# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path('../../watirspec_helper', __FILE__) describe 'Preferences' do before :all do @prefs = browser.preferences end describe '#new' do it 'constructs a new instance' do @prefs.should exist @prefs.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences end end describe '#each' do it 'contains a list of entries' do @prefs.each do |p| p.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end end end describe '#length' do it 'has a valid length' do @prefs.length.should be_kind_of Integer end it 'has several sections' do @prefs.length.should > 10 end it 'responds to alias #size' do @prefs.size.should == @prefs.length end end describe '#first' do it 'is a valid entry' do @prefs.first.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end it 'is a section' do @prefs.first.should be_section end it 'has a key' do @prefs.first.key.should_not be_empty end it 'has a method' do @prefs.first.method.should match /^([a-z_]+)/ end end describe '#last' do it 'is a valid entry' do @prefs.last.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end it 'is a section' do @prefs.last.should be_section end it 'has a key' do @prefs.last.key.should_not be_empty end it 'has a method' do @prefs.last.method.should match /^([a-z_]+)/ end end describe '#empty?' do it 'returns a valid type' do @prefs.empty?.should be_kind_of FalseClass end it 'is not empty' do @prefs.should_not be_empty end end describe '#to_s' do before :all do @string = @prefs.to_s end it 'returns a string' do @string.should be_kind_of String end it 'contains sections' do @string.should match /^([a-z_]+)/ end it 'contains keys' do @string.should match /^\s{2}([a-z_]+)/ end it 'contains values' do @string.should match /^\s{4}value:.+\"(.+)\"/ end it 'contains defaults' do @string.should match /^\s{4}default:.+\"(.+)\"/ end end describe '#to_a' do before :all do @array = @prefs.to_a end it 'returns an array' do @array.should be_kind_of Array end it 'returns entries of the type Preference::Entry' do @array[0].should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end it 'has several entries' do @array.size > 10 end it 'contains keys' do @array[0].key.should_not be_empty @array[0].method.should match /([a-z_]+)/ end end describe 'Section' do # Preferences::Entry / Preferences#method_missing before :all do @section = @prefs.link end describe '#new' do it 'constructs a new instance' do @section.should exist @section.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end end describe '#parent' do it 'contains the parent class' do @section.parent.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences end end describe '#method' do it 'has a valid method name' do @section.method.should match /([a-z_]+)/ end end describe '#key' do it 'has a key name' do @section.key.should_not be_empty end end describe '#value' do it 'raises exception' do lambda { @section.value }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#value=' do it 'raises exception' do lambda { @section.value = 'hoobaflooba' }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#default' do it 'raises exception' do lambda { @section.default }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#default!' do it 'raises exception' do lambda { @section.default! }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#section?' do it 'returns a valid type' do @section.section?.should be_kind_of TrueClass end it 'is a section' do @section.section?.should be_true end end describe '#exists?' do it 'returns a valid type' do @section.exists?.should be_kind_of TrueClass end it 'exists' do @section.exists?.should be_true end it 'responds to alias #exist?' do @section.exist?.should == @section.exists? end end describe '#each' do it 'contains a list of entries' do @section.each do |k| k.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end end end describe '#length' do it 'has a valid length' do @section.length.should be_kind_of Integer end it 'has one or more keys' do @section.length.should >= 1 end it 'responds alias #size' do @section.size.should == @section.length end end describe '#first' do it 'is a valid entry' do @section.first.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end it 'has a key' do @section.first.key.should_not be_empty end it 'has a key which is not a section' do @section.first.should_not be_section end it 'has a key with a method' do @section.first.method.should match /^([a-z_]+)/ end end describe '#last' do it 'is a valid entry' do @section.last.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end it 'has a key' do @section.last.key.should_not be_empty end it 'is a key which is not section' do @section.last.should_not be_section end it 'has a key with a method' do @section.last.method.should match /^([a-z_]+)/ end end describe '#empty?' do it 'returns a valid type' do @section.empty?.should be_kind_of FalseClass end it 'is not empty' do @section.should_not be_empty end end describe 'Keys' do # Preferences::Entry / Entry#method_missing before :all do @key = @section.expiry end describe '#parent' do it 'contains the parent class' do @key.parent.should be_kind_of OperaWatir::Preferences::Entry end end describe '#method' do it 'has a valid method name' do @key.method.should match /([a-z_]+)/ end end describe '#key' do it 'has a key name' do @section.key.should_not be_empty end end describe '#type' do # TODO # Note that the types aren't proper Ruby objects, but strings. it '`expiry` is a type integer' do @key.type.should include 'Integer' end it '`color` is a type boolean' do @section.color.type.should include 'Boolean' end it '`opera_account.server_address` is a type string' do @prefs.opera_account.server_address.type.should include 'String' end end describe '#value' do it 'returns a valid type' do @key.value.should be_kind_of String end it 'is not empty' do @key.value.should_not be_empty end end describe '#value=' do it 'is changed when set on a string preference' do @key.value = '20' @key.value.should == '20' end it 'is changed when set on an integer preference' do @section.color.value = true @section.color.value.should be_true end it 'has effect in the browser when changed' do @section.strikethrough.value = '1' #true window.url = fixture('../simple.html') window.a.execute_script('this.currentStyle.textDecoration').should include /strike\-through/ end # JRUBY-1127 makes it impossible to unwrap Java exceptions in JRuby. # it 'does not allow setting an invalid value' do # lambda { @section.color.value = 'foo' }.should raise_error NativeException # end after :each do @key.default! @section.color.default! @section.strikethrough.default! end end describe '#default' do it 'returns the default value' do @key.default.should == '10' end end describe '#default!' do before :each do @key.value = '1337' end it 'returns and sets default value' do @key.default!.should == @key.default @key.value.should == @key.default end after :all do @key.default! end end describe '#section?' do it 'returns a valid type' do @key.section?.should be_kind_of FalseClass end it 'is not a section' do @key.section?.should be_false end end describe '#each' do it 'raises error' do lambda { @key.each { |e| } }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#length' do it 'raises error' do lambda { @key.length }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end it 'responds to alias #size' do lambda { @key.size }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#first' do it 'raises error' do lambda { @key.first }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#last' do it 'raises error' do lambda { @key.last }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end describe '#empty?' do it 'raises error' do lambda { @key.empty? }.should raise_error OperaWatir::Exceptions::PreferencesException end end end end describe '#cleanup' do; end # TODO describe '#cleanup!' do; end # TODO after :all do @prefs.cleanup! end end