Write a comment here *** Parameters: *** {} # params *** Markdown input: *** I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG. +----------+ +----------+ | Makefile | ---> | Compiler | ==> ... +----------+ +----------+ | ^ v | --------- {:diagram title="My diagram"} {:diagram: style=""} How to do vertical bold arrows? ! V Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | ___________________ / | is the agent ok? | --| --------------{:r}+ {:r: border="solid 3px red"} Big boxes: +-------+ |{:long}| ---> +-------+ {+long: This is a long box} Or +----------------+ ________ | This is a very | ---> | Box | | long cell | |________| +----------------+ - Yes / -------+ \ - No *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_par([ "I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG." ]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"+----------+ +----------+\n| Makefile | ---> | Compiler | ==> ...\n+----------+ +----------+\n | ^\n v |\n --------- "},[[:ref, "diagram"], ["title", "My diagram"]]), md_el(:ald,[],{:ald=>[],:ald_id=>"diagram"},[]), md_par(["How to do vertical bold arrows?"]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"!\nV \n"},[]), md_par([ "Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | ___________________ / | is the agent ok? | ", md_entity("ndash"), "| ", md_entity("mdash"), md_entity("mdash"), md_entity("mdash"), md_entity("mdash"), md_entity("ndash"), "+" ]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"{:r: border=\"solid 3px red\"}\n"},[]), md_par(["Big boxes:"]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"+-------+\n|{:long}| ---> \n+-------+\n\n{+long: This is a long box}"},[]), md_par(["Or"]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"+----------------+ ________\n| This is a very | ---> | Box |\n| long cell | |________|\n+----------------+\n - Yes\n / \n-------+ \n \\\n - No"},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html *** <p>I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG.</p> <pre><code>+----------+ +----------+ | Makefile | ---> | Compiler | ==> ... +----------+ +----------+ | ^ v | --------- </code></pre> <p>How to do vertical bold arrows?</p> <pre><code>! V </code></pre> <p>Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | ___________________ / | is the agent ok? | –| ————–+</p> <pre><code>{:r: border="solid 3px red"} </code></pre> <p>Big boxes:</p> <pre><code>+-------+ |{:long}| ---> +-------+ {+long: This is a long box}</code></pre> <p>Or</p> <pre><code>+----------------+ ________ | This is a very | ---> | Box | | long cell | |________| +----------------+ - Yes / -------+ \ - No</code></pre> *** Output of to_latex *** I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG. \begin{verbatim}+----------+ +----------+ | Makefile | ---> | Compiler | ==> ... +----------+ +----------+ | ^ v | --------- \end{verbatim} How to do vertical bold arrows? \begin{verbatim}! V \end{verbatim} Curved arrows: +-{\tt \char62} | Yes: | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ / | is the agent ok? | --{}| ---{}---{}---{}---{}--{}+ \begin{verbatim}{:r: border="solid 3px red"} \end{verbatim} Big boxes: \begin{verbatim}+-------+ |{:long}| ---> +-------+ {+long: This is a long box}\end{verbatim} Or \begin{verbatim}+----------------+ ________ | This is a very | ---> | Box | | long cell | |________| +----------------+ - Yes / -------+ \ - No\end{verbatim} *** Output of to_md *** I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG. How to do vertical bold arrows? Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | ___________________ / | is the agent ok? | | + Big boxes: Or *** Output of to_s *** I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG.How to do vertical bold arrows?Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | ___________________ / | is the agent ok? | | +Big boxes:Or *** EOF *** OK! *** Output of Markdown.pl *** <p>I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG.</p> <pre><code>+----------+ +----------+ | Makefile | ---> | Compiler | ==> ... +----------+ +----------+ | ^ v | --------- </code></pre> <p>{:diagram title="My diagram"}</p> <p>{:diagram: style=""}</p> <p>How to do vertical bold arrows?</p> <pre><code>! V </code></pre> <p>Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | <strong><em>_</em><em>_</em><em>_</em><em>_</em><em>_</em></strong> / | is the agent ok? | --| --------------{:r}+</p> <pre><code>{:r: border="solid 3px red"} </code></pre> <p>Big boxes:</p> <pre><code>+-------+ |{:long}| ---> +-------+ {+long: This is a long box} </code></pre> <p>Or</p> <pre><code>+----------------+ ________ | This is a very | ---> | Box | | long cell | |________| +----------------+ - Yes / -------+ \ - No </code></pre> *** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) *** <p>I would like to add a syntax for drawing basic diagrams and convert them to PNG/PDF/SVG.</p ><pre ><code>+----------+ +----------+ | Makefile | ---> | Compiler | ==> ... +----------+ +----------+ | ^ v | --------- </code ></pre ><p>{:diagram title="My diagram"}</p ><p>{:diagram: style=""}</p ><p>How to do vertical bold arrows?</p ><pre ><code>! V </code ></pre ><p>Curved arrows: +-> | Yes: | <strong ><em>_</em ><em>_</em ><em>_</em ><em>_</em ><em>_</em ></strong > / | is the agent ok? | --| --------------{:r}+</p ><pre ><code>{:r: border="solid 3px red"} </code ></pre ><p>Big boxes:</p ><pre ><code>+-------+ |{:long}| ---> +-------+ {+long: This is a long box} </code ></pre ><p>Or</p ><pre ><code>+----------------+ ________ | This is a very | ---> | Box | | long cell | |________| +----------------+ - Yes / -------+ \ - No </code ></pre >