module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
class PayArcGateway < Gateway
self.test_url = ''
self.live_url = ''
self.supported_countries = ['US']
self.default_currency = 'usd'
self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover jcb]
self.homepage_url = ''
self.display_name = 'PAYARC Gateway'
{ end_point: 'tokens',
allowed_fields: %i[card_source card_number exp_month exp_year cvv card_holder_name
address_line1 address_line2 city state zip country] },
{ end_point: 'charges',
allowed_fields: %i[amount statement_description card_id currency customer_id token_id card_source tip_amount
card_level sales_tax purchase_order supplier_reference_number customer_ref_id ship_to_zip
amex_descriptor customer_vat_number summary_commodity_code shipping_charges duty_charges
ship_from_zip destination_country_code vat_invoice order_date tax_category tax_type
tax_amount tax_rate address_line1 zip terminal_id surcharge description email receipt_phone statement_descriptor ] },
{ end_point: 'charges/{{chargeID}}/void',
allowed_fields: %i[reason void_description] },
{ end_point: 'charges/{{charge_id}}/refunds',
allowed_fields: %i[amount reason description] },
{ end_point: 'refunds/wo_reference',
allowed_fields: %i[amount charge_description statement_description terminal_id card_source card_number
exp_month exp_year cvv card_holder_name address_line1 address_line2 city state zip
country currency reason receipt_phone receipt_email ] }
submitted_for_settlement authorized partially_submitted_for_settlement
credit partial_refund void refunded settled
FAILURE_STATUS = %w[not_processed failed_by_gateway invalid_track_data authorization_expired]
# The gateway must be configured with Bearer token.
# :api_key PAYARC's Bearer token must be passsed to initialise the gateway.
def initialize(options = {})
requires!(options, :api_key)
# Purchase API through PAYARC.
# :money A positive integer in cents representing how much to charge. The minimum amount is 50c USD.
# :creditcard CreditCard object with card details.
# :options Other information like address, card source etc can be passed in options
# ==== Options
# * :card_source -- Source of payment (REQUIRED) ( INTERNET, SWIPE, PHONE, MAIL, MANUAL )
# * :currency -- Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase (REQUIRED)
# * :card_holder_name --Name of the Card Holder (OPTIONAL)
# * :address_line1 -- Set in payment method's billing address (OPTIONAL)
# * :address_line2 -- Set in payment method's billing address (OPTIONAL)
# * :state -- State (OPTIONAL)
# * :country -- Country (OPTIONAL)
# * :statement_description -- An arbitrary string to be displayed on your costomer's credit card statement. This may be up to 22 characters. (OPTIONAL)
# * :card_level -- Commercial card level - "LEVEL2" OR "LEVEL3" (OPTIONAL)
# * :sales_tax -- A positive integer in cents representing sales tax. (OPTIONAL)
# * :terminal_id -- Optional terminal id. (OPTIONAL)
# * :tip_amount -- A positive integer in cents representing tip amount. (OPTIONAL)
# * :sales_tax -- Applicable for LEVEL2 or LEVEL3 Charge. A positive integer in cents representing sales tax. (REQUIRED for LEVEL2 0r LEVEL3)
# * :purchase_order -- Applicable for Level2 or Level3 Charge. The value used by the customer to identify an order. Issued by the buyer to the seller. (REQUIRED for LEVEL2 0r LEVEL3)
# * :order_date -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 Charge. The date the order was processed. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=10|Allowed format: MM/DD/YYYY For example: 12/01/2016
# * :customer_ref_id -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 Charge. The reference identifier supplied by the Commercial Card cardholder. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=17| a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :ship_to_zip -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 Charge. The postal code for the address to which the goods are being shipped. Format: Alphanumeric |Min Length=2 Max Length=10
# * :amex_descriptor -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only. The value of the Transaction Advice Addendum field, displays descriptive information about a transactions on a customer's AMEX card statement. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=40|a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :supplier_reference_number -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 charge. The value used by the customer to identify an order. Issued by the buyer to the seller.
# * :tax_amount -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The tax amount. Format: Numeric|Max Length=12|Allowed characters: 0-9 .(dot) Note: If a decimal point is included, the amount reflects a dollar value. If a decimal point is not included, the amount reflects a cent value.
# * :tax_category -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The type of tax. Formerly established through TaxCategory messages. Allowed values: SERVICE, DUTY, VAT, ALTERNATE, NATIONAL, TAX_EXEMPT
# * :customer_vat_number -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. Indicates the customer's government assigned tax identification number or the identification number assigned to their purchasing company by the tax authorities. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character|Min Length=0 Max Length=13| a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :summary_commodity_code -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The international description code of the overall goods or services being supplied. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=4|Allowed character: a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :shipping_charges -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The dollar amount for shipping or freight charges applied to a product or transaction. Format: Numeric |Max Length=12|Allowed characters: 0-9 .(dot) Note: If a decimal point is included, the amount reflects a dollar value. If a decimal point is not included, the amount reflects a cent value.
# * :duty_charges -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. Indicates the total charges for any import or export duties included in the order. Format: Numeric |Max Length=12|Allowed characters: 0-9 . (dot) Note: If a decimal point is included, the amount reflects a dollar value. If a decimal point is not included, the amount reflects a cent value.
# * :ship_from_zip -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The postal code for the address to which the goods are being shipped. Format: Alphanumeric |Min Length=2 Max Length=10
# * :destination_country_code -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The destination country code indicator. Format: Alphanumeric.
# * :tax_type -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The type of tax. For example, VAT, NATIONAL, Service Tax. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character
# * :vat_invoice -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The Value Added Tax (VAT) invoice number associated with the transaction. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=15|Allowed character: a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :tax_rate -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The type of tax rate. This field is used if taxCategory is not used. Default sale tax rate in percentage Must be between 0.1% - 22% ,Applicable only Level 2 AutoFill. Format: Decimal Number |Max Length=4|Allowed characters: 0-9 .(dot) Allowed range: 0.01 - 100
# * :email -- Customer's email address sent with payment method.
def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {})
options[:capture] = 1 do |r|
r.process { token(creditcard, options) }
r.process { charge(money, r.authorization, options) }
# Authorize the payment API through PAYARC.
# :money A positive integer in cents representing how much to charge. The minimum amount is 50c USD.
# :creditcard CreditCard object with card details.
# :options Other information like address, card source etc can be passed in options
# ==== Options
# * :card_source -- Source of payment (REQUIRED) ( INTERNET, SWIPE, PHONE, MAIL, MANUAL )
# * :currency -- Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase (REQUIRED)
# * :card_holder_name --Name of the Card Holder (OPTIONAL)
# * :address_line1 -- Set in payment method's billing address (OPTIONAL)
# * :address_line2 -- Set in payment method's billing address (OPTIONAL)
# * :state -- State (OPTIONAL)
# * :country -- Country (OPTIONAL)
# * :statement_description -- An arbitrary string to be displayed on your costomer's credit card statement. This may be up to 22 characters. (OPTIONAL)
# * :card_level -- Commercial card level - "LEVEL2" OR "LEVEL3" (OPTIONAL)
# * :sales_tax -- A positive integer in cents representing sales tax. (OPTIONAL)
# * :terminal_id -- Optional terminal id. (OPTIONAL)
# * :tip_amount -- A positive integer in cents representing tip amount. (OPTIONAL)
# * :sales_tax -- Applicable for LEVEL2 or LEVEL3 Charge. A positive integer in cents representing sales tax. (REQUIRED for LEVEL2 0r LEVEL3)
# * :purchase_order -- Applicable for Level2 or Level3 Charge. The value used by the customer to identify an order. Issued by the buyer to the seller. (REQUIRED for LEVEL2 0r LEVEL3)
# * :order_date -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 Charge. The date the order was processed. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=10|Allowed format: MM/DD/YYYY For example: 12/01/2016
# * :customer_ref_id -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 Charge. The reference identifier supplied by the Commercial Card cardholder. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=17| a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :ship_to_zip -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 Charge. The postal code for the address to which the goods are being shipped. Format: Alphanumeric |Min Length=2 Max Length=10
# * :amex_descriptor -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only. The value of the Transaction Advice Addendum field, displays descriptive information about a transactions on a customer's AMEX card statement. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=40|a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :supplier_reference_number -- Applicable for Level2 Charge for AMEX card only or Level3 charge. The value used by the customer to identify an order. Issued by the buyer to the seller.
# * :tax_amount -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The tax amount. Format: Numeric|Max Length=12|Allowed characters: 0-9 .(dot) Note: If a decimal point is included, the amount reflects a dollar value. If a decimal point is not included, the amount reflects a cent value.
# * :tax_category -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The type of tax. Formerly established through TaxCategory messages. Allowed values: SERVICE, DUTY, VAT, ALTERNATE, NATIONAL, TAX_EXEMPT
# * :customer_vat_number -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. Indicates the customer's government assigned tax identification number or the identification number assigned to their purchasing company by the tax authorities. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character|Min Length=0 Max Length=13| a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :summary_commodity_code -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The international description code of the overall goods or services being supplied. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=4|Allowed character: a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :shipping_charges -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The dollar amount for shipping or freight charges applied to a product or transaction. Format: Numeric |Max Length=12|Allowed characters: 0-9 .(dot) Note: If a decimal point is included, the amount reflects a dollar value. If a decimal point is not included, the amount reflects a cent value.
# * :duty_charges -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. Indicates the total charges for any import or export duties included in the order. Format: Numeric |Max Length=12|Allowed characters: 0-9 . (dot) Note: If a decimal point is included, the amount reflects a dollar value. If a decimal point is not included, the amount reflects a cent value.
# * :ship_from_zip -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The postal code for the address to which the goods are being shipped. Format: Alphanumeric |Min Length=2 Max Length=10
# * :destination_country_code -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The destination country code indicator. Format: Alphanumeric.
# * :tax_type -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The type of tax. For example, VAT, NATIONAL, Service Tax. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character
# * :vat_invoice -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The Value Added Tax (VAT) invoice number associated with the transaction. Format: Alphanumeric and Special Character |Min Length=0 Max Length=15|Allowed character: a-z A-Z 0-9 Space <>
# * :tax_rate -- Applicable for Level3 Charge. The type of tax rate. This field is used if taxCategory is not used. Default sale tax rate in percentage Must be between 0.1% - 22% ,Applicable only Level 2 AutoFill. Format: Decimal Number |Max Length=4|Allowed characters: 0-9 .(dot) Allowed range: 0.01 - 100
# * :email -- Customer's email address.
def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {})
options[:capture] = '0' do |r|
r.process { token(creditcard, options) }
r.process { charge(money, r.authorization, options) }
# Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge.
# This is the second half of the two-step payment flow, where first you created / authorized a charge
# with the capture option set to false.
# :money A positive integer in cents representing how much to charge. The minimum amount is 50c USD.
# :tx_reference charge_id from previously created / authorized a charge
# :options Other information like address, card source etc can be passed in options
def capture(money, tx_reference, options = {})
post = {}
add_money(post, money, options)
action = "#{STANDARD_ACTIONS[:capture][:end_point]}/#{tx_reference}/capture"
post = filter_gateway_fields(post, options, STANDARD_ACTIONS[:capture][:allowed_fields])
commit(action, post)
# Voids the transaction / charge.
# :tx_reference charge_id from previously created charge
# :options Other information like address, card source etc can be passed in options
# ==== Options
# * :reason -- Reason for voiding transaction (REQUIRED) ( requested_by_customer, duplicate, fraudulent, other )
def void(tx_reference, options = {})
post = {}
post['reason'] = options[:reason]
action = STANDARD_ACTIONS[:void][:end_point].gsub(/{{chargeID}}/, tx_reference)
post = filter_gateway_fields(post, options, STANDARD_ACTIONS[:void][:allowed_fields])
commit(action, post)
# Refund full / partial payment of an successful charge / capture / purchase.
# :money A positive integer in cents representing how much to charge. The minimum amount is 50c USD.
# :tx_reference charge_id from previously created / authorized a charge
# :options Other information like address, card source etc can be passed in options
def refund(money, tx_reference, options = {})
post = {}
add_money(post, money, options)
action = STANDARD_ACTIONS[:refund][:end_point].gsub(/{{charge_id}}/, tx_reference)
post = filter_gateway_fields(post, options, STANDARD_ACTIONS[:refund][:allowed_fields])
commit(action, post)
def credit(money, creditcard, options = {})
post = {}
add_money(post, money, options)
add_creditcard(post, creditcard, options)
add_address(post, options)
add_phone(post, options)
post['receipt_email'] = options[:email] if options[:email]
action = STANDARD_ACTIONS[:credit][:end_point]
post = filter_gateway_fields(post, options, STANDARD_ACTIONS[:credit][:allowed_fields])
commit(action, post)
# Verify the creditcard API through PAYARC.
# :creditcard CreditCard object with card details.
# :options Other information like address, card source etc can be passed in options
# ==== Options
# * :card_source -- Source of payment (REQUIRED) ( INTERNET, SWIPE, PHONE, MAIL, MANUAL )
# * :card_holder_name --Name of the Card Holder (OPTIONAL)
# * :address_line1 -- Set in payment method's billing address (OPTIONAL)
# * :address_line2 -- Set in payment method's billing address (OPTIONAL)
# * :state -- State (OPTIONAL)
# * :country -- Country (OPTIONAL)
def verify(creditcard, options = {})
token(creditcard, options)
def token(creditcard, options = {})
post = {}
post['authorize_card'] = 1
post['card_source'] = options[:card_source]
add_creditcard(post, creditcard, options)
add_address(post, options)
post = filter_gateway_fields(post, options, STANDARD_ACTIONS[:token][:allowed_fields])
commit(STANDARD_ACTIONS[:token][:end_point], post)
def supports_scrubbing? #:nodoc:
def scrub(transcript)
gsub(%r((Authorization: Bearer )[^\s]+\s)i, '\1[FILTERED]\2').
gsub(%r((&?card_number=)[^&]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]').
gsub(%r((&?cvv=)[^&]*)i, '\1[BLANK]')
def charge(money, authorization, options = {})
post = {}
post['token_id'] = authorization
post['capture'] = options[:capture] || 1
add_money(post, money, options)
add_phone(post, options)
post = filter_gateway_fields(post, options, STANDARD_ACTIONS[:capture][:allowed_fields])
commit(STANDARD_ACTIONS[:capture][:end_point], post)
def add_creditcard(post, creditcard, options)
post['card_number'] = creditcard.number
post['exp_month'] = format(creditcard.month, :two_digits)
post['exp_year'] = creditcard.year
post['cvv'] = creditcard.verification_value unless creditcard.verification_value.nil?
post['card_holder_name'] = options[:card_holder_name] || "#{creditcard.first_name} #{creditcard.last_name}"
def add_address(post, options)
return unless billing_address = options[:billing_address]
post['address_line1'] = billing_address[:address1]
post['address_line2'] = billing_address[:address2]
post['city'] = billing_address[:city]
post['state'] = billing_address[:state]
post['zip'] = billing_address[:zip]
post['country'] = billing_address[:country]
def add_phone(post, options)
post['phone_number'] = options[:billing_address][:phone] if options.dig(:billing_address, :phone)
def add_money(post, money, options)
post['amount'] = money
post['currency'] = currency(money) unless options[:currency]
post['statement_description'] = options[:statement_description]
def headers(api_key)
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + api_key.strip,
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'User-Agent' => "PayArc ActiveMerchantBindings/#{ActiveMerchant::VERSION}"
def parse(body)
rescue JSON::ParserError
def filter_gateway_fields(post, options, gateway_fields)
filtered_options = options.slice(*gateway_fields).compact
def commit(action, parameters)
url = (test? ? test_url : live_url)
headers = headers(@options[:api_key])
end_point = "#{url}/#{action}"
response = ssl_post(end_point, post_data(parameters), headers)
parsed_response = parse(response)
success_from(parsed_response, action),
message_from(parsed_response, action),
test: test?,
authorization: parse_response_id(parsed_response),
error_code: error_code_from(parsed_response, action)
rescue ResponseError => e
parsed_response = parse(e.response.body)
message_from(parsed_response, action),
test: test?,
authorization: nil,
error_code: error_code_from(parsed_response, action)
def success_from(response, action)
if action == STANDARD_ACTIONS[:token][:end_point]
token = parse_response_id(response)
(!token.nil? && !token.empty?)
elsif response
return SUCCESS_STATUS.include? response['data']['status'] if response['data']
def message_from(response, action)
if success_from(response, action)
if action == STANDARD_ACTIONS[:token][:end_point]
return response['data']['id']
return response['data']['status']
return response['message']
def parse_response_id(response)
response['data']['id'] if response && response['data']
def post_data(params) { |k, v| "#{k}=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&')
def error_code_from(response, action)
response['status_code'] unless success_from(response, action)