require "rbconfig" case RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] when /^mingw/ windows = true when /^darwin/ macos = true end if not windows puts "The Gosu gem requires some libraries to be installed system-wide." puts "See the following wiki page for a list:" if macos puts "" else puts "" end end require "mkmf" require "fileutils" # Ensure that FFI functions are exported. $CXXFLAGS << " -DGOSU_FFI_EXPORTS" # Silence internal deprecation warnings in Gosu. $CXXFLAGS << " -DGOSU_DEPRECATED=" # Disable assertions in C and C++ code. $CFLAGS << " -DNDEBUG" $CXXFLAGS << " -DNDEBUG" # Enable C++20, but at the same time make the compiler more permissive, and avoid this error: # (triggered by ruby.h, which uses register variables) # The "register" macro can be removed when support for Ruby 2.6 and older has been dropped. $CXXFLAGS << " -std=gnu++20 -Dregister=" # Make Gosu's own header files and all of its dependencies available to C++ source files. %w(include dependencies/stb dependencies/utf8proc dependencies/SDL_sound dependencies/mojoAL/AL).each do |incdir| $INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/../../#{incdir}" end # We statically compile utf8proc into the Gosu binary. # This macro is required on Windows to avoid errors about dllexport/dllimport mismatches. # On other platforms, it might help us avoid unnecessarily exported symbols. $CFLAGS << " -DUTF8PROC_STATIC -DAL_LIBTYPE_STATIC" $CXXFLAGS << " -DUTF8PROC_STATIC -DAL_LIBTYPE_STATIC" if windows # Use the bundled version of SDL 2. $INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/../../dependencies/SDL/include" if RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"] =~ /x64-/ $LDFLAGS << " -L$(srcdir)/../../dependencies/SDL/lib/x64" else $LDFLAGS << " -L$(srcdir)/../../dependencies/SDL/lib/x86" end $LDFLAGS << " -lgdi32 -lwinmm -ldwmapi -lOpenGL32 -lSDL2" # Link libstdc++ statically to avoid having another DLL dependency when using Ocra. $LDFLAGS << " -static-libstdc++" elsif macos # Compile all C++ files as Objective C++ on macOS since mkmf does not support .mm files. $CXXFLAGS << " -x objective-c++ -fobjc-arc" # Also hide all symbols by default. FFI symbols use the GOSU_FFI_API macro to override this. $CXXFLAGS << " -fvisibility=hidden -DGOSU_FFI_EXPORTS" # Explicitly specify libc++ as the standard library. # rvm will sometimes try to override this: # $CXXFLAGS << " -stdlib=libc++" # Disable an error that is enabled by default and prevents Gosu from building with universal Ruby: # / $CXXFLAGS << " -Wno-reserved-user-defined-literal" # Dependencies. $CFLAGS << " #{`sdl2-config --cflags`.chomp}" $CXXFLAGS << " #{`sdl2-config --cflags`.chomp}" # Prefer statically linking SDL 2. $LDFLAGS << " #{`sdl2-config --static-libs`.chomp} -framework OpenGL -framework Metal" # And yet another hack: `sdl2-config --static-libs` uses `-lSDL2` instead of linking to the static library, # even if it exists. -> Manually replace it. (Ugh!) static_lib = if RbConfig::CONFIG["target_cpu"] == "arm64" "/opt/homebrew/opt/sdl2/lib/libSDL2.a" else "/usr/local/lib/libSDL2.a" end $LDFLAGS.sub! " -lSDL2 ", " #{static_lib} " if File.exist? static_lib # Disable building of 32-bit slices in Apple's Ruby. # (RbConfig::CONFIG['CXXFLAGS'] on macOS 10.11: -arch x86_64 -arch i386 -g -Os -pipe) $CFLAGS.gsub! "-arch i386", "" $CXXFLAGS.gsub! "-arch i386", "" $LDFLAGS.gsub! "-arch i386", "" $ARCH_FLAG.gsub! "-arch i386", "" CONFIG["LDSHARED"].gsub! "-arch i386", "" else if /BCM2708/ =~ `cat /proc/cpuinfo` $INCFLAGS << " -I/opt/vc/include/GLES" $INCFLAGS << " -I/opt/vc/include" $LDFLAGS << " -L/opt/vc/lib" $LDFLAGS << " -lGLESv1_CM" $CFLAGS << " -DGOSU_IS_OPENGLES" $CXXFLAGS << " -DGOSU_IS_OPENGLES" else pkg_config "gl" end pkg_config "sdl2" pkg_config "fontconfig" end # mkmf only looks for C/C++ files in $srcdir by default, but our source files are in other folders. Dir.chdir($srcdir) do # (not needed when installing the gem, but for 'rake compile') $srcs = Dir["../../dependencies/**/*.c"] + Dir["../../{src,ffi}/*.cpp"] # We need to expand the $VPATH so that all source files can be found reliably. $VPATH += $ { |src| "$(srcdir)/#{File.dirname(src)}" }.uniq end create_makefile "gosu-ffi"