#require 'rubygems' #require 'eventmachine' require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ansi.rb" require 'json' module Control class TelnetServer < Deferred def initialize(*args) super @input_lock = Mutex.new end def self.start EventMachine::start_server "", 23, TelnetServer System.logger.info 'running telnet server on 23' end def received @input_lock.synchronize { data = @receive_queue.pop(true) if data == "\b" if @input.length > 0 send_data " \b" @input.chop! else send_data " " end elsif data =~ /.*\r\n$/ # # TODO:: For linux we need to chop! twice here # Windows @input is already complete # if @input =~ /^(quit|exit)$/i disconnect return end if @input != "" && !@input.nil? if @selected.nil? if @input =~ /^\d+$/ @selected = Communicator.select(self, @input.to_i) else @selected = Communicator.select(self, @input) end send_line " system #{@input} selected...", :green else thecommand = @input.split(/\s|\./, 3) @input = "" on_fail = lambda { send_line(" invalid command", :green) send_prompt("> ", :green) send_prompt(@input) } if thecommand[0] =~ /register/i @selected.register(self, thecommand[1], thecommand[2], &on_fail) elsif thecommand[0] =~ /unregister/i @selected.unregister(self, thecommand[1], thecommand[2], &on_fail) elsif thecommand[2].nil? @selected.send_command(thecommand[0], thecommand[1], &on_fail) elsif ['{','['].include?(thecommand[2][0]) @selected.send_command(thecommand[0], thecommand[1], JSON.parse(thecommand[2], {:symbolize_names => true}), &on_fail) else @selected.send_command(thecommand[0], thecommand[1], thecommand[2], &on_fail) end send_line " sent...", :green end end send_prompt("> ", :green) @input = "" else #if data =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\., _-]*$/ @input << data end } end def notify(mod_sym, stat_sym, data) send_line("\r\nStatus: #{mod_sym}:#{stat_sym}==#{data}", :green) send_prompt("> ", :green) @input_lock.synchronize { send(@input) if !@input.empty? } end protected def initiate_session @input_lock.synchronize { @input = "" } send_line("Please select from the following systems:", :green) send_line("-----------------------------------------", :green) system = Communicator.system_list system.each_index { |x| send_line(" #{x}: #{system[x]}", :green) } send_prompt("> ", :green) end def disconnect send_line("Goodbye.", :green) close_connection_after_writing end def send_line(data, color=nil) send(data, color, true) end def send_prompt(data, color=nil) send(data, color, false) end def send(data, color=nil, newline=false) if newline data = data + "\r\n" end case color when :red send_data(ANSI.red(data)) when :green send_data(ANSI.green(data)) else send_data(data) end end end end #EventMachine::run { # EventMachine::start_server "", 8080, TelnetServer # puts 'running echo server on 8080' #}