documented [here](https://github.com/apotonick/representable/#conditions) and will be passed to nested objects. ## Using Helpers Sometimes it's useful to override accessors to customize output or parsing. module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :name collection :songs def name super.upcase end end Album.new(:name => "The Police"). extend(AlbumRepresenter).to_json #=> {"name":"THE POLICE","songs":[]} Note how the representer allows calling `super` in order to access the original attribute method of the represented object. To change the parsing process override the setter. def name=(value) super(value.downcase) end ## Inheritance To reuse existing representers you can inherit from those modules. module CoverSongRepresenter include Representable::JSON include SongRepresenter property :copyright end Inheritance works by `include`ing already defined representers. Song.new(:title => "Truth Hits Everybody", :copyright => "The Police"). extend(CoverSongRepresenter).to_json #=> {"title":"Truth Hits Everybody","copyright":"The Police"} ## Polymorphic Extend Sometimes heterogenous collections of objects from different classes must be represented. Or you don't know which representer to use at compile-time and need to delay the computation until runtime. This is why `:extend` accepts a lambda, too. Given we not only have songs, but also cover songs. class CoverSong < Song end And a non-homogenous collection of songs. songs = [ Song.new(title: "Weirdo", track: 5), CoverSong.new(title: "Truth Hits Everybody", track: 6, copyright: "The Police")] album = Album.new(name: "Incognito", songs: songs) The `CoverSong` instances are to be represented by their very own `CoverSongRepresenter` defined above. We can't just use a static module in the `:extend` option, so go use a dynamic lambda! module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :name collection :songs, :extend => lambda { |song| song.is_a?(CoverSong) ? CoverSongRepresenter : SongRepresenter } end Note that the lambda block is evaluated in the represented object context which allows to access helpers or whatever in the block. This works for single properties, too. ## Polymorphic Object Creation Rendering heterogenous collections usually implies that you also need to parse those. Luckily, `:class` also accepts a lambda. module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :name collection :songs, :extend => ..., :class => lambda { |hsh| hsh.has_key?("copyright") ? CoverSong : Song } end The block for `:class` receives the currently parsed fragment. Here, this might be somthing like `{"title"=>"Weirdo", "track"=>5}`. If this is not enough, you may override the entire object creation process using `:instance`. module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :name collection :songs, :extend => ..., :instance => lambda { |hsh| hsh.has_key?("copyright") ? CoverSong.new : Song.new(original: true) } end ## Hashes As an addition to single properties and collections representable also offers to represent hash attributes. module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :title hash :ratings end Song.new(title: "Bliss", ratings: {"Rolling Stone" => 4.9, "FryZine" => 4.5}). extend(SongRepresenter).to_json #=> {"title":"Bliss","ratings":{"Rolling Stone":4.9,"FryZine":4.5}} ## Lonely Hashes Need to represent a bare hash without any container? Use the `JSON::Hash` representer (or XML::Hash). require 'representable/json/hash' module FavoriteSongsRepresenter include Representable::JSON::Hash end {"Nick" => "Hyper Music", "El" => "Blown In The Wind"}.extend(FavoriteSongsRepresenter).to_json #=> {"Nick":"Hyper Music","El":"Blown In The Wind"} Works both ways. The values are configurable and might be self-representing objects in turn. Tell the `Hash` by using `#values`. module FavoriteSongsRepresenter include Representable::JSON::Hash values extend: SongRepresenter, class: Song end {"Nick" => Song.new(title: "Hyper Music")}.extend(FavoriteSongsRepresenter).to_json In XML, if you want to store hash attributes in tag attributes instead of dedicated nodes, use `XML::AttributeHash`. ## Lonely Collections Same goes with arrays. require 'representable/json/collection' module SongsRepresenter include Representable::JSON::Collection items extend: SongRepresenter, class: Song end The `#items` method lets you configure the contained entity representing here. [Song.new(title: "Hyper Music"), Song.new(title: "Screenager")].extend(SongsRepresenter).to_json #=> [{"title":"Hyper Music"},{"title":"Screenager"}] Note that this also works for XML. ## YAML Support Representable also comes with a YAML representer. module SongRepresenter include Representable::YAML property :title property :track collection :composers, :style => :flow end A nice feature is that `#collection` also accepts a `:style` option which helps having nicely formatted inline (or "flow") arrays in your YAML - if you want that! song.extend(SongRepresenter).to_yaml #=> --- title: Fallout composers: [Steward Copeland, Sting] ## More on XML ### Mapping tag attributes You can also map properties to tag attributes in representable. module SongRepresenter include Representable::XML property :title, attribute: true property :track, attribute: true end Song.new(title: "American Idle").to_xml #=> Naturally, this works for both ways. ### Wrapping collections It is sometimes unavoidable to wrap tag lists in a container tag. module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::XML collection :songs, :as => :song, :wrap => :songs end Note that `:wrap` defines the container tag name. Album.new.to_xml #=> Laundry Basket Two Kevins Wright and Rong ## Avoiding Modules There's been a rough discussion whether or not to use `extend` in Ruby. If you want to save that particular step when representing objects, define the representers right in your classes. class Song < OpenStruct include Representable::JSON property :name end I do not recommend this approach as it bloats your domain classes with representation logic that is barely needed elsewhere. ## More Options Here's a quick overview about other available options for `#property` and its bro `#collection`. ### Overriding Read And Write This can be handy if a property needs to be compiled from several fragments. The lambda has access to the entire object document (either hash or `Nokogiri` node) and user options. property :title, :writer => lambda { |doc, args| doc["title"] = title || original_title } When using the `:writer` option it is up to you to add fragments to the `doc` - representable won't add anything for this property. The same works for parsing using `:reader`. property :title, :reader => lambda { |doc, args| self.title = doc["title"] || doc["name"] } ### Read/Write Restrictions Using the `:readable` and `:writeable` options access to properties can be restricted. property :title, :readable => false This will leave out the `title` property in the rendered document. Vice-versa, `:writeable` will skip the property when parsing and does not assign it. ### Filtering Representable also allows you to skip and include properties using the `:exclude` and `:include` options passed directly to the respective method. song.to_json(:include => :title) #=> {"title":"Roxanne"} ### Conditions You can also define conditions on properties using `:if`, making them being considered only when the block returns a true value. module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON property :title property :track, if: lambda { track > 0 } end When rendering or parsing, the `track` property is considered only if track is valid. Note that the block is executed in instance context, giving you access to instance methods. As always, the block retrieves your options. Given this render call song.to_json(minimum_track: 2) your `:if` may process the options. property :track, if: lambda { |opts| track > opts[:minimum_track] } ### False and Nil Values Since representable-1.2 `false` values _are_ considered when parsing and rendering. That particularly means properties that used to be unset (i.e. `nil`) after parsing might be `false` now. Vice versa, `false` properties that weren't included in the rendered document will be visible now. If you want `nil` values to be included when rendering, use the `:render_nil` option. property :track, render_nil: true ## Coercion If you fancy coercion when parsing a document you can use the Coercion module which uses [virtus](https://github.com/solnic/virtus) for type conversion. Include virtus in your Gemfile, first. Be sure to include virtus 0.5.0 or greater. gem 'virtus', ">= 0.5.0" Use the `:type` option to specify the conversion target. Note that `:default` still works. module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON include Representable::Coercion property :title property :recorded_at, :type => DateTime, :default => "May 12th, 2012" end ## Undocumented Features (Please don't read this section!) If you need a special binding for a property you're free to create it using the `:binding` option. property :title, :binding => lambda { |*args| JSON::TitleBinding.new(*args) } ## Copyright Representable started as a heavily simplified fork of the ROXML gem. Big thanks to Ben Woosley for his inspiring work. * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Nick Sutterer * ROXML is Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Ben Woosley, Zak Mandhro and Anders Engstrom.