require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/sweat_shop' class JsonSerializerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class UnderTest attr_accessor :name, :address, :city, :state, :zip, :id def ==(other) ![:name, :address, :city, :state, :zip, :id].map{|a| return self.send(a) == other.send(a)}.include?(false) end def self.json_create(params) obj = new for key, value in params next if key == 'json_class' obj.instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value end obj end end def setup @under_test = = 87 = "JsonTest" @under_test.address = "555 Rock Ridge Road" = "Rock Ridge" @under_test.state = "Texas" = "90210" end test "should properly serialize a simple data structure" do dump = SweatShop::Serializers::JsonSerializer.serialize([{:foo => "bar"}, 23, 87, %w{doug cathy connor tommy}]) assert_equal '[{"foo":"bar"},23,87,["doug","cathy","connor","tommy"]]', dump end test "should be able to serialize an arbitrary class" do dump = SweatShop::Serializers::JsonSerializer.serialize(@under_test) assert_equal @under_test, JSON.parse(dump) # deserialize the dump because hash keys are getting set in different order from time to time & making tests fail end test "should be able to deserialize a simple data structure" do assert_equal [{"foo" => "bar"}, 23, 87, %w{doug cathy connor tommy}], SweatShop::Serializers::JsonSerializer.deserialize('[{"foo":"bar"},23,87,["doug","cathy","connor","tommy"]]') end test "should be able to deserialize an arbitrary class" do assert_equal @under_test, SweatShop::Serializers::JsonSerializer.deserialize('{"city":"Rock Ridge","name":"JsonTest","zip":"90210","json_class":"JsonSerializerTest::UnderTest","id":87,"address":"555 Rock Ridge Road","state":"Texas"}') end end