module Archetype::SassExtensions::Styleguide
# check whether or not a component (or a component extension) has already been defined
# *Parameters*:
# - id {String} the component identifier
# - theme {String} the theme to insert the component into
# - extension {String} the name of the extension
# - force {Boolean} if true, forcibly extend the component
# *Returns*:
# - {Boolean} whether or not the component/extension exists
def component_exists(id, theme = nil, extension = nil, force = false)
status = false
theme = get_theme(theme) if not theme.is_a? Hash
id = helpers.to_str(id)
# determine the status of the component
status = (extension.nil?) ? (not theme[:components][id].nil?) : theme[:extensions].include?(extension)
return (status and not force and Compass.configuration.memoize)