require 'optparse' require 'io/console' require 'yaml' module Rmega module CLI module Helpers def cli_options $cli_options ||= {} end def cli_prompt_password print("Enter password: ") password = STDIN.noecho(&:gets) password = password[0..-2] if password.end_with?("\n") puts return password end def mega_url?(url) Nodes::Factory.url?(url) end def configuration_filepath File.expand_path('~/.rmega') end def read_configuration_file return unless File.exists?(configuration_filepath) cli_options = YAML.load_file(configuration_filepath) cli_options.keys.each { |k| cli_options[k.to_sym] = cli_options.delete(k) } puts "Loaded configuration file #{configuration_filepath}" if cli_options[:debug] rescue Exception => ex raise(ex) if cli_options[:debug] end def apply_cli_options cli_options.each do |key, value| Rmega.options.__send__("#{key}=", value) end Rmega.logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG if cli_options[:debug] Rmega.options.show_progress = true end def apply_opt_parser_options(opts) opts.on("-t NUM", "--thread_pool_size", "Number of threads to use") { |n| cli_options[:thread_pool_size] = n.to_i } opts.on("--proxy-addr ADDRESS", "Http proxy address") { |value| cli_options[:http_proxy_address] = value } opts.on("--proxy-port PORT", "Http proxy port") { |value| cli_options[:http_proxy_port] = value.to_i } opts.on("-u", "--user USER_EMAIL", "User email address") { |value| cli_options[:user] = value } opts.on("--pass [USER_PASSWORD]", "User password (if omitted will prompt for it)") { |value| cli_options[:pass] = value } opts.on("--debug", "Debug mode") { cli_options[:debug] = true } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Print the version number") { puts Rmega::VERSION puts Rmega::HOMEPAGE exit!(0) } end def traverse_storage(node, path, opts = {}) path.gsub!(/^\/|\/$/, "") curr_part = path.split("/")[0] || "" last_part = (path.split("/")[1..-1] || []).join("/") if curr_part.empty? if node.type == :root or node.type == :folder return node else return nil end else n = node.folders.find { |n| } n ||= node.files.find { |n| } unless opts[:only_folders] if last_part.empty? return n else return traverse_storage(n, last_part) end end end def cli_rescue read_configuration_file apply_cli_options yield rescue Interrupt puts "\nInterrupted" rescue Exception => ex if cli_options[:debug] raise(ex) else $stderr.puts "\nERROR: #{ex.message}" end end end end end